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Welcome Emily Dumas

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Thanks Chris for welcoming me to the group.

After reading your website regarding the signs of k-awakening, I knew I

had to connect with you. You named so many things I've been

experiencing. A few are: vibrations in my energy body, hot flashes,

seeing non-physical things flying by, seeing twinkle lights after deep

prayer, seeing a shimmering outline of something in my livingroom,

feeling urges to pray, feeling deep love for nature, can't wear my watch

because I got a wrist burn when I wore it during a laying of stones

massage and Reiki treatment, felt a hole burn through my left hand

chakra when I held ametrine crystal last week, I feel a buzzing motor in

my left hand and left foot frequently.

I had a meditation that led me to my inner void once and every cell in

my body was in ecstasy, better than an orgasm and it was in every cell.

I was high for a week after that. Sure would like to achieve that again!


I've had visitations from dead people. The first time it was from my

best friend and became a major turning point. Another turning point in

life was my first lucid dream that turned into an out of body

experience. It changed my perceptions of reality! I've also had alien

contact in altered states.

Also, I get messages from birds. It's subtle but I notice them flying

certain ways after certain thoughts and prayers. .

A lot of these things were on Chris' website as symptoms of k awakening

so what a relief!


I don't want shaktipat though. I'm too hot already!


I'm looking forward to this group and all it has to teach me!









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Hi Emily!

Good that your here. This is a group comprised of those

seeking, those seeking and recieving, and those already hand in hand

with Sun, Moon, and Stars. Dont worry no Shaktipat for you :) except

for what comes through the list - which is considerable. As you move

and allow the Kundalini its flow and itinerary, you will walk on the

sun with few affects :)I reach my hand out to you in friendship and

love and service. Welcome...-

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