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The unfaced fears

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, chrism

<> wrote:


> Yes the unfaced fears.

> Hello Ammargi. We can all learn

from your present circumstances. The fears will pass but only when

you face the terrible truth that you are the one that decides if

something is scary. The tests are designed for your love and courage.

Do you think you have been abandoned? Could it be so? With so much

interest and assistance? What do the Yogi and the others offer you in

regards to your fears. Certainly not staying shut inside your doors.

Fears go right thru doors. Perhaps it is their presence that is being

>gifted. That no matter how terrible the fear you are not alone with

>it. You are safe and protected inside the love and guidance of those

>who would see you succeed. There is work to be done however.


Amaaaargi writes:

Abandoned and betrayed....the help is there and is working, it's just

takes a little time.


The difficult part is that it's the child. As an adult I know they

are unfounded and how to overcome them, but to get her to understand

this and trust again is very difficult.


chrism wrote:


> I was lost for many years. When my K came upon me I was almost

>immediately sucked into a web of fallen entities. They tortured me

>for quite some time. Holding my feet over flames and raping my

>mother and sister in front of me. I was afraid to sleep or dream as

>once again I would find them drawing on my memories and appearing to

>me in the forms of harsh and negative people from my childhood or



Amaari writes:

This is what happened to me also, it started quite some time ago and

is slowley abating. I hope everyone doesn't mind reading it here on

the list but I have been astrally raped also. I'd like to mention it

only to let others know if it happens to them not to worry over it

too much and don't give it too much importance as it can be a common

occurance, especially for women.


It's just one of those things that people don't like to discuss

because of embarrasment or shame....please don't feel this way or bad

about yourself. Treat it as any other lower entity situation.


It hasn't happened for a long time for me now. Most prob because the

last time I had no fears or worrys about it...I just smiled and asked

if it was as good for them as it was for me....


I don't think they appreciated my sense of humour...heh..


well...I could have been really mean and said size *does*



ohh sorry chrism and everyone.....lack of sleep and the energy is all

in my higher chakras...I feel light headed and giggly...


As I stood in my own power and built up my courage their power



I know this lower entity part and fears is over now. All yesterday

and last night help and healing has been given and I finally stood

alone and strong. The darkness hasn't left yet, but it's only a

matter of time now.


The love inside is there for them....the heart is loving and

compassionate to them all.



chrism wrote:


> My core self however never gave in. I would pray and ask for

help, I found that forgiving the fears and the perpetrators thereof

would weaken until they finally fell away and stay away now. The

energy vampires were same scenario except that anger and temperance

were used with them successfully.



All this to say that you are not weak or powerless. You have strength

and skills that are waiting for you to use them. This is the

test. " Will she use her skills? " or will she lie down under the couch

hoping for a savior. Ask for assistance and it will come in ways that

are unfamiliar, but it will come.


Amaargi writes:

It was confusing at first. Like the story about the drowning man who

kept asking God for help and a helicopter came but he set it away

etc..still waiting for help from God...and finally realising it was

God who sent the helicopter...I'm you've all heard the story :)


I kept complaining though....because they sent me the helicopter but

no instruction manual.....


Last night I finally received the instruction manual....better late

than never..hrmfff!!


Sometimes I think God/All etc has a wicked sense of humour....heh..


chrism wrote:

>You must also do the work that allows you to roam and live and

>develop. The mouse saying " fuck off " to the owl so to speak. OOps a

>bad word but I hope you get the point. - blessings and love,

>strength and courage my friend - chrism


Amaargi writes:

oh boy..I've wanted to say that for sooooo long....sure would make me

feel better instead of trying to be goody goody spiritual all the



Will try it....it sure would make the soul feel good....*grin*


> PS Giving John E a healing for what he will allow could be a good

first step in the recognition that you will do as you wish to do no

matter what fears present.


Amaargi writes:

OK will give it a go...

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Nice to see you back Amaargi - and stronger than ever :)


The fears are all tests. Now Amaargi and I had the K come while we were alone

without guidance or a group. No information was available. So this is what can

happen in that scenario. YOU have a stronger and broader base from which to make

your fear testing not so damaging (as it was at least in my case). So every rape

or crime or whatever fear that is presented to you make the conscious effort to

know that " Aha! This is a test! " and then pass the test in the way that feels

best to you - with out fear.


Knowledge of fear neutralizes it in most ways. Know that the tests can present

themselves in scenes or scenarios from your intimate past. From parents or

school friends or strangers. I actually started to get bored with the scenes and

the constant cycle of negativity. (yawn). It will seem quite terrible at first

if this occurs to you and I'm not so sure it will as I'm providing you with

knowledge, but if it does now you understand how to categorize it for yourself.


It can often step over into the physical universe too so don't be surprised

just treat with love and forgiveness and ....yawn, perseverance - like watching

a bad movie in the visceral sense. This will typically only occur after the

spinal sweep when the 7th is wide open but don't be surprised if you have it

happen at any time. -




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dear chrism... a question or two: these fears.. are they like acute anxiety

attacks from 'out of the blue' or are they more subtle projections stemming

from 'real-time' events that one experiences? i'm reading these postings with

interest but it seems kind of abstract to me at this point. what i'm getting

from this is that as this huge wave of fear sweeps over you, you view the fear

as some kind of 'cheap trick' or stupid movie.

gratitude & love,

-steve f

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They are not subtle. Keep the abstract nature of your understanding intact as

this can be helpful and don't worry it is all kundalini phenomena and a part of

the process of bringing your self to a state of cleanliness in how you think

about yourself and others and how you relate with yourself and others. In

realtime. - chrism


" deepdance1 " <deepdance1 wrote: dear chrism... a

question or two: these fears.. are they like acute anxiety attacks from 'out of

the blue' or are they more subtle projections stemming from 'real-time' events

that one experiences? i'm reading these postings with interest but it seems kind

of abstract to me at this point. what i'm getting from this is that as this

huge wave of fear sweeps over you, you view the fear as some kind of 'cheap

trick' or stupid movie.

gratitude & love,

-steve f





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