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Toddler's Reaction to Nuts

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> anyone else experienced this with their toddlers? I would like to include

> these foods in his vegan diet again but don't how soon or if I should do

> so.

> Thanks!


The walnuts were prob. the issue. Almonds are not nuts. They are rarely

allergenic. Tahini being from seeds is usually ok. You can try they nuts at a

later date when he is older.






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> " admartin " <admartin

ler's Reaction to Nuts


> My 27-month old son apparently is allergic to nuts. I used to put almond

> butter in his hot cereal or bread but believe that this food, along with

> walnuts and tahini, was causing him to break out in an itchy rash only on

> his legs. I eliminated these foods he loves from his diet and it seems that

> the rash began to bother him less. I introduced these foods to him when he

> was close to 1.5 years old and he didn't appear to have a problem then. Has

> anyone else experienced this with their toddlers? I would like to include

> these foods in his vegan diet again but don't how soon or if I should do so.

> Thanks!



First I would suggest seeing a naturopath or other natural health physician

or nutritionist. My son's allergies were eliminated with a combo of NAET,

BET, and some other for of natural therapy.

Second, I would suggest keeping the nuts out of his diet for at least 4

years. That seems to be the age when kids outgrow an allergy (or better

said, mature so that their body can handle a previous allergen). But if you

keep " testing " his reactions by occasionally re-introducing them, his body

will never have the chance to develop its own ability to handle the

allergens. His body needs years to get to this point, not months.

Good luck, I know it's frustrating - not to mention it's hard to deny your

kid some of his favortie food!




Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution

inevitable. ~ John F. Kennedy

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<<My 27-month old son apparently is allergic to nuts..<snip>.. causing

him to break out in an itchy rash only on his legs..<snip>..I introduced

these foods to him when he was close to 1.5 years old and he didn't

appear to have a problem then.>>


Contrary to popular opinion, people don't have allergic reactions the

first time they're exposed to something. It's the *subsequent* times

that will get you!


I can't stress strongly enough to take all tree nuts and peanuts out of

his diet for now. A nut allergy *can* be/become life-threatening. It

is possible to outgrow the allergy, as someone else pointed out, if you

give his system time to mature first.


It would be worth it to go to a pediatric allergist if you can. They

usually don't like to test until at least 2 years old, which you've

reached. Bear in mind that because food allergies can be so dangerous,

allergy testing of food products is done on the arms -- as our allergist

pointed out, you can't put a tourniquet around someone's back -- which

means you'll have to keep his arms in one position for an impossible

amount of time (something like 15 minutes, if I'm remembering



Been there, done that (can you tell?!),



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