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consecration of marriage in the bridal suit

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I believe this is a common feeling amongst men,

surrendering to another will is usually resisted. I

think this is why there are more females who are

channels....the Oracles in Delphi and other ancient

cultures have shown this.


I don't see it as a negative....I see it as a natural

order of everything that the females are receptive to

receiving higher knowledge and surrendering to the

process... and the males are the ones that carry out

the instructions or guidance...the 'warriors'..


The common feeling amongst men toward surrender I believe has more to do with

the lower centre of creation rather the higher centre of creative adaptability

when their both male and female on equal terms

It is here that discrimination is correctly perceived. Jesus who chose to allow

Christs intervention

Paramahansa Satyananda Saraswatti allows for a higher entity. like wise there

are stigmatics as well as chanelers on both sexes. In the event of synonymous

harmony the fight or flight mechanism need not be stimulated Though due to socio

conditioning as well as hormonal responses the female seems lesser effected by

the adrenal gland that presents the signal to fight. The male and female

qualities we both hold and it is the discernment as well as the acceptance of

either and both that brings balance. The warrior in me is that of sociol

conditioning. As for the need to fight for sex or protect against property

trespass I find the need to personally secure these are dwindling,

I do see the need to overcome personality acquittances to achieve freedom. The

problem of " the common feeling amoung men " ,as well as women, is that of the

lower emotional reality That prevents us all from experiencing what's above the


As a student of Tantra I have come to realise that female energy is attracted

to male property of synthesis Due to the male becoming for the need to create,

the female finds it necessary to surrender and to be overcome to the masters


The marriage in the bridal suit is hence forward consecrated and the new

realisation is brought forth.








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vitvan substitutes the terms negative and positive

(poles charges etc) for male and female. With that he

can talk about the attraction, interaction,

stimulation, activation, need for, without I think

bringing up so much of our cultural identification.

When lighting strikes, its a negative and positive

connection, what holds and atom together the

attraction between negative and positive, these forces

became identified embodied by us as female and male

with all the added assumptions. Sometimes I think of

gay couples as just consistent with the negative and

positive attraction, only confusing us cultually

because it Looks different than we as a culture

expected. The Egg negative charge receives the

positive sperm which activates the dormant state into

multiplying and multiplying and multiplying. The light

and all its derrivitives down to matter receives the

power to be concious and multiplys and multiplys into

all of natures life.

a negative and a positive and in the middle, the glue,

the neutron....love



--- john mathieson <j.mathieson



> I believe this is a common feeling amongst men,

> surrendering to another will is usually resisted. I

> think this is why there are more females who are

> channels....the Oracles in Delphi and other ancient

> cultures have shown this.


> I don't see it as a negative....I see it as a

> natural

> order of everything that the females are receptive

> to

> receiving higher knowledge and surrendering to the

> process... and the males are the ones that carry out

> the instructions or guidance...the 'warriors'..


> The common feeling amongst men toward surrender I

> believe has more to do with the lower centre of

> creation rather the higher centre of creative

> adaptability when their both male and female on

> equal terms

> It is here that discrimination is correctly

> perceived. Jesus who chose to allow Christs

> intervention

> Paramahansa Satyananda Saraswatti allows for a

> higher entity. like wise there are stigmatics as

> well as chanelers on both sexes. In the event of

> synonymous harmony the fight or flight mechanism

> need not be stimulated Though due to socio

> conditioning as well as hormonal responses the

> female seems lesser effected by the adrenal gland

> that presents the signal to fight. The male and

> female qualities we both hold and it is the

> discernment as well as the acceptance of either and

> both that brings balance. The warrior in me is that

> of sociol conditioning. As for the need to fight for

> sex or protect against property trespass I find the

> need to personally secure these are dwindling,

> I do see the need to overcome personality

> acquittances to achieve freedom. The problem of " the

> common feeling amoung men " ,as well as women, is that

> of the lower emotional reality That prevents us all

> from experiencing what's above the norm.

> As a student of Tantra I have come to realise that

> female energy is attracted to male property of

> synthesis Due to the male becoming for the need to

> create, the female finds it necessary to surrender

> and to be overcome to the masters wish.

> The marriage in the bridal suit is hence forward

> consecrated and the new realisation is brought

> forth.

> Jaganatha






> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]









Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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mm Georginna

would it be possible that it could be that the egg is the positive node of the

female creativity and the sperm the negative charge of the male creativity. This

theory being in order to prove that the female energy as considered always

attracted to the male polarity. I believe this may be the case because the sperm

is said to travel along the fallopian tube towards the egg and that I imagine

that it may have its own consciousness in doing so. I think we look at sexuality

and the creativity of a children as two differing processes. also many tantric

practices go about altering the direction of flow, such as vajroli mudra where

as the flow of energy is sent up along the spine to the higher creative centres

instead of out the end of the penis.





Continuous movement of electrons

DC electricity is the continuous movement of electrons through a conducting

material such as a metal wire. The electrons move toward a positive (+)

potential in the wire.


JM> NOTE:see electron flow example on this page

http://www.school-for-champions.com/science/dc.htm is an example how negative or

female electrons travel toward male or positive terminal or potential.





A flashlight is a good example of a DC circuit


Current shown opposite

Although the negative charged electrons move through the wire toward the

positive (+) terminal of the source of electricity, the current is indicated as

going from positive to negative. This is an unfortunate and confusing



Ben Franklin originally named charges positive (+) and negative (-) when he was

studying static electricity. Later, when scientists were experimenting with

electrical currents, they said that electricity travels from (+) to (-), and

that became the convention.


This was before electrons were discovered. In reality, the negative charged

electrons move toward the positive, which is the opposite direction that people

show current moving. It is confusing, but once a convention is made, it is

difficult to correct it.


JM >This is also be confusing concerning with the kundalini I have read that the

energy comes from above down I have also read that a man is symbolic of a tree

turned upside down elsewhere


The thing I like to go with is that the energy circulates within the body and

mind and that it is possible for the energy to come from the top down only when

the k is active in the higher centres or construing mental ideas into material



shakti is the negative charged pole as in example of it being inert and sleeping

in the base centre when the Siva principle is awakened sakti goes rushing to the

positive male pole. that why the shakti is the initiator to wards Siva. it is

why shakti is attracted to Siva.


In the instance of an egg I would consider that being the attractor of the

sperm where as the sperm travels toward the attractor there for the sperm though

comes from the male of the species, it is actually negatively charged. then the

type of charge within that sperm once it penetrated the egg as it releases it

contents would either be negative or positive to produce either a male or female

child respectively. This then allows the male yogi by manipulating he own energy

to determine weather it is a male or female or an aborted foetus. This is

because it is a projection of himself until it becomes part of the fertile egg



Gay couples are on a different level, As in men that I notice.There creative

nature that they choose to express through the heart is some how lost, when

women are involved. This I believe is some how related to sexual suppression or

unavailability of a desired sexual outlet when sought or needed.

In the case of women couples it may be due to the overpowering control that men

are expected to put on them. This would differ depending on weather one would be

butch. As the more submissive partner of the female couple goes, it may be in

that of the same related to men. then again I would think if I was born a female

and was expected or needed to perform sexually I would most likely be a butch.

Though some of the butchs I have met seem to lack the necessary respectfulness.

As a male myself I have been tempted to throw a fist in the face of such

disrespect that I have seen some of them emanate. Though as an attempt to

maintain my own status of a gentleman and remain undefiled I refrane from such

acts of violence. I there fore look at the female butch that acts this way. The

same as I would a male suffering with small man syndrome thinking he has the

need to impress. though some other butchs I have met are quite nice. I myself

have over come homo phobia though I enjoy giving them a rib about it. Especial

if I am at a guy party and being chat up by one and another guy comes up to him

whispers in his ears that I am straight and they don't wish to talk to me. and

if its a group of females that I am so much of a threat be cause I have more

than just fingers.


The problems with marriage is that the ideology of it has been lost in time due

to ego and material keep. The plot is lost were as the couple should go about

sanctioning spirituality of joining it exchange of energy to develop kindling

awakening in that two souls that are co re;iant to partake in life's shared

sexual pleasures How many marriages have bracken down because of security or

insecurity of income. It is a joke really in how the importance of such rides

over all else In that so many believe that wealth in posse is the basis of

material happiness on earth The problem there is if someone is wealthy in

material wealth then in proportion some one else is poor. This is because the

monetary system we have now due to trickery; is based not on gold silver or

manufactured and carefully anticipated credit , it is based on debt creation. As

the convention that is in place regarding the flow of current in a DC circuit.

where as the electrons actually flow the other way in to the positive. there so

a monetary system that would flow towards the positive (credit) rather than the

negative (debt) would work towards evolution rather than against it. if the

money system was attuned to flow the correct direction the gold and silver

standard of old would also loose it lustre. being that it would be created in

the right direction all past debts would be quickly overcome. As the credits of

living breathing man and women would indeed be recognised.


The future generations are my concern it is not that I have children of my own

it is because I imagine a better world than we have now This world consists of

enlightenment and love through harmony of association. I have glimpse this in my

minds eye and long to see it materialise.

Om tat sat om



Georgeann Muntin

Thursday, November 17, 2005 1:25 PM

Re: consecration of marriage in the

bridal suit



vitvan substitutes the terms negative and positive

(poles charges etc) for male and female. With that he

can talk about the attraction, interaction,

stimulation, activation, need for, without I think

bringing up so much of our cultural identification.

When lighting strikes, its a negative and positive

connection, what holds and atom together the

attraction between negative and positive, these forces

became identified embodied by us as female and male

with all the added assumptions. Sometimes I think of

gay couples as just consistent with the negative and

positive attraction, only confusing us cultually

because it Looks different than we as a culture

expected. The Egg negative charge receives the

positive sperm which activates the dormant state into

multiplying and multiplying and multiplying. The light

and all its derrivitives down to matter receives the

power to be concious and multiplys and multiplys into

all of natures life.

a negative and a positive and in the middle, the glue,

the neutron....love



--- john mathieson <j.mathieson



> I believe this is a common feeling amongst men,

> surrendering to another will is usually resisted. I

> think this is why there are more females who are

> channels....the Oracles in Delphi and other ancient

> cultures have shown this.


> I don't see it as a negative....I see it as a

> natural

> order of everything that the females are receptive

> to

> receiving higher knowledge and surrendering to the

> process... and the males are the ones that carry out

> the instructions or guidance...the 'warriors'..


> The common feeling amongst men toward surrender I

> believe has more to do with the lower centre of

> creation rather the higher centre of creative

> adaptability when their both male and female on

> equal terms

> It is here that discrimination is correctly

> perceived. Jesus who chose to allow Christs

> intervention

> Paramahansa Satyananda Saraswatti allows for a

> higher entity. like wise there are stigmatics as

> well as chanelers on both sexes. In the event of

> synonymous harmony the fight or flight mechanism

> need not be stimulated Though due to socio

> conditioning as well as hormonal responses the

> female seems lesser effected by the adrenal gland

> that presents the signal to fight. The male and

> female qualities we both hold and it is the

> discernment as well as the acceptance of either and

> both that brings balance. The warrior in me is that

> of sociol conditioning. As for the need to fight for

> sex or protect against property trespass I find the

> need to personally secure these are dwindling,

> I do see the need to overcome personality

> acquittances to achieve freedom. The problem of " the

> common feeling amoung men " ,as well as women, is that

> of the lower emotional reality That prevents us all

> from experiencing what's above the norm.

> As a student of Tantra I have come to realise that

> female energy is attracted to male property of

> synthesis Due to the male becoming for the need to

> create, the female finds it necessary to surrender

> and to be overcome to the masters wish.

> The marriage in the bridal suit is hence forward

> consecrated and the new realisation is brought

> forth.

> Jaganatha






> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]








Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005



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