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To add, I also remember them having beak-like faces/noses, as if they wore a



All of my visual experiences have come while I am in a hypnogogic state. I can


from being consciously awake into a hynogogic trance in a matter of minutes

under the right circumstances. I have had other visual experiences while in


type of consciousness. In a hypnogogic state, I am neither awake nor asleep.

Instead, I am in an in-between phase, where I am fully conscious and aware, but

in a sort of trance or sleep-like state. This state occurs to most everyone


they are going into or coming out of sleep. For me, I can go into this state


a fully awakened consciousness if the kundalini wants to play. This is what

happened with the dismemberment, so the visual experiences were part of a

dream-like sequence, but more real because I was not dreaming. It is as if the

brain is in both beta and delta frequencies at the same time.


That is why most people will have visions when they are coming out of sleep, or

in deep meditation. The brain and body are more relaxed and able to contact

those realms that are outside of our normal waking awareness.


What I wonder is if this is a contrived event in the brain, or are there really

" little ones " out there waiting for us to be in the right frame of mind.


Feeling skeptical, Tara

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Dear " Skeptical " ,


Maybe it's inevitable that you have to step back for a moment and

ask " Did that really happen? " but I would say that whatever

happened happened. It was real and it wasn't just in that mushy

white stuff we call the brain. Virtually every culture in the history of

the world (except maybe ours!) has beliefs in beings that are

human-like in a way, but are not human. Sometimes they're little,

and sometimes they're not. Sometimes they're benign, and

sometimes they're described as demons. There are literally

hundreds of names for other types of beings in English alone,

so they must be " real " . Don't fall into the trap of equating the

" real " with the physical-solid-material world; the latter may be

" harder " , but it's not " realer " . Most of those other cultures also

believe that events in altered states are as real if not more so

than experiences in " physical reality " (but if you analyze these

terms they fall apart,and we all end up sounding like

Buddhists...) These events were just as real as any others.

As for Max Ernst, he had a reputation as quite the wizard. I

suspect he knew what he was doing when he painted his bizarre


With a little digging we could surely come up with many more

cross-cultural examples that would corroborate your experience.

Chris has posted one of many such images from alchemy,

which has been around for over 2000 years.

But the bottom line is that you experienced it; some day you (or I)

might experience something that's not corroborated by others,

and then we would have only our own experience as a

benchmark: in unmapped territory, you make your own map.

If it happened it was real: and if there's any doubt about that, then

simply proceed as if it was real, and see where that takes you.

Of course I haven't gone through this, so who am I to give

advice... But I'm certainly convinced that your experience was



John E




" tara_tuttare " <taratuttare wrote:


> To add, I also remember them having beak-like faces/noses,

as if they wore a mask.


> All of my visual experiences have come while I am in a

hypnogogic state. I can go

> from being consciously awake into a hynogogic trance in a

matter of minutes

> under the right circumstances. I have had other visual

experiences while in this

> type of consciousness. In a hypnogogic state, I am neither

awake nor asleep.

> Instead, I am in an in-between phase, where I am fully

conscious and aware, but

> in a sort of trance or sleep-like state. This state occurs to most

everyone when

> they are going into or coming out of sleep. For me, I can go

into this state from

> a fully awakened consciousness if the kundalini wants to play.

This is what

> happened with the dismemberment, so the visual experiences

were part of a

> dream-like sequence, but more real because I was not

dreaming. It is as if the

> brain is in both beta and delta frequencies at the same time.


> That is why most people will have visions when they are

coming out of sleep, or

> in deep meditation. The brain and body are more relaxed and

able to contact

> those realms that are outside of our normal waking



> What I wonder is if this is a contrived event in the brain, or are

there really

> " little ones " out there waiting for us to be in the right frame of



> Feeling skeptical, Tara


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Its a real place and they are real entities. This is one of the aspects of the

Kundalini that is difficult for people living with in a five sense dynamic. " How

can this be happening? " " I must be going nuts! " and off to the psyche ward they

go. You have a good hold on yourself though Tara. This was real, it did happen,

and there is more to come. -





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Thank you John. You are right, and I have been here many a time

wondering, WOW did that just happen? So I guess we are the drivers.

Chris says buckle up, he thinks you're going for a ride soon :)


, " nologo3 " <esposito



> Dear " Skeptical " ,


> Maybe it's inevitable that you have to step back for a moment and

> ask " Did that really happen? " but I would say that whatever

> happened happened. It was real and it wasn't just in that mushy

> white stuff we call the brain. Virtually every culture in the history of

> the world (except maybe ours!) has beliefs in beings that are

> human-like in a way, but are not human. Sometimes they're little,

> and sometimes they're not. Sometimes they're benign, and

> sometimes they're described as demons. There are literally

> hundreds of names for other types of beings in English alone,

> so they must be " real " . Don't fall into the trap of equating the

> " real " with the physical-solid-material world; the latter may be

> " harder " , but it's not " realer " . Most of those other cultures also

> believe that events in altered states are as real if not more so

> than experiences in " physical reality " (but if you analyze these

> terms they fall apart,and we all end up sounding like

> Buddhists...) These events were just as real as any others.

> As for Max Ernst, he had a reputation as quite the wizard. I

> suspect he knew what he was doing when he painted his bizarre

> pictures.

> With a little digging we could surely come up with many more

> cross-cultural examples that would corroborate your experience.

> Chris has posted one of many such images from alchemy,

> which has been around for over 2000 years.

> But the bottom line is that you experienced it; some day you (or I)

> might experience something that's not corroborated by others,

> and then we would have only our own experience as a

> benchmark: in unmapped territory, you make your own map.

> If it happened it was real: and if there's any doubt about that, then

> simply proceed as if it was real, and see where that takes you.

> Of course I haven't gone through this, so who am I to give

> advice... But I'm certainly convinced that your experience was

> genuine.


> John E



> ,

> " tara_tuttare " <taratuttare@> wrote:

> >

> > To add, I also remember them having beak-like faces/noses,

> as if they wore a mask.

> >

> > All of my visual experiences have come while I am in a

> hypnogogic state. I can go

> > from being consciously awake into a hynogogic trance in a

> matter of minutes

> > under the right circumstances. I have had other visual

> experiences while in this

> > type of consciousness. In a hypnogogic state, I am neither

> awake nor asleep.

> > Instead, I am in an in-between phase, where I am fully

> conscious and aware, but

> > in a sort of trance or sleep-like state. This state occurs to most

> everyone when

> > they are going into or coming out of sleep. For me, I can go

> into this state from

> > a fully awakened consciousness if the kundalini wants to play.

> This is what

> > happened with the dismemberment, so the visual experiences

> were part of a

> > dream-like sequence, but more real because I was not

> dreaming. It is as if the

> > brain is in both beta and delta frequencies at the same time.

> >

> > That is why most people will have visions when they are

> coming out of sleep, or

> > in deep meditation. The brain and body are more relaxed and

> able to contact

> > those realms that are outside of our normal waking

> awareness.

> >

> > What I wonder is if this is a contrived event in the brain, or are

> there really

> > " little ones " out there waiting for us to be in the right frame of

> mind.

> >

> > Feeling skeptical, Tara

> >


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On Tuesday, October 4, 2005 I had my dismemberment. My heart was twelve inches

above my face, beating. I didn't see anyone but my heart beating and the bell of

my personal stethoscope on my heart. In my side vision I could see movement and

feel movement of my body parts. I thanked who ever for protected me from the

horrible sight.




chrism <> wrote:

Yes, this has been my experience and it is consistent with other cultures.

Remember though most people do not experience the Kundalini, and those that do

seldom keep records, especially in our social environment.


If you look at Hildegaard's paintings you see the little ones, The native

Americans of the southwest speak of the Konichis their name for the little ones,

then of course the amazonian natives and their ayahuasca little ones, the Irish

and their elves and leprechauns and fairy folk, the Scottish brownies, this is a

consistent theme throughout our cultures and within the context of the Kundalini

they seem to be one of the agents of dismemberment possibly due to the small

size being less of a threat to the person being reorganized.


Barbara just saw hands holding her heart and stethoscope. I have actually

seen the little ones and they are as I described. Did you get a visual Tara as

this occurred to you? -




tara_tuttare <taratuttare wrote:

You speak of little one's alot lately. Is it common for the dismembering

to be done by humanoid little one's?






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  • 1 year later...
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In many cultures there are spirits called " little ones " .

A wise woman of the Cherokee tribe here in NC discussed this with me

when I told her about my multi experiences when I went on a vision

quest to sort my mind after cancer.


As I walked I saw a great warrior (about 5 stories tall on a stallion-

one of my protectors).

But, I was escorted by small, happy spirits the entire 24 hour walk.

She referred to them as playful, " like children " . They seemed pleasent



Interesting experience. One of those " you know without knowing " kind of

things. It certainly was what I needed as I began my quest for

Spiritual healing.


Just Sharing...

:) :) :)


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