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Watch out for negative programming at this time

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Now is the time to pay attention to the programming aspects of the kundalini,

please refer to the guidelines. This does not apply to those already active. I

would like to mention how important it is that you move and become moved with

the Kundalini.




As his Holiness Luis E Chavez brings up a good point. In regards to seniority,

I will write of this as well.




Some of the Kundalini Elders on other lists enjoy eating their children. They

seem to enjoy the fighting. The constant tug and pull of the dualities could be

the attraction I do not know but I feel a darkness that isn't necessary. As

they have had the K for so long they seem to not understand or care that the

basic principles of this condition is for service too others without

capitulation but with in the full brightness and beauty of their beings.




Some have become lost due to the inflated self importance that can come as a

test, that they fail. Some use plants that have masking properties and

addictive attributes to artificially increase their awareness but destroys the

motivation to move forward. Some are merely stagnant and suffer this upon others

as they have been so conditioned by years of reaction to symptoms instead of

moving into the realization that more work and surrender and acceptance is

always the case. Yet they have survived and continue to live and i give them

their due as this in and of itself says something of them and their reason for





When the K comes unexpectedly the reality of a person and their concept of how

they fit into the universe , let alone the world, takes a shattering blow. As

they walk among the pieces lying in chaos before them, many will desperately

reach down and begin scooping up the shards of their existence and frantically

try to arrange them back into a working model. With some degree of success but

never completely. So they walk the world as a form of k ghost knowing of this

and fearing it yet totally subservient to it as it makes unexpected appearances

in their lives - and it does.




Some find there way through it though not without having to come to terms with

their fears. They open up a list and begin to help and heap others with the

symptomology and characteristics of the Kundalini but always it seems with the

flavorings of their hardship I think I may have done this to a degree as a

warning. Just goes to show there is always room for improvement 15 years or not.




Some have near death experiences that they mistake for Kundalini, some go on

drinking binges and mix in meditation techniques and accidentally activate some

receive shaktipat and activate but are left stranded with out a guidance. Some

have an automobile accident and activate but very few of this category survive

the damage to their reality and succumb to the depressive components always







I have been fortunate to have a broad spectrum of Kundalini phenomena and

experience from both the light side and the dark side. In a way this is good as

you may not have to suffer these same issues and can leap ahead of even the

oldest K senior. My hope for you. Those who have the badly written guidelines

(smile) will now always have a material and at hand reference point. This can be

of the utmost importance due to the vulnerability of the internet. Follow it.

Add your own experiences. Chart your progress.




In the activated state one is still subject to duality but as one awakens this

quality will diminish. You who have taken the seminars or are private students

are much further along the path than another who is activated with out guidance.

You are fifteen years ahead in the experience and stand upon the shoulders of

many who helped me upon my path. As others will (I hope) be able to stand upon

your shoulders.




Remember the idea is to help others. By doing this you help yourself , this is a

truism and a maxim with in the Kundalini phenomenon. This idea goes to the root

of almost every holy teaching that humans have followed " Do as you would others

do for you "




No matter how long a person has had the Kundalini, if they are not doing this,

they are stuck and only moving laterally. So help and be helped. - love to all -




































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