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chakra placement

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The site you linked to is a little difficult to use, as a picture is

blocking the text.

Anyway, I tend to know of too many different systems, and so I

tend not to place a lot of reliance on sources other then direct


The main confusion is in the area of the solar plexus, spleen,

navel, and just a few inches below the navel. All systems that

describe the chakras have at least one of these four, but none of

them acknowledge more than two. It may well be that all of these

chakras exist (certainly there are many of them), but that different

systems regard different ones as important. Either that, or they're

not very consistent about the location.

I'd like to hear any connments you might have on this.

Again, to summarize, in case people have responses about

particular locations:

1. the solar plexus, which unless I'm mistaken is in the area of

the diaphragm, between the lower ribs

2. the spleen area on the left side of the body, which is ignored

by many systems because it's not on the central channel, thus

not relevant to kundalini yoga, but it's important (according to the

Theosophists) for taking in prana.

3. the navel

4. an area that seems to be all-important to the Taoists, called

the tan-tien, which is located about three inches below the navel.





" " wrote:


> If you are not clear where a chakra is located please visit here.


> http://www.kundaliniawakeningseminars.com/howitworks.html


> click on each chakra and it will give additional information


> the characteristics - chrism


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Hello John E.,

One must click the cursor over the number and the

chakra you click on will light up and the characteristics will be

listed on the left. My webmaster tells me that different browsers or

computers will sometimes create divergencies - Hope this helps -











H , " nologo3 "

<esposito@c...> wrote:


> The site you linked to is a little difficult to use, as a picture


> blocking the text.

> Anyway, I tend to know of too many different systems, and so I

> tend not to place a lot of reliance on sources other then direct

> experience.

> The main confusion is in the area of the solar plexus, spleen,

> navel, and just a few inches below the navel. All systems that

> describe the chakras have at least one of these four, but none of

> them acknowledge more than two. It may well be that all of these

> chakras exist (certainly there are many of them), but that


> systems regard different ones as important. Either that, or


> not very consistent about the location.

> I'd like to hear any connments you might have on this.

> Again, to summarize, in case people have responses about

> particular locations:

> 1. the solar plexus, which unless I'm mistaken is in the area of

> the diaphragm, between the lower ribs

> 2. the spleen area on the left side of the body, which is ignored

> by many systems because it's not on the central channel, thus

> not relevant to kundalini yoga, but it's important (according to


> Theosophists) for taking in prana.

> 3. the navel

> 4. an area that seems to be all-important to the Taoists, called

> the tan-tien, which is located about three inches below the navel.


> John


> ,

> " " wrote:

> >

> > If you are not clear where a chakra is located please visit here.

> >

> > http://www.kundaliniawakeningseminars.com/howitworks.html

> >

> > click on each chakra and it will give additional information

> regarding

> > the characteristics - chrism

> >


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Hello John E.,

Yes different systems will indicate different

information. The Vedic seven chakra system is different from the Asian five

chakra system. Some of the locations are different and the attributes will vary.

It will be difficult to find strict uniformity among the varying traditions.

Some aspects are similar : earth, water, fire, air, ether in both systems

conform to specific color frequencies. Some attributes are similar such as

grounding, sexual expression, spiritual expression and so on.

I would suggest you follow the nerve plexus location on the spine and

counting from 1-5 up the spine you will determine for yourself the exact

locations. Six and seven will correspond better with the

Vedic system placement, namely the brow and the fontanel.


Pranic generation and distribution is governed by more then one system and is

inherent to at least 4 organs- lungs, spleen, eyes, testicle/ovary, heart.

When Kundalini rises it becomes very clear where the chakra is and how it is

expressed. I, because of my Kundalini experience, will suggest the Vedic system.

One through seven starting at the base of the spine, to the sacral region, below

the xyphoid process, the top of the thymus, the larynx, between the eyebrows and

up an inch, the fontanel. These are the major areas. There are many as you

state. - blessings -chrism
















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Thanks again to the people who have been responding. It is

most helpful. I've found lots of information now on the chakras,

which is helping conceptually, but I still haven't got a good

understanding experientially.

I guess at this point what I'm wondering is -- amidst all these

amazing stories about sensations that are very obvious -- is

whether these results were preceded by more subtle feelings?

In other words, before having a " full-blown " kundalini experience,

were there vague feelings that something was going on, or was

it rather just a sudden onrush of seemingly uncontrollable


(A minor side question: what are kriyas?)





chrism wrote:



> Hello John E.,

> Yes different systems will indicate different

information. The Vedic seven chakra system is different from the

Asian five chakra system. Some of the locations are different and

the attributes will vary. It will be difficult to find strict uniformity

among the varying traditions. Some aspects are similar : earth,

water, fire, air, ether in both systems conform to specific color

frequencies. Some attributes are similar such as grounding,

sexual expression, spiritual expression and so on.

> I would suggest you follow the nerve plexus location on the

spine and counting from 1-5 up the spine you will determine for

yourself the exact locations. Six and seven will correspond better

with the

> Vedic system placement, namely the brow and the fontanel.


> Pranic generation and distribution is governed by more then

one system and is inherent to at least 4 organs- lungs, spleen,

eyes, testicle/ovary, heart.

> When Kundalini rises it becomes very clear where the chakra

is and how it is expressed. I, because of my Kundalini

experience, will suggest the Vedic system. One through seven

starting at the base of the spine, to the sacral region, below the

xyphoid process, the top of the thymus, the larynx, between the

eyebrows and up an inch, the fontanel. These are the major

areas. There are many as you state. - blessings -chrism










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