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slightly off topic - mouse trap at work

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One of my co-workers found evidence of a mouse in her desk last

week. Today I found out that the company had someone come in and set

one of those sticky mouse traps to catch it. I was so upset when I

heard. Those are the cruelest kind of mouse trap you can get (I've

heard). I havent been at the company that long and I am trying to

decide what I should do.


1. Just leave the trap and hope no mouse gets caught in it.

2. Ask the company if they would replace it with a more humane trap.

3. Go out and buy one myself and ask if I can replace it.


If I do buy one myself - anyone know where to find a " catch and

release " mouse trap?



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Peta sells humane mouse traps - perhaps some local pet stores sell them,

too. I would DEFINITELY go buy a humane one and replace it IMMEDIATELY.

I've seen what the glue traps do to mice - those jerks!!!!!





smartgirl27us <thesmartfamily3


Wednesday, January 08, 2003 3:07 PM


slightly off topic - mouse trap at work



One of my co-workers found evidence of a mouse in her desk last

week. Today I found out that the company had someone come in and set

one of those sticky mouse traps to catch it. I was so upset when I

heard. Those are the cruelest kind of mouse trap you can get (I've

heard). I havent been at the company that long and I am trying to

decide what I should do.


1. Just leave the trap and hope no mouse gets caught in it.

2. Ask the company if they would replace it with a more humane trap.

3. Go out and buy one myself and ask if I can replace it.


If I do buy one myself - anyone know where to find a " catch and

release " mouse trap?






For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website

at http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families

go to http://www.vrg.org/family.



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Hav-a-heart is the brand of a small live trap for mice; the door closes when

a mouse goes inside. You take it out side and let it go. I've seen them at

home centers.


Be kind. Be of good cheer.

Dick Ford

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That reminds me of when I was in college, They were setting up the Sticky traps

in the bathrooms, kitchens, and garbage rooms of our dorms. I was not veggie at

the time, however my friend was and we had sort of and underground pact to

flatten the traps when we found them, (and we quickly figured out where they

would pop up next)

We did go to Menards or one of those home do-it-yourself type stores and bought

some of the live traps (Traps in which the animals are trappped alive and

unharmed). We pleaded with the director who eventually gave in and let us

replace the others with the trap door type. My friend also promised to transport

the poor captured creatures to saftey. ( though one became a pet in her room

unbeknownst to the hall staff but that's another story) We could not trust them

otherwise as she had found a sticky trap with live mouse in the dumpster, which

she did manage to save without serious injuries (whew). Anyway we also

dicovered that the instructions on the package of the trap door trap said to

release or dispose of trap with mouse in the dumpster. Since then, I have on

several occasions just so happened to have a marker with me and blacken out that

part of the instructions.

Anyway, That's what I would do. Buy the gentler trap and ask if you could

replace it if you took the responsibility of removing the animal once it is

caught. ( of course bringing it to a safe place away from the area so it does

not return to the same fate) And in the meantime, or if they will not allow you

to replace it ( though I don't think they should mind). " accidentally " step on

the stickky traps when ever the reappear thus saving any poor things actually

getting caught and suffering. (obviously when nobody is looking to protect your


We also used some live traps in our house when some little guys found their way

in once. I just released them in some forest preserves near us. The multi-

animal live trap seemed to work best, because once the one mouse trap has

captured one, or gotten bumped and closed it it is uneffective till you reset

it. Thats really frustrating if it happens during the day or in early evening

before they are out and about. Plus, mice like to live together so if one is

around, unless it just moved in, there are quite likely more. Oh by the way,

they like peanut butter. :)

Good luck!


" smartgirl27us <thesmartfamily3 " <thesmartfamily3

wrote:One of my co-workers found evidence of a mouse in her desk last

week. Today I found out that the company had someone come in and set

one of those sticky mouse traps to catch it. I was so upset when I

heard. Those are the cruelest kind of mouse trap you can get (I've

heard). I havent been at the company that long and I am trying to

decide what I should do.


1. Just leave the trap and hope no mouse gets caught in it.

2. Ask the company if they would replace it with a more humane trap.

3. Go out and buy one myself and ask if I can replace it.


If I do buy one myself - anyone know where to find a " catch and

release " mouse trap?






For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to




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  • 3 weeks later...

You know, I'd heard that, too, but a friend of mine with a serious mouse

problem disagreed. She said that the release traps aren't good because

they're too expensive to have more than one or two around, the snap traps

often mangle them, but the glue traps just hold them in place. Then she

uses oil or something to release them from the glue (I forget what she uses,

I could ask) and takes them outside (probably pretty far away!) and releases




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