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Seminar experiences

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Hi Everyone,

I thought I would post some thoughts on my seminar experiences.

After we booked a hotel room for the trip, and we were for sure

going, I dreamed that I was helping someone move. My mind was telling

me this was a trailer, but the rooms were huge. The other helpers

were taking small pieces out of boxes and putting them away. I

decided that I wasn't going to do that. There was a big chest that

needed to go to the master bedroom. I picked it up and carried it


To get to the master bedroom, I had to walk out of the house and

thru a courtyard to a room that was still connected to the house. I

found out that it was huge, with a large bed that was on a raised

platform, like it was an island. There was a fake plastic, blue,

stream running thru the room, that I could walk on. It was meant to

have water running over top of it, but the water had been turned off,

as the room had been vacant for some time.

There were two or three adult green ducks on the stream. I stepped

on it and stamped my feet, trying to scare them away. The adult ducks

tried to hide their heads under their wings. The baby ducks tried to

dive back inside the adult ducks to hide, and they kept trying and

kept trying.

I backed towards the double doors of the room. That's when I was

attacked by flying demons, and I fought them with my elbows and


My interpretation was that the master bedroom was symbolic of a

room in the master's house, which I took to be a place in my mind

that I needed to take control of.

During the lunch on Saturday, Chris asked me to try to circulate

my energy around the table. While I was doing that, I felt a

connection to three people, Laura, Barbara and Bret. Except that

Laura wasn't even there, and that fact kept tripping me up. Then, in

the afternoon session, Those were the three people that I was placed

in contact with during the exercises.

The next unexpected thing that happed for me, was that, when we

were doing the staring into each other's eyes thing, the faces of the

people I was paired with changed. There were about three different

faces with Bret, one other one with Barbara. The other thing I

noticed with Bret, is that I got the impression of an animal totem.

On Saturday night, For lack of a better way to describe it, I

dreamed that I had some prostate fluid that had built up and leaked

out my anus. Maybe I didn't need to share that.

I was grateful for Sunday's experiences, and everyone's healing

energy and help. Sunday night, with my head, sinuses and throat

closing up a bit, I had a dream where I was walking around this big

steel warehouse. I was keeping my eye on a couple of shady

characters. As they walked from place to place, I was following them

to keep my eye on them. I walked thru a very narrow hallway with

steel walls, and they collapsed the walls in on me until I was

claustrophobic and felt that I would be unable to breathe. There was

an instant where I felt that I would be trapped there and suffocate.

Out of my mind came, " I wonder if it's too late to get out of this. "

Instantly I felt extreme disappointment in stating that, and also

realized that I could get out of the situation because I knew that I

could change my shape, and I could squeeze thru tiny cracks, and I

could stretch my arms and breathe thru my hands if I needed air, and

that no matter what they could throw at me, I could find a way out.

But the fear of that split second stayed with me almost all day

Monday as I worked thru fears from all the way back in childhood in

having demons and undesireables chase me and fight with me in my

dreams. Early in my life, when I would dream about demons, it would

trigger an adrenaline release, and I would wake up sweating and with

my heart pounding. In more recent times, I have begun to be more calm

with their appearance. But on Monday I had to remind myself that I am

not afraid of them, and that I am not a fearful person in life, and I

had to remind myself of all of the instances of proof of this.

What really brought me to the seminar, I believe, is the same

thing that has brought me several interesting experiences over the

past few years.....the prayer that I said for a couple of years on my

way to work in my early 20's. The prayer morphed a bit over time, but

generally went like this:

Father I ask for your help so I may grow in strength, courage and

widsom, as I seek Divine order and Guidance in my life. I ask to

become a perfect channel for the Universal Christ Light and Life

Force Energies that flow through me, surrounding me, and fill me with

love, understanding and universal knowledge. For the benefit of All.

Your will be done.

Someone should warn us to be careful what we pray for. Love to all


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