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I do a more embellished version of that estoric

excercise now, almost everyday, The one I gave in the

previous email is what one does before you offer a

healing to a client, because of course it contains the

client's energy in the practice, Its suppose to allign

you with the higher energies and to get you out of

your personality. And then you say may this healing be

offered in harmony with the person's soul. or

something to that effedt. Baily's work was a

channeling from DK the tibetian. When I studied

Tibetian buddhism I found it interesting that one of

their exercises is to imagine the buddha or deity

above your crown and bring the energy down into your

hearta center also. I think so many practices in their

own way are preparing people.By exercising in a way

this main channel or connected it to higher energies.

In Jin shin something else I do everyday (almost) is

something called the Main Central. Mary Burmeister

said if you do it every day for 7 years you won't have

any attitudes! lol, which to me means that you will be

alligned with the divine and your personality which

loves to cop an attitude just to feel itself will be

in service to the divine. You put your right hand at

the top of your head. (most easily done laying down)

and put your left hand on your third eye, waiting for

a pulsing, then waiting for it to even and balance out

in the two hands in quality and force. Then move your

left hand from third eye to nose, then to middle of

breast bone between the breasts (or at my age of 54

theoretically where you breasts should be,) then to

bottome of sternum, then to pubic bone. At each move

you wait for it to balance with the hand which has

remained on the crown, then last step with left hand

on pubic bone, move right hand to coxyic and hold. I

have done this for many years each morning like an

energetic vitamin before I get out of bed, then if I

have time I get up and sit and meditate doing an

esoteric meditation where I start with the base center

and ask for balance in the physical etheric, then the

emotional, then the mental, and procede up the centers

to the crown. I include between the throat and the


another center mentioned in Bailey called the Alta

Major which is at the back of the occipatal bone, sort

of like the high throat center and it balances the

personality among other things. In Esoteric it is a

activation of the Crown/pineal with the Ajna/pituitary

with the Alta Major/cortoaid (not found in traditional

anatomy) that sets up a energy triangle which opens

for the higher energies. I have been pretty consistent

and serious about practicing this for the last couple

of years, making it a priority. Even still I must

admit I had no idea that i would lead to a K

activation and what that has felt like. You know the

disciple we just go merrily along practicing the

instructions till WHAM. then I was floundering around.

so Chris I have appreciated more than you know your

help during that time and to the present. I have

contacted a couple other shaktipa prationers and

attended their semars before and after meeting you. as

I am ever the student who needs to hear the same

thing from different perspectives. Both were by

practioners who seemed very sincere and accomplished

but their methods were really embeded in Indian and

Asian tradition. And I found it more focused on

activation and it was hard to get answers in that

straightforward American type of way that we are. so

to find and American who will just cut to the chase

with some advice and insight coupled with perception

and goodwill was a life saver. and I thand you againh.




--- chrism <> wrote:


> You did that every day? What a great headstart into

> the K! All that preparation but no help when the K

> comes up. hmmm. I like what you write about the Jin

> Shin and the way you bring the K into that is quite

> nice and quite effective too. I hope things continue

> on your path, rich with facinations and discovery. -

> chrism




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]








Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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Hello Georgann,

Thank you for the kind words. As I was reading your post

a book came to mind. This book, is.. well a channeled book by an individual

supposedly channeling DK. For those of you who don't know who DK is he is the

Tibetan entity Alice Bailey received her information from. Dwal Khul. Might have

spelled it wrong but its close. The guys name is Michio Sankey PhD and he is an

acupuncturist. I had some very uncomfortable experiences following his

advice(s). Partly because of my impatience. Probably mostly. Have you heard of

him? I hesitate to mention the book here as I do NOT want folks to run out and

buy it. There are dangers on this K path and this is one of them. How do you

feel about the DK phenomenon? As your K is running strong, have you attempted

contact? I'm not suggesting that you do, just curious if you have. - chrism







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I have never heard of anyone else channeling DK. my

feeling is that if DK wanted to contact me, he would

and I dont feel enough of a connection with him

personally to seek him out. You know I'm not a big

channeller fan in general, like I say im more the

disciple, and I am probably the least comfortable with

channelled material to rely on than I am say oh

traditions tried and tested through the years. Having

said that I do accept channelling as valid and I value

Baileys work because of its breadth and detail and how

it is so authentic even in its presentation. that dry

sort of catagorizing and numbering, I was shocked when

I started studying Tibetian buddism and found it

presented in the same way, lists upon lists! lol not

the Zen way for sure. No I haven't attempted contact

with anyone other than Gloria and general basic Divine

Energies and some entities that have slipped in that I

am working on disconnecting from




--- chrism <> wrote:


> Hello Georgann,

> Thank you for the kind

> words. As I was reading your post a book came to

> mind. This book, is.. well a channeled book by an

> individual supposedly channeling DK. For those of

> you who don't know who DK is he is the Tibetan

> entity Alice Bailey received her information from.

> Dwal Khul. Might have spelled it wrong but its

> close. The guys name is Michio Sankey PhD and he is

> an acupuncturist. I had some very uncomfortable

> experiences following his advice(s). Partly because

> of my impatience. Probably mostly. Have you heard of

> him? I hesitate to mention the book here as I do NOT

> want folks to run out and buy it. There are dangers

> on this K path and this is one of them. How do you

> feel about the DK phenomenon? As your K is running

> strong, have you attempted contact? I'm not

> suggesting that you do, just curious if you have. -

> chrism






> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







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