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Digest Number 563

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Hi Hadass,


lol, you make me realise how " food-centered " I am!

You asked an interesting question- how diff is a veggie pregnancy from a

normal one?! Well, I guess it's really the food, but I think in many

cultures, what the mother eats will have a great effect on the baby-

including its sex, ha ha ha!






> , " Janis MK Tan " <janis_mktan@h...>


> > Hello again,

> >

> > I seem to be full of questions of late :)

> > erhm, do you have a fav veg*n pregnancy book to recommend?


>May I assume from this that congratulations are in order? 8-)


>Or websites? I

> > know there are not many out on the market, but wld be interested to


> > personal reviews, or simply your opinions.


>I liked Rose Elliott's Vegetarian Mother and Baby Book - I still make

>stuff from there. She starts with pregnancy, and carries on with

>recipes that you can modify to share with a baby.


>Aside from food, how would a vegetarian pregnancy book be different

>from any other? I found the most interesting parts of pregnancy to

>have nothing to do with food!


>Be well, Hadass in Winnipeg, Ima to Rafi, 6.75 y/o, Ari, 3.5 y/o, and

>Shira, one day shy of 6 weeks old already, yikes.




Janis Tan MK


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, Sandra Mort <sandra.mort@o...> wrote:

> Oh, my, I didn't realize you'd had a new baby, Hadass!

Congratulations and

> mazel tov!


> Sandra, Eva, Raffi and Squirt (due 8/03)


Thanks, my dear. B'sha'a tova on your new arrival!!


Kol tuv, Hadass (who loves your kids' names 8-))

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  • 1 year later...

Well if the Railtrack 'customer' services call centre is based in India...


>i see ... the Vegan UK !! list run by an American .... this list

certainly has gone downhill ...


sorry paul ...



, mavreela <ndisc@m...> wrote:

> Hi all,


> Thanks to Paul's for his offer last week to become a new moderator


> this list. I have now promoted him so if there are any problems in

> future it won't matter that I'm not around.






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right .. but that is forced by economics ... not by any social



obviously for [social] " issues and support for the UK " you'd expect

to be dealt with by someone living in the UK...


" keep it local? "


we've already given up our government to the US ... (yes **WE** have

given it up... the people have given up control... grin n bear

it...) ...


still ... it's probably easier to know what's going on with some

distance... easier to understand the day-to-day changes that are

occuring in people's attitudes ... and how the products in the market

are affected ... to feel the spread of increasing acceptability of

certain personal choices ..... and their limitations and the

resistances ... if you are sitting in a chair half way across the

world and not involved in it all...


this isn't personal Paul ... it's purely about 'keeping it local'...


still ... we must offload our lives to other countries... offload

out manufacturing and production and agriculture to other lands ...

so that we may cherish our freedom from the bonds of the land...


i'm not rooting for the UK here ... i would move out of the UK at the

drop of a hat... but wherever one goes ... buy local... and use

local services... reduce oil usage... and " service/product mileage "



, " Graham Burnett " <grahamburnett@b...>


> Well if the Railtrack 'customer' services call centre is based in



> >i see ... the Vegan UK !! list run by an American .... this list

> certainly has gone downhill ...


> sorry paul ...

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> obviously for [social] " issues and support for the UK " you'd expect

> to be dealt with by someone living in the UK...


The idea is that the list membership support each other, not that the

list admin solves all your problems.


The rôle of the moderator is to answer any technical questions and

ensure that people don't spam the list etc. Usually it is to do

nothing. I don't see any reason why it would matter where in the world

someone is located in order to perform those tasks. And this list has

always welcomed people from outside the UK so long as they accept it is

UK focussed.


Anyway, I keep find myself away from the group for weeks on end and had

Paul not volunteered I would have closed the list down.



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