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Thanks (Chrism) and, well, yes, I may ask more questions, but

want to give some time for these things to sink in... Sometimes I

think I may give the wrong impression... I have a way of asking

naive-sounding questions and then when I read the answer I

think yeah, I already knew that, but just never called it by that

name (e.g. " clearing the five bodies " ).

Anyway, it's familiar territory. Carlos Castaneda and Taisha

Abelar had this thing called recapitulation, which was a way of

trying to literally relive every moment of your life, and then

releasing any energy that was tied to those events. Pretty hard to

do for someone middle-aged. I think they were a little obsesive

about it. But it's something I've done and need to continue to do

(how can anyone say that they've ever finished doing this?), and I

can even remember a time that fits your description of an

" extreme example. " At that time (decades ago), I may have

fancied myself as a young Castaneda-type pursued by a

sorceress, but actually there was an element of that...

Just trying to make sense of the many ways of thought that I've

encountered, all of which may boil down to the same essential

goal: a union of our " higher " and " lower " selves, the " chymical

wedding " as some would call it in western esotericism. Is that a

reasonable paraphrase for the Kundalini experience?






chrism wrote:


> Clearing the five bodies is the process of removing as much

energetic blockage as is possible. Its typically ongoing for a

time. Five bodies being the the physical, sexual, energetic,

emotional, spiritual. These conform to aspects of the first five

chakras or energy centers along the spine. The Asian 5, also

corresponding to earth, water, air, fire, ether(spirit). Each center

has qualities that reflect certain response and experience

mechanisms in the body.


> Survival and basic survival skills and needs and physical

safety are represented by the first center. If you have been in

situations where your life was in danger by virtue of anothers ill

will, and you knew it, to use an extreme example, a clearing of

that center will need to be commenced.


> So as you bring that experience to mind, you initiate

forgiveness, for the other person and for yourself for being part of

the active circuit or negative agreement, and allow the

agreement to dissolve. Then move to the next issue that comes

up as you consciously clear the bodies.


> John feel free to ask other questions - hope my answers are

helpful - chrism

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Hello John,

Yes the alchemists knew of this. I haven't read anything in

Castenedas' or Abelars' work to indicate that the Yaqui practiced this. Maybe it

just did not escape the embedding Do juan did to Carlos.


No worries about the wording as so many names describe the same thing. I

appreciate your positioning in finding terminology to fit your experience and

literature. I also sometimes refer to recapitulation but use it only within the

boundaries of forgiveness. Makes it more attainable for all without regard to

age group. It is an effective tool for clearing as well and I'm am grateful to

know of it.


Sorcery is an unfortunate undertaking as it is, in many cases, used to deprive

others of free will. I am glad she didn't catch you(?)


Union of the divine female with the divine male, Shaky-Shiva, - neg-pole with

+ pos-pole, I think that you have a picture for description. The reality is very

different though and in many ways beyond words, consciousness, comprehension.

Sarasrara, nirvana, at-one-ment......are you ready? - chrism







nologo3 <esposito wrote:

Thanks (Chrism) and, well, yes, I may ask more questions, but

want to give some time for these things to sink in... Sometimes I

think I may give the wrong impression... I have a way of asking

naive-sounding questions and then when I read the answer I

think yeah, I already knew that, but just never called it by that

name (e.g. " clearing the five bodies " ).

Anyway, it's familiar territory. Carlos Castaneda and Taisha

Abelar had this thing called recapitulation, which was a way of

trying to literally relive every moment of your life, and then

releasing any energy that was tied to those events. Pretty hard to

do for someone middle-aged. I think they were a little obsesive

about it. But it's something I've done and need to continue to do

(how can anyone say that they've ever finished doing this?), and I

can even remember a time that fits your description of an

" extreme example. " At that time (decades ago), I may have

fancied myself as a young Castaneda-type pursued by a

sorceress, but actually there was an element of that...

Just trying to make sense of the many ways of thought that I've

encountered, all of which may boil down to the same essential

goal: a union of our " higher " and " lower " selves, the " chymical

wedding " as some would call it in western esotericism. Is that a

reasonable paraphrase for the Kundalini experience?






chrism wrote:


> Clearing the five bodies is the process of removing as much

energetic blockage as is possible. Its typically ongoing for a

time. Five bodies being the the physical, sexual, energetic,

emotional, spiritual. These conform to aspects of the first five

chakras or energy centers along the spine. The Asian 5, also

corresponding to earth, water, air, fire, ether(spirit). Each center

has qualities that reflect certain response and experience

mechanisms in the body.


> Survival and basic survival skills and needs and physical

safety are represented by the first center. If you have been in

situations where your life was in danger by virtue of anothers ill

will, and you knew it, to use an extreme example, a clearing of

that center will need to be commenced.


> So as you bring that experience to mind, you initiate

forgiveness, for the other person and for yourself for being part of

the active circuit or negative agreement, and allow the

agreement to dissolve. Then move to the next issue that comes

up as you consciously clear the bodies.


> John feel free to ask other questions - hope my answers are

helpful - chrism






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chrism wrote:


> Yes the alchemists knew of this. I haven't read

anything in Castenedas' or Abelars' work to indicate that the

Yaqui practiced this.


Recapitualtion is never mentioned until CC's later books, which

appear to me much less genuine, but still contain some

worthwhile ideas and practices.


>Maybe it just did not escape the embedding Don juan did to



Who knows? This is the mystery of the several books of events

supposedly remembered only after the departure of Don Juan.

Who has ever asked his readers to believe such outlandish

things? He admitted in an interview that those (later) books were

from dreams. Does this make them any less real? (I would say



> Sorcery is an unfortunate undertaking as it is, in many cases,

used to deprive others of free will. I am glad she didn't catch



Just " petty " attempts at my life. I never experienced a moment of

fear. If only I were so bold now as I was when I was 18!


> Sarasrara, nirvana, at-one-ment......are you ready?


I'm readier than I was yesterday and not as ready as I will be

tomorrow morning -- and so on for the rest of my life... Where do

you draw the line? When can one truly say " I'm as ready as I'll

ever be? "

Here you (or I) have dredged up a weakness of mine. Years ago,

a Mexican-American horse trainer in a cheap cowboy hat (who

happens to remind me of Don Juan himself, in some way)

asked me if I was ready (ready for some job). " I think so, " I

replied. And what I look I got in return. This guy was thinking that I

was the stupidest " pendejo " he'd ever seen in all his years. Every

bit as foolish as Castaneda pretended to be in his books. " What

do you mean 'I THINK SO?' " he said, his eyes cutting me in

pieces. " I mean yes, " I said, realizing that it was way too late to

rescue my lost dignity. I mean he wasn't exactly asking me to

jump into an abyss -- or was he?



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I mean he wasn't exactly asking me to

jump into an abyss -- or was he?



He may not have been, but I certainly am. Only you can know when your good to

go. You write like an author, its enjoyable. - blessings John E - chrism






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chrism wrote:


> I mean he wasn't exactly asking me to

> jump into an abyss -- or was he?


> He may not have been, but I certainly am. Only you can know

when your good to go. You write like an author, its enjoyable. -

blessings John E - chrism


Well, I like to tell stories... As an afterthought, it occurred to me to

tell that my Don Juan look-alike (the one with razor blades for

eyes) had an assistant who was a real clown, a prototype for

Don Genaro (for anyone who's ever read those books about the

Mutt-and-Jeff sorcerors, the Odd Couple, deadly serious on one

hand, childish pranksters on the other...).

My model for Don Genaro, the clown, was once standing near

me as I was leading a horse into a stall. I was an absolute

beginner, it was my first or second day with racehorses, and I

had the meanest one of them all. He (the horse) planted his hoof

on my toes and leaned all of his thousand-plus pounds on it. I

was in pain (obviously) and scared. I called out to the assistant

trainer, thinking he'd come running to my rescue, but, shockingly

to me at the time, he just stood there grinning and then

sauntered over casually, the horse standing on my broken toe

the whole time. Why did he behave so nonchalantly? (answer,

straight from CC's books: Stop feeling sorry for yourself! You got

yourself into this situation, so whose responsibility is it?).


As for jumping into abysses: the only possible answer to " Are

you ready? " is of course " yes. " Right or wrong, there is no



John E

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I am intersted to receive a shaktipat too.





, " nologo3 "

<esposito@c...> wrote:


> ,

> chrism wrote:

> >

> > I mean he wasn't exactly asking me to

> > jump into an abyss -- or was he?

> >

> > He may not have been, but I certainly am. Only you can know

> when your good to go. You write like an author, its enjoyable. -

> blessings John E - chrism


> Well, I like to tell stories... As an afterthought, it occurred to

me to

> tell that my Don Juan look-alike (the one with razor blades for

> eyes) had an assistant who was a real clown, a prototype for

> Don Genaro (for anyone who's ever read those books about the

> Mutt-and-Jeff sorcerors, the Odd Couple, deadly serious on one

> hand, childish pranksters on the other...).

> My model for Don Genaro, the clown, was once standing near

> me as I was leading a horse into a stall. I was an absolute

> beginner, it was my first or second day with racehorses, and I

> had the meanest one of them all. He (the horse) planted his hoof

> on my toes and leaned all of his thousand-plus pounds on it. I

> was in pain (obviously) and scared. I called out to the assistant

> trainer, thinking he'd come running to my rescue, but, shockingly

> to me at the time, he just stood there grinning and then

> sauntered over casually, the horse standing on my broken toe

> the whole time. Why did he behave so nonchalantly? (answer,

> straight from CC's books: Stop feeling sorry for yourself! You got

> yourself into this situation, so whose responsibility is it?).


> As for jumping into abysses: the only possible answer to " Are

> you ready? " is of course " yes. " Right or wrong, there is no

> alternative.


> John E


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