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Bliss control/Activation Stage

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Just a follow up to my previous post....


Re-read and noticed this:


--- Chris <kundalini_awakening_teacher



> Strong emotions

> can trigger this type of an event, and if your

> freshly activated an orgasm can also be intiated,



By 'freshly activated' do you mean when the K is first

awakened in a person, as in my case the energy was

strong and haywire and there was nothing I could do to

get it to settle down - it took years.


I didn't have spontantious orgasms during that time,

though I have read some K people will have them...even

to the point of it becoming nearly debilitating and

very draining on the energies.


Or, is 'freshly activated' the level that I've reached

now, after many years, with my 'becoming' and

everything is starting to balance out and I can get

out into the world with healing, teaching etc...











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It would apply both ways. As in the physical model of human variation, the

energetic model is similar. Some will awaken in a specific way that would

include early orgasmic release from a " freshly " activated point of reference.

Others may go through a more " siddhic " phase before the orgasmic, others may

experience the " allness " phase. It really depends on how that person is wired

before activation and what their personal proclivities would be ie, karmic,

dharmic issues, the method of activation, ie Shaktipat, Bhakti (love), spiritual

as in Philip St Romain's' experience, author of " Kundalini and Christianity, " or

meditative focus, accidental activations like near death experiences. These will

all add up to how the person will experience the flows and the timing and type

of experience. Some experience will be similar in timing and type while others

will vary. I suggest to my students to wear a pad, after a female student

brought the issue up, as this will happen at work at the

restaurant in the meeting, etc. Smile, God and Kundalini love you! - blessings

- chrism




amaargi <ama_ar_gi wrote: Just a follow up to my previous



Re-read and noticed this:


--- Chris <kundalini_awakening_teacher



> Strong emotions

> can trigger this type of an event, and if your

> freshly activated an orgasm can also be intiated,



By 'freshly activated' do you mean when the K is first

awakened in a person, as in my case the energy was

strong and haywire and there was nothing I could do to

get it to settle down - it took years.


I didn't have spontantious orgasms during that time,

though I have read some K people will have them...even

to the point of it becoming nearly debilitating and

very draining on the energies.


Or, is 'freshly activated' the level that I've reached

now, after many years, with my 'becoming' and

everything is starting to balance out and I can get

out into the world with healing, teaching etc...











The New Movies: Check out the Latest Trailers, Premiere Photos and full

Actor Database.




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