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Relationships and the Kundalini

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Just as the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies

undergo a sometimes swift and radical change when the Kundalini comes forward

vigorously, so will our personal relationships also become changed. Sometimes

drastically. Sometimes as if a new and wonderful world for us and our loved ones

opens like a rose for us all to behold. The latter is preferable but the former

is more common. Drastic does not mean hurtful though.


Time and again on this list I try to impart the radical change a Kundalini

awakening inspires. Its most apparent inside our intimate relationships. Spouses

and long term relationships will show changes sometimes immediate in the new

paradigm that is being brought forth.


The husband and wife living inside a solid and resourceful, trusting

relationship will typically see this as a challenge for both due to the inter

wined loving trustful and balanced relationship. If enduring and harboring

problems of the opposite natures stated previously, they will have those

difficult natures often amplified to a degree of hardship and pain.


Imagine explaining to your spouse that there are lights emanating from her/his

body and that they are so beautiful. As nice as this sounds it does not fit into

the reality of what we as a society have come to consider the norm. It can be

difficult to silence yourself in the midst of such wondrous change. Essentially

being alone - except for we on this list that is. Spouses, unless sincerely

interested in also coming into this energy, will resist, and wonder about the

sanity of their loved one, and if there are problems already in place this could

lead to full scale animosity. Married couples in particular can experience some



My suggestion is to talk this over with the loved one, explaining what the

energy is and helpfully guiding them into a balance with the idea if not a

practice. Honesty and sincerity are the best methods, not only for the couple,

but for the individuals energetic signature within the changes occurring.

Forgiveness and gratitude and all of the attributes of the K practice should

include those nearest and dearest. Kids included. - love and blessings to us all

- chrism























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