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Kundalini and business

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This can be an issue if the person has an intention of cutthroat business

practices. Hurting and poisoning others in order to make a profit. I do not see

Ann or John or myself doing this. I support the Idea of having a business. Not

just because I have one but because of what is being done with it. We live in a

world of costs. We incarnated knowing this.


To breathe costs energy. To eat and grow and " be " in the physical is an

energetic expenditure. Money is a form of energy that is neither good nor bad,

spiritual or non-spiritual. It is inert from the emotional, spiritual, and

mental. We, with our thoughts and attitudes program money to be what it is.


I understand how John feels in regards to the monetary system in place. It is

a compendium of control. If you let it be so. If you buy into the thoughts and

intentions of those who control the monetary systems here on this world then you

will inadvertently become a minion of that control. If you choose to be.


Spirituality,imho, is mainly concerned with your intentions and your actions

based upon them. Do you love money more than your spouse? for instance. More

than your family? More than life? Some do. I see it as a tool in the tool box.

Geez, how many nails am I going to need for this next project? And so on. Pay

the taxes, if you must. Pay the licensing fee if you must. Do what needs to be

done in order to do what it is you wish to do because.........


Eventually there is no need or desire for performing in a business environment

for sustenance or profit. There comes a place when these all fall away into the

larger reality as we are able to perceive it. This does not happen immediately

but at a pace that is contingent upon the persons gifts,needs,

karma,responsibilities, etc. Both of you I see advancing into this area as well

as others on this list. Not immediately though. So take your donations, and

receive your payment. I will too and then we will all meet up together laugh and

love and pray........ and eat the Sun. - blessings chrism












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It not so much I disagree with buisness it is more i disagree with buisness

registratration i disagree with insurance i disagree with be overloaded with

unessisary paper work and costs.

As in the magna carta we have a right to recieve an income for our services. I

dont see any logical reason to make it any more complicated than that.

om tat sat om




Monday, November 28, 2005 11:21 AM

Re: Re: Kundalini and business




This can be an issue if the person has an intention of cutthroat business

practices. Hurting and poisoning others in order to make a profit. I do not see

Ann or John or myself doing this. I support the Idea of having a business. Not

just because I have one but because of what is being done with it. We live in a

world of costs. We incarnated knowing this.


To breathe costs energy. To eat and grow and " be " in the physical is an

energetic expenditure. Money is a form of energy that is neither good nor bad,

spiritual or non-spiritual. It is inert from the emotional, spiritual, and

mental. We, with our thoughts and attitudes program money to be what it is.


I understand how John feels in regards to the monetary system in place. It

is a compendium of control. If you let it be so. If you buy into the thoughts

and intentions of those who control the monetary systems here on this world then

you will inadvertently become a minion of that control. If you choose to be.


Spirituality,imho, is mainly concerned with your intentions and your

actions based upon them. Do you love money more than your spouse? for instance.

More than your family? More than life? Some do. I see it as a tool in the tool

box. Geez, how many nails am I going to need for this next project? And so on.

Pay the taxes, if you must. Pay the licensing fee if you must. Do what needs to

be done in order to do what it is you wish to do because.........


Eventually there is no need or desire for performing in a business

environment for sustenance or profit. There comes a place when these all fall

away into the larger reality as we are able to perceive it. This does not happen

immediately but at a pace that is contingent upon the persons gifts,needs,

karma,responsibilities, etc. Both of you I see advancing into this area as well

as others on this list. Not immediately though. So take your donations, and

receive your payment. I will too and then we will all meet up together laugh and

love and pray........ and eat the Sun. - blessings chrism











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When I come to Australia we must definitely meet. There is so much I wish to

offer but my writing skills are so poor. University instructors are so lucky -

getting paid to type - now there's and inducement. ( heh)



I offer this to you only as a suggestion. Quoting ancient agreements and

treaties is really only a venue for blowing off steam. Paperwork can do that.


The Magna Carta and all French, English, Greek,Roman, Egyptian, Atlantean,

Lyran, Plejarin, laws are declarations put into place for the organizing of

principles regarding how we physically and mentally and emotionally treat one

another. The Kundalini will amplify resentments to the degree of taking your

attention off what really matters and the injustice of paperwork isn't it John.

Nor are the monetary systems in place right now. When the time is right the

changes will commence. What matters is how a person deals with these extremes in

their daily life i.e. Do they become hateful and resentful, bitter or

spiritually disfigured by constant anger? Or do they learn a way that takes them

above these sometimes necessary teachings? You are a K awakened Jaganatha, are

there not other ways to commence into eternity? - blessings - chrism











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Yeah, I don't like all the trapping one has to get into in a monetary

system. I have lived much of my life on making cash and living below

the wire.


But if you want to open a healing center or start a charitable

foundation from money earned from other sources, you are going to have

to play the game. Institutions, big or small, can do much good work.

Working outside the system has its benefits, but perhaps cannot serve

in the same ways as working inside the system.


Big dreams take big challenges.





On Nov 27, 2005, at 4:55 PM, john mathieson wrote:


> Criss

> It not so much I disagree with buisness it is more i disagree with

> buisness registratration i disagree with insurance i disagree with be

> overloaded with unessisary paper work and costs.

> As in the magna carta we have a right to recieve an income for our

> services. I dont see any logical reason to make it any more

> complicated than that.

> om tat sat om

> Jaganatha


> -



> Monday, November 28, 2005 11:21 AM

> Re: Re: Kundalini and

> business




> This can be an issue if the person has an intention of cutthroat

> business practices. Hurting and poisoning others in order to make a

> profit. I do not see Ann or John or myself doing this. I support the

> Idea of having a business. Not just because I have one but because of

> what is being done with it. We live in a world of costs. We incarnated

> knowing this.


> To breathe costs energy. To eat and grow and " be " in the physical

> is an energetic expenditure. Money is a form of energy that is neither

> good nor bad, spiritual or non-spiritual. It is inert from the

> emotional, spiritual, and mental. We, with our thoughts and attitudes

> program money to be what it is.


> I understand how John feels in regards to the monetary system in

> place. It is a compendium of control. If you let it be so. If you buy

> into the thoughts and intentions of those who control the monetary

> systems here on this world then you will inadvertently become a minion

> of that control. If you choose to be.


> Spirituality,imho, is mainly concerned with your intentions and

> your actions based upon them. Do you love money more than your spouse?

> for instance. More than your family? More than life? Some do. I see it

> as a tool in the tool box. Geez, how many nails am I going to need for

> this next project? And so on. Pay the taxes, if you must. Pay the

> licensing fee if you must. Do what needs to be done in order to do

> what it is you wish to do because.........


> Eventually there is no need or desire for performing in a business

> environment for sustenance or profit. There comes a place when these

> all fall away into the larger reality as we are able to perceive it.

> This does not happen immediately but at a pace that is contingent upon

> the persons gifts,needs, karma,responsibilities, etc. Both of you I

> see advancing into this area as well as others on this list. Not

> immediately though. So take your donations, and receive your payment.

> I will too and then we will all meet up together laugh and love and

> pray........ and eat the Sun. - blessings chrism





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Yes Chris

We are stuck with this current system and we have to learn work within it. I

understand that. I also am quite eager to see the changes come about. that is

what I have trouble contending with.



Monday, November 28, 2005 12:23 PM

Re: Re: Kundalini and business



When I come to Australia we must definitely meet. There is so much I wish to

offer but my writing skills are so poor. University instructors are so lucky -

getting paid to type - now there's and inducement. ( heh)



I offer this to you only as a suggestion. Quoting ancient agreements and

treaties is really only a venue for blowing off steam. Paperwork can do that.


The Magna Carta and all French, English, Greek,Roman, Egyptian, Atlantean,

Lyran, Plejarin, laws are declarations put into place for the organizing of

principles regarding how we physically and mentally and emotionally treat one

another. The Kundalini will amplify resentments to the degree of taking your

attention off what really matters and the injustice of paperwork isn't it John.

Nor are the monetary systems in place right now. When the time is right the

changes will commence. What matters is how a person deals with these extremes in

their daily life i.e. Do they become hateful and resentful, bitter or

spiritually disfigured by constant anger? Or do they learn a way that takes them

above these sometimes necessary teachings? You are a K awakened Jaganatha, are

there not other ways to commence into eternity? - blessings - chrism










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Thankyou Bret

Charitable organisations healing centre do not belong to just one man in any

case they shouldn't, There is has much disillusion about the sanctity of

community based instramentalities. Communism fascism as well as democracy has

proven there sort falls as it been encouraged by greedy men who seek to control

the thought processes of there constituents or the community. I am not talking

about governments though their hands are not clean. Vladimir Lennon said

something like, no matter how hard he tried he did not hove the power to himself

to control the destination of his country. It wasn't those words exactly, though

something like that. It is thought that he was implying that some other had the

control of the monetary polices of the country. Now what does this have to do

with any thing you might ask. In reality the truth needs to be exsposed. We cant

live without money i have tried barter it does not work, Your country used to be

the most powerfull country based on freedom the world has ever had. It is just a

shame that trechery has overcome there. At present the banksters as the only

ones that have the power to " create the money " as they wish they also control the

suply and as well as the demand. I belive just like austrailia has sold of most

of its comunity assets for promissary note written up by banks, your countries

Fort Knox i think most likely has also lost its gold. If there is a prospect

that we go back to equal weights and mesures The rulers of the monetry system;

there fore the rulers of the governments; will have the upper hand because they

have the gold.

Your government whilst it was a republic before created there own money with

succsess. It was what funded your the american civil war. This was only

successful for about 20 or so years then due to miss managemant due to over

production of money Inflation was rampant and it was deemed nessisary to take

your country back to the gold standard.

I hope that your all your people can oneday come to relise that.Then it may be

posible to retain what your country has lost. There are many working on this

idea that you can get that Ideal of freedom reinstated.

there is a movie that i would recomend on the history of money, it is called the

Money Masters

The Money Masters

Bill Still (3.5 hours - Volumes 1 & 2)


View online

An absolutely mind blowing film that covers the history of money and banking

systems throughout Europe and America. It shows how wealth is concentrated,

using documented facts. A must see.


(right click link - save target as) Download Part 1 87 MB

(right click link - save target as) Download Part 2 67 MB



om tat sat om



Bret Arenson

Monday, November 28, 2005 12:27 PM

Re: Re: Kundalini and business





Yeah, I don't like all the trapping one has to get into in a monetary

system. I have lived much of my life on making cash and living below

the wire.


But if you want to open a healing center or start a charitable

foundation from money earned from other sources, you are going to have

to play the game. Institutions, big or small, can do much good work.

Working outside the system has its benefits, but perhaps cannot serve

in the same ways as working inside the system.


Big dreams take big challenges.





On Nov 27, 2005, at 4:55 PM, john mathieson wrote:


> Criss

> It not so much I disagree with buisness it is more i disagree with

> buisness registratration i disagree with insurance i disagree with be

> overloaded with unessisary paper work and costs.

> As in the magna carta we have a right to recieve an income for our

> services. I dont see any logical reason to make it any more

> complicated than that.

> om tat sat om

> Jaganatha


> -



> Monday, November 28, 2005 11:21 AM

> Re: Re: Kundalini and

> business




> This can be an issue if the person has an intention of cutthroat

> business practices. Hurting and poisoning others in order to make a

> profit. I do not see Ann or John or myself doing this. I support the

> Idea of having a business. Not just because I have one but because of

> what is being done with it. We live in a world of costs. We incarnated

> knowing this.


> To breathe costs energy. To eat and grow and " be " in the physical

> is an energetic expenditure. Money is a form of energy that is neither

> good nor bad, spiritual or non-spiritual. It is inert from the

> emotional, spiritual, and mental. We, with our thoughts and attitudes

> program money to be what it is.


> I understand how John feels in regards to the monetary system in

> place. It is a compendium of control. If you let it be so. If you buy

> into the thoughts and intentions of those who control the monetary

> systems here on this world then you will inadvertently become a minion

> of that control. If you choose to be.


> Spirituality,imho, is mainly concerned with your intentions and

> your actions based upon them. Do you love money more than your spouse?

> for instance. More than your family? More than life? Some do. I see it

> as a tool in the tool box. Geez, how many nails am I going to need for

> this next project? And so on. Pay the taxes, if you must. Pay the

> licensing fee if you must. Do what needs to be done in order to do

> what it is you wish to do because.........


> Eventually there is no need or desire for performing in a business

> environment for sustenance or profit. There comes a place when these

> all fall away into the larger reality as we are able to perceive it.

> This does not happen immediately but at a pace that is contingent upon

> the persons gifts,needs, karma,responsibilities, etc. Both of you I

> see advancing into this area as well as others on this list. Not

> immediately though. So take your donations, and receive your payment.

> I will too and then we will all meet up together laugh and love and

> pray........ and eat the Sun. - blessings chrism












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