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all of mankind should know of its importance

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Dear All


I have rehashed this again as an attempt to have it more presentable to

the group


I hope the group members are not too distort on my attempts to cross



John 3: 14-21.











King James Version



14. " And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son

of Man be lifted up:


Refers to awakening the holy ghost in the symbol of a snake and that all of

mankind should know of its importance





15. " That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have Eternal Life.


The spiral of the milky way galaxy in also the coil of a snake when in faith we

know and in this case we know we live as long as the stars


16. " For God so loved the World, that he gave his only begotten Son, that

whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life.


The infinity of the universe is attributed the holy ghost and Christs boundary

is far beyond so far dare do we imagine


17. " For God sent not his Son into the World to condemn the World; but that the

World through him might be saved.


For men to know from where they come to where they go. evolution we began as

spirit mass seemingly condemned in the life's fire we burn and temper we leave

saved bearing spiritual awareness



18. " He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is

condemned already, because he hath not believed in the Name of the only begotten

Son of God.


With fiery awareness the spirit is active dullness of mind is sickness of soul

The creation of the universe is his begotten son is either rebreed or forgotten



19. " And this is the condemnation,

'That Light is come into the World,

and men loved darkness rather than light,

because their deeds were evil.'


Segregation is this evil that belongs to the realm of darkness though chid

(mind-ether) duality meets in darkness the input of light of twilight is

revealed once the meld has began towards what can be considered the light of



20. " For every one that doeth evil hateth the Light, neither cometh to the

Light, lest his deeds should be reproved.


The separation of the sexes (Ida pineal in mooladhara) Adam and eve so as man

seek harmony in duality to eventful oneness wist there is the notion off yours

and mine segregregation continues to the notion that the creation is ours with

out a clear conscious this can never be proved thus the evil doer that seeks

slavery of souls hates the awareness of light because it sets the soul free



21. " But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made

manifest, that they are wrought in God. "


when we can see the spark of excitant light is all things the intricacies of

diva lives hasten to materialise the ideal the true master is revealed we become

wrought into god one and all the same and equal.


Chidakasha: literally means mind-ether is the mind space of view for viewing and

imaging of time and space


Diva lives : female energy partials that are attracted to the essence of spirit

male essence and example of tis is the flow of energy within a DC circuit


Kundalini:is the motion of diva lives and relates to the movement of energy

(kriya). It is stimulated by the diva circuit by balancing of Ida and pinnula

energises to stimulate the central nervous system and sushumna channel way. The

flow occurs between the active elements. The elements are purposely activated by

specific yoga practice and the directed thoughts of cognised wisdom


Ida : left side of sushumna it is the channel of the circuit that relates to the

famine aspect


Pingula: right side of subhuman it is the channel of the circuit that relates to

the male aspect


om tat sat om


Sw Jaganatha




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