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georgeann, vitvan

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Hi Georgeann,

I understand exactly how you found vitvan! That's how things come

to Me. It's going to take me a few weeks to get thru the books that I

have committed to reading first, but now I'm anxious to get to

Christos. I did read his biography, and was really interested in the


As per one of your comments in an earlier post....and, by the

way, thank you for the jin shin exercises that you posted.....I

maintain that my breasts are where they have always been......my

nipples, however, being of more adventurous nature, have taken up an

expedition to explore the southern hemisphere, with a goal to reach

it some time during this lifetime.....the fact that they are

connected to my breasts is unfortunate, but unavoidable. My breasts

have been very accomodating in allowing my nipples the

extra....ummm.... " space " ....they desire in their quest for new

regions. They really have a close relationship....who am I to

interfere with their agreement with each other? (I'm just glad they

all get along) Ha!

Oh....and Georgeann....no need to Ever apologize for being long

winded with me.....I can't seem to make Any story short!! Blessings,





, Georgeann

Muntin <gmuntin> wrote:


> Hi renee

> I think the Christos is a good place to start with him

> along with his short and easy to read bio. It's sort

> of strange how I found out about him.(this is the long

> answer as i have my feet up and ready to tell a story

> on my laptop so I apologize for its non brevity) I

> had had this strong urge for several years to go to

> Great Basin National Park on the Utah/Nevada border,

> very remote, has the oldest living beings on the

> planet, trees 2,500-5000 years old called bristlecone.

> One time I got within a few miles of the place and

> turned around an went in another direction. But in

> 2003 I was stressed out big time from my job, I took a

> 2 month leave of absence, packed my camping gear and

> headed for the park, with a I don't know why I just

> have to go there but I do attitude. Just when you get

> to the entrance of the park there is this sign that

> says > School of Natural order and it points down a

> dirt road that goes off into the high desert foot

> hills. After I had camped in the park awhile and got

> to know some people in Baker Arizona the closest town,

> well actually its 2 bar restaraunts and a gasstation ,

> I asked them what was that school about. They said

> well its some religious commune, some guy called

> vitvan, and when i would ask well what kind of

> religion, they would hem and haw and couldnt really

> say, but they all said oh just drive up there they

> wont mind. Myself being a little commune suspicious I

> really wasnt going to go up there, but then one

> evening as i was leaving the gasstation laundrymat, at

> dusk, this guy comes up to me and says he is a

> professional photographer and would like to take some

> pictures of my car. (I had made it into an

> artcar,painted and glued stuff on it> he said he was

> traveling through from the East Coast and saw my car

> in the gas station and wanted to shoot it, but since

> there was not enough light how about tomorrow. I say

> sure and he says well Im staying at the Home Farm, why

> don't you just come over there. So I did, I went down

> that old road, past jack rabbits and a guy walking a

> three legged dog, to this little oais of big trees and

> grassy lawn, some really old buildings of stone, a

> central building house with a porch, and up around it

> other buildings and trailers. We decide to shoot My

> car, way back on the property in a place where it

> seems people had dumped old rusted vehicles for

> decades. Afterwards I met the interesting assortment

> of people who live there and they told me about

> vitvan, very low key. this was his ranch, the last

> place he lived and taught and died and was buried on

> the land. they basically live there and send out his

> books and tapes to people who request them Most people

> have other jobs, they work at the state park or at the

> local school or restarurant. they eat together twice a

> week, have a meditation each night and plan a couple

> of workshops in the summer. I bought a couple of his

> books from them, the Christos was one, and went back

> to my campsite. I stayed at great Basin for almost 2

> months, and once or twice a week I would go back up to

> the home farm. i offered them Jin shin treatments,

> hung out, and shared some meals. I kept reading more

> and more and it just resonated with me. sometimes

> after reading a particular part i would just stop and

> applaud. I was very interested to find such an

> American Master. I had already also discovered Peace

> Pilgrim, another American Master and Vitvan was so

> untraditional, a very manly backwoods sort of guy. I

> continued reading his work until I read everything he

> had published, and then I began listening to his

> tapes. He really broke things down in a very clear way

> I felt, and while my Kundalini awakening is a result

> of all my varied paths, it was really practicing

> vitvan that I feel had the strongest influence. I

> would also suggest if you are still interested after

> Christos his book one two and three of lessons. I

> found those the most helpful of his writings. When I

> got back from my 2 moths in big basin, i quit my job

> of Director that I had had for 16 years, sat a number

> of silent retreats, and bought a small rv which is

> where i live, and where i am sitting right now, (in

> the commuter parking lot at an exit off the freeway by

> san rafael california.) I have now listenend to almost

> all of his tapes and am going through them a second

> time. He continues to guide me through his work as do

> some of the people he recommended reading such as Shri

> Aurobindo. when I listen to these tapes, recorded in

> the 1950s, I am amazed at the things he is telling his

> students. I mean this is pre woman's lib, civil rights

> in its infancy, almost nothing but a traditional

> christian influence, very little eastern thought had

> made it into america, and hes teaching energy centers

> and " new age " school of wisdom. I think after getting

> a basic understanding of him from the Christos and the

> three books of lessons, his tapes really convey his

> teachings because you can hear his emphasis and his

> laugh and stories and that he is not talking about his

> beliefs but rather what he is experiencing himself.

> but I have not found many people who have read him

> even in a spiritually varried place like the San

> Franciso Bay area, If you or anyone finds him

> interesting enough i certainly would be open to some

> kind of dialogue around his books. Anyway

> thats the I apologize for such a long answer answer!

> georgeann

> --- reneedots <reneedots> wrote:


> > Hi.....was it Georgeann who was mentioning Vitvan?

> > I spend quite

> > awhile reading in his website. What an interesting

> > fellow! When I get

> > thru reading the small mountain of books that I've

> > committed myself to,

> > I will most likely order his Christos. I never knew

> > that he even

> > existed, where did you find him? Renee

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >





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