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Urantia 11:11/Chanellings

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Hi John,


" john mathieson "

> <j.mathieson

> Re: Urantia 11:11


> Thanks Amaargi

> I have been involved in the k aspects of yoga for

> many year and have heard about channelling numerous

> times it has never interested me and it still

> doesn't. in fact I don't even have clear

> identification of it at all. though at times I might

> have or might not have experienced it,:-). I believe

> I have been fortunate to meet the right teachers and

> have been able to progress moving one to the next in

> that I have respected them as teachers though have

> never been blinded by there experience as being so

> blinding as to give complete obedience. Only to

> witness them upon there own merits in doing so my

> relationship with them consists of them being both

> teacher as well as chela as I myself, I always am,



I've found my path has been the same - learning from

many different teachers yet never quite adhering to

one exclusive path...staying individual.


> In being a surrender vehicle of a higher entity does

> not hold well with me though I know this goes on as

> decuples choose to experience higher realities on

> the back of so called gods that crave for earthly

> experience without going through the birth process.


I believe this is a common feeling amongst men,

surrendering to another will is usually resisted. I

think this is why there are more females who are

channels....the Oracles in Delphi and other ancient

cultures have shown this.


I don't see it as a negative....I see it as a natural

order of everything that the females are receptive to

receiving higher knowledge and surrenduring to the

process... and the males are the ones that carry out

the instructions or guidance...the 'warriors'..


> Sure these sidha personalities experience higher

> realities though when the entity leaves they are

> left in a hole. I believe this is also similar after

> a woman gives birth. Or a drunk or a drug taker

> comes down from there artificial high and find

> themselves within dilemma. To the climbing the

> ladder to return to the stability that they

> accomplished prior. Channelling to me is synonymous

> with this, it works well wilts the entity is in

> control though the individual is at a loss when they

> relies there egoist consciousness was but an

> illusion that they had no control of.


I felt total completion, wholeness, after giving

birth, not a dilema or an emptyness. Its a miraculous



Channeling can be an eogist consciousness or lower

entities, it also can be a higher dimensional

experience. I've experienced both so can discern the

difference. From my own observance the higher

dimensional channelings are very rare....the ego is

very intelligent and can trick quite convincingly :)



> The eleven eleven means absolutely nothing to me. I

> am more likely to worship the sun and the energies

> that effect it from the outer most regions of

> infinite space. Evan that is less than the

> continuous presence of being. for us to take birth

> is the greatest surender of all we come in the

> beging to overcome the aspect of selfishness.

> however the original sankalpa is lost to the

> identity of the physical realm without the the k we

> loose our selfs. Therefore it is up to us to take

> charge and control it. I have taken initiation rites

> under gurus i have always accepted there advise

> after contemplation I have exsperamented to test

> there teachings though it is always within what I

> choose within the limits of my understanding.


That is what I believe in most of all....go within and

the truth will be known...


> Om tat sat om

> Jaganatha










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