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chris/astral guidance

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--- chrism <> wrote:


> Chris in reference to your question about quidance

in the astral plane. no I don't consider myself able

to relaibly accesss guidance in the astral plane, What

I have been working on though per vitvan's instruction

to become increasingly aware of the vibrations that

effect you and the centers that they effect. I have

developed increasing sensitivity to being able to feel

and become aware of vibrations of people places

actions etc. and of my emotions, thoughts, and

phsicality. under the instructions that one needs to

be able to control or not be the unaware slave to ones

three vehicles, physical, emotional and mental. So no

i dont have guidance, yes I have been working with

these planes consciously for the last year.

not sure if we are talking about the same thing but

like I say from the disciple vs the mystic viewpoint,

or if having guidance is specifically in those releams

is a completely different thing. I have at great times

of energitic stress sort of stumbled into solutions

that have helped me, but that kind of guidance is not

one in which I am in direct or reliable contact.





> I have only had this list for a short time. In that

> short time I have had the pleasure of experiencing

> some of the energy coming through. From those

> seriously interested in the Kundalini energy, to

> those activated and sometimes the approaching

> awakened. This is to all the above.


> Lunar eclipses do have an effect upon the human

> psyche, there is no doubt. The Kundalini person is

> different. Depending upon the state of the awakening

> and the degree of surrender by the individual, The K

> person can easily ride a lunar eclipse even though

> the amplification is present. As we have had and

> many of those within the K activity will have felt a

> bit accelerated. Its not so much the eclipse as it

> is the blending of amplification upon amplification.




> Clearly the Kundalini is a causative agent and the

> subsequent symptoms of imbalance are composed of the

> energetic responses of the person with the

> Kundalini, to find equilibrium with the

> manifestations. I also have had to do this. Once you

> think you have found stability, then things start

> happening constantly that defy science - to be sure

> - and most other spiritist or new age or other

> experiences based upon even the newest current

> thought.There come moments when the energetic

> Kundalini, expressing cranial pressures,

> accompanied by electrical outages (classical

> Kundalini) and other phenomena such as

> psychokinesis, Divine communication, heat variations

> across the physical instrument, that it can all add

> up very fast, with the speed of a meth addict, and

> begin to feel as if that equilibrium was nothing

> more then a grain of sand in a whirlwind. Which is

> true.




> What the grain of sand is to the whirlwind we are,

> in the presence of the Kundalini, a grain of sand in

> a hurricane. Inside and out. Most of the time for a

> period of time. Until the mental, emotional,and

> physical adjustments are made. The Spiritual will

> come on its own.




> To not move the Kundalini as it expresses itself

> within is to try and bottle up or contain that

> hurricane and by so doing causing tremendous forces

> to sweep the environment around us. Allowing our

> emotions and thoughts physical manifestation even

> for that instant. If these emotions and thoughts are

> hurtful or destructive then those qualities can be

> reflected in the physical realtime upon ourselves

> and our loved ones, friends and even strangers.




> As happened to me when my mother made a

> particularly hurtful comment about the Kundalini,

> referring to it as snake oil, and even though this

> did not bother me after a moment it did at first and

> wham! That set things in motion and in a house far

> from snakes 2 baby rattler snakes appeared under her

> desk and behind the computers. Scaring the hell out

> of everyone. To say I focus on good thoughts these

> days is an understatement - as many who read this

> list would probably wish I would shut-up already.




> This is why I strongly suggest moving the energy.

> And moving it in a way that is helpful and healing

> and worthy of the one who is approaching the

> outskirts of ascendancy. Best wishes to all - c
















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> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







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Yes Georgann I really cant recommend this persons treatments as they are subject

to the programming one is engaged in. This is the genesis of the programming

aspect of the safeties. - love and sparks - chrism








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