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new and flax oil

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> i have two boys and a girl. my naturopath has

> instructed me many times not to give flax seed to

> my boys, but it's very beneficial for girls. i

> was hesitant to give you this information because

> i don't like giving a statement without reasons

> why. i'll find out and give you more information

> later.



Interesting. My naturpath advised me to give it to my son as did my

Pediatrician who has a wholistic practice. I'm curious how the info. you have

is different. We also use hemp seed, borage seed and olive oil.






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i have two boys and a girl. my naturopath has

instructed me many times not to give flax seed to

my boys, but it's very beneficial for girls. i

was hesitant to give you this information because

i don't like giving a statement without reasons

why. i'll find out and give you more information



--- Virginie Van Mol <virginie.vanmol


> Hello,


> I'm new to this group. I've been lurking for a

> while and haven't introduced

> myself.. so now it's time to do it !


> I'm a mama of two boys (10 months and

> 2y10months) and tandemfeed my two

> boys. I'm vegetarian for about 15 years now and

> our children are also

> vegetarian (ovo - lacto vegetarian).

> At the moment I'm a stay-at-home mum.

> I've been reading some e-mails about flax oil

> and want to know more about

> it. What is it good for, how do you use it, how

> much do you give to your

> children (baby), etc. I live in Belgium

> (English isn't my mother tongue) and

> flax oil is rather expensive as it is an

> American product. But I like to

> know more about it as it may be usefull to us.


> My son of 10 months doesn't eat a lot yet (even

> my son of almost 3 does not

> eat as much as his little friends). When I'm

> eating myself I try to give him

> some of mine but he refuses most times. Because

> he is still brestfed I'm

> not worried although some peaple make me

> sometimes insecure. Do you give

> vitamins and what kind of ? Or other suplements

> ?


> Thanks for your answers,

> Love,

> Virginie









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Hi and welcome, Virginie,

How wonderful you're tandem breastfeeding your boys! And how wonderful

they're vegetarian!


I *just* read a scientific review that said that DHA from flax oil does

*not* get into mothers milk in any decent amount (but DHA from fish does,

and to a lesser extent, DHA from leafy green vegetable and walnuts). I am a

bit suspect of the article, but until more comes out about it, and in

general to make sure your baby gets what he needs, you may want to give him

a bit of the oil mixed in whatever he eats. It will also help him get a

taste for it, since it can be unpleasant to some people.


Since he doesn't eat much solid food, try to blend it into what he does eat,

but don't worry too much. Once he starts eating more solids you can

increase his dose. I wrote this article

http://www.vegfamily.com/articles/flax-seed-oil.htm and in it I talk about

the doses for babies and small children, as well as how you can use it.


There is a *lot* of info about the benefits of DHA (which is the long-chain

essential fatty acid known as omega-3 or n-3) all over the web and

especially veg*n support sites (www.pcrm.org and www.vegfamily.org to name

2) but briefly, it is a major ingredient in brain and eye development, helps

the body convert food to energy, helps regulate hormones, helps promote a

healthy heart and blood system, may help prevent cancer (helps protect

against free-radicals), and the list goes on.


As far as the cost goes.... It's probably worth the cost of the import, but

you can also buy flax seeds and grind them and use them in recipes. Is it

not available as a nutritional supplement by prescription?


At 10 mos I think the usual advice is that your younger son wouldn't need

vitamins or other supplements. Your older son is old enough, if you think

his diet needs a boost (which may depend on how much he still nurses).

Shortly after my son turned 2, I started to give a vegan multi- and a Greens

(green food) supplement.


Your English seems fine but if you need clarification, let me know.

Hope that helps.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm. I've been told that for depression and other mood disorders, flax and

other vegetarian sources are not effective, that only the fish oils will

work. Any idea if that's true?



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> Sandra Mort <sandra.mort

> Re:new and flax oil


> Hmm. I've been told that for depression and other mood disorders, flax and

> other vegetarian sources are not effective, that only the fish oils will

> work. Any idea if that's true?



The problem is that studies have only been done with fish oil.

Preliminary studies with flaxseed oil are promising, but seem to indicate a

less noticeable improvement of symptoms.




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Damn. Less noticable doesn't sound too promising to ME...



> The problem is that studies have only been done with fish oil.

> Preliminary studies with flaxseed oil are promising, but seem to indicate


> less noticeable improvement of symptoms.

> ~Doh


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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks for the info and Doh, for the interesting article and info.

We're using it in the meantime. I have to say that it has a special taste.

In mashed potatoes it's OK, in yogurt too, but pure it is not very tasty.

Any tips on how to use it else are welcome.


to d.millener : do you have any information about not giving it to boys ?

I'm not worried but like to know why your naturopath said so.


Virginie (mama van Tobias 02/03/00 en Tijs 28/02/02)


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