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Some differences in approachx2

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Georgeann Muntin <gmuntin wrote:

thank you chris for your quick and helpful reply. Yes

I am sure my attitude could use more trust and

cetainly more reverance ill be more conccious of that.

How I feel the energy or identification with my guide

is at the top of my head when I sort of " talk " or

direct my thoughts to it is like with eyes closed ,

and looking up, a swirling or like someone is fluffing

my hair at the very crown but its not just on the

outside top of my head its like through the top

section of my head as if that part is no longer solid


@@ It is open Georgann. I have put my hand into the top of my head into it. A

strange feeling @@




and the sensation is a dissolving particles moving,

then comes the head shaking in a yes or no BUT its

like there are several or more than one energy that

are there, and I'm not always sure what is connecting

with me.




@@ You have attracted entities. Go to your source and bring much love into your

energy. Ask source to give the entities outside of your k development a healing

and transport elsewhere. Remember the " snake dance " may interfere with

interpretation so go with the feeling, the emotional feelings of what you are

discerning. Not sensations. @@






So just simply based on the fact that you

identified a guide for me as being named gloria,




@@ Barbara also saw her at almost the exact same time @@





will say that name as a way of focusing the energy and

intent like this question is only for you. Often I get

an immediate shaking of the head but then recently

with more often now i feel like another energy comes

(the dissolving sensation has a differnt quality)and

then comes a differnt answer then the first.




@@ How does the integrity of the answer feel to you? @@





I also almost always feel a pulsing moving around my

body and its that energy which makes my hands rise

above my head in prayer hands resting on my skull off

center of the top, and it makes me sway in circles

like i described, i sort of think of that as the K



@@ Snake Dance @@






and the other energy well I was hoping it was

my guide but you know i don't really know.




@@ Within the Kundalini, guidance can take forms we are not immediately aware

of. You have more practice to do. Clear the entities and communicate with

source. @@






Like you

said what is my intent, well I think based on our last

workshop was to try and listen to my guide(s)

something I have not done and this was a way I thought

I was doing that.




@@ As per the seminar, utilizing the safeties and doing the practice daily. The

Diamond body was and is a protection against itinerant unwanted communications.

That you havent used it doesn't mean you will now be plagued with problems just

begin to use it. You remember what was involved and please keep this private for

the seminars. @@






My overwall intent is to become

stronger and clearer in the knowing of that phrase

" Lord make me a messanger of thy peace. " and what it

is to be that in an everyday everywhere sense.




@@ Then so shall you be. Its not a cakewalk though, so be advised that

challenges will present. A friend of mine decided one day to go into Southeast

Asia and help the people suffering from the tyrannies of dictatorship. A medical

man he soon realized that some challenges are too strong to be solved all at

once and that a more protracted and determined course of actions was necessary.

Which he took up with success. This quality of challenge can and does approach

the areas of Kundalini. @@






I hear

you say go right to the higher source and I will focus

more on that in my meditaitons. I will work with the

diamond, i must admit i have not used it and even have

forgotten about it. I am not sure i even remember who

was where or exactly how it goes. I have the notes

though somewhere from the questions you asked me .




@@ Yes. Write me offlist if you need refreshment. @@





for picking a favorite divinity, i guess there don't

have as much clarity as I could have, my buddhist

practice for the last 14 or so years has steeped me in

that tradition and practice but my christian roots

have a familiaity to it that is also powerful. My

recent studies of esoteric use the chirst

concciousness as descending and my bent is to include

and recognize a wide variety of images. Right now I am

using the christian symbology and energy






@@ Before my Kundalini awakened I had a dream where I was shown a Giant Buddha

sitting across from a Giant Virgin Mary with the Christ child. Almost like they

were a family. I have always found that an attractive message and a very deep







but I am

uncomfortable with using the " big guns " saints and

christ like its presumptious or something, and hey i

know thats my problem and a place where I can do some





@@ Christ is comfortable with being a brother. As are the saints, sisters and

brothers all! They know that we are them. We need to realize that as well. @@








I have though been very inspired recently though

by how it seems to be working thorugh me, I'm feeling

less highs and lows, and have been getting feedback

that people seem to be expressing receivng benefit

from being with me. (the energy coming through me)




@@ Yes a common and wonderful K trait. love chrism @@




Diane thank you for your response your experinece of

working with the divine in your life and I am sure I

would find interesting if you care to share you

experiences. What type of healing methodlogy do you



thanks for the responses











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