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Urantia 11:11

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Hi John, everyone..


My experience of the 11:11 happened about 1992/3 (can

confirm dates after checking my memoirs)


At that time I hadn't long started on my spiritual

journey and was attending meditation groups, learning

about chakras and learning to channel etc when a guy

in one of the groups gave me a copy of the tapes and

said he *knew* they were for me to listen to.


They were channelings from a man called Eric Klein in

the USA - possibly California and as soon as I started

listening to them everything fell into place and my

spirituality took off in that direction.


'Took off' is appropriate because it involves UFO's,

Merkeba vehicles and the other ascension details with

Ascended Masters etc.


The 11:11 actually refers to the passage in the bible,

from memory now it's in Revelations and is about the

144,000 ascending. This is why you most probably feel

an attraction to it John...especially with the

11/11/05 rememberance day we just had. It might become

clearer if you follow through and see what is shown to



I still have the tapes and have recently had guidance

to return more to them and the abilities I learned (or

uncovered within me *s*) at that time. They are to be

integrated into my Kundalini experience and my



I also read some of the Urantia book at that time but

never went into it too much.


When the original channelings came out they were a

group of 10 tapes that literally went around the world

and were listened to by hundreds and thousands of

people...mabye more. It was the same phenomenon as

the book " The Celestine Prophocies " ...it was just

meant to be and the word was spread to the masses.


Eric was the only one channeling at that time and I

felt it as special and he was truly a messenger. Last

I heard he started to study Eastern methods and I

don't know what happened after that.


Now it appears everyone is channeling the Masters and

are basically saying the same thing over and over

again. The email you sent me John (11:11) looks like

something cut and pasted from 10 years ago. Still

saying the same thing - activating DNA etc.


Maybe many of the people from back then, like I,

became a bit tired of always being told we were going

to ascend, ships are landing etc. For me I started to

believe it was just a load of ** and drifted onto

other things.


I still have my own personal contact with the higher

beings, but it's all different now. I still believe

it's ascension or kundalini - each are the same.


Its just another aspect, a different path leading to

the same goal. It's just that most of the people now

and their channelings seem to be getting a bit off the

right track. Yet at the same time it's their path and

I respect that, each of us finds our own way, and if

this is the path that fits comfortably with them then

it's correct.


I've always found the original tapes from Eric were

the only channelings that 'rang true' on a deeper

level with me so I stayed with them...still do the

meditations sometimes.














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Yes Chris, Eric Klein in California and he was the

original channel. I quickly skimmed over the link you

sent and didn't follow through to see if Eric is still

chanelling or teaching.


The author of the page and the newsletters I've never

heard of, there are so many around these days.


As you can see in the content it was mentioned that

the original messages were about Ascension and being

taken onto ships for Ascension...then they went to

plan B..then plan C etc and this is where I gave up.

Looks like it's still happening.


There is a lot of truth in it...and a lot of hype as

well, yet all different paths leading to the same



I can't personally deny it because at that time I had

abduction UFO experiences with physical evidence to

confirm it was true. I saw (and still do) UFO's here

in the physical and with witnesses to verify it.


I had put this behind me years ago and then found only

a few months ago as the K cleared away memories stored

deep at a cellular level (or the nervouse system?)

that more experiences had occured - including fears -

of abductions and healings received from beings in

other realms and on ships. Quite a suprise to know

they were there, buried deep.


I have a theory but no definite answer to it all. I

believe it because it happened to me....but my theory

doesn't agree with the popular consesus. I lean to

what you mentioned in another post...many of the UFO's

we see are from Earth, advanced technology that is

being kept from us.


Other dimensional beings and 'possibly' craft are more

from deep within our subconscious. I went into a lot

of research at the time and discovered that the

'greys' only became popular when the movie 'The

Invaders' (I think that was the name) was released,

based on real life experiences of an abductee.


With the popularity of Hollywood movies throughout the

whole world, as the movie was shown and books and

accounts were spread -including info on the net - the

phenomenon of the 'greys' spread.


Before that for hundreds, even thousands, of years the

'beings' were individual to each countries folklore

e.g. large giants in Russia, the little people or

fairies in Ireland and the UK etc etc..


It's the same as with the crop circles, the face on

Mars ...totally fascinating yet no one can really say

what it's all about.


As with everything....it's there for a reason and

attractive to those that it suits.....and it's leading

to the same goal which is positive and rewarding...the

evolution of earth, its people and kingdoms.


If anyone has seen the movie 'Contact' with Jodie

Foster...my beliefs about the UFO phenomenom tend to

lean that way...sort of ...with a pinch of







> Fri, 11 Nov 2005 18:58:49 -0800 (PST)

> <>

> Re: Urantia 11:11


> Is this the person you mention Amaargi? - chrism















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