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RE: custody & ex issues (was Nursery school)

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Robin...... my daughter came home yesterday and said that he had given her

some cake and told her " it only has a little sugar and dairy in it, so it's

ok " -- but I consider that progress! A couple of weeks ago, we were in the

grocery store and she said, " it's ok to buy these because I had them at

daddy's house, and they don't have dairy " -- needless to say they were full

of junk and he was lying to her. At least now he's not lying to her. My main

concern is that he not feed her meat, and although she is old enough to know

what meat is, and why we don't eat it, I am still afraid that he will take

her to McD or similar establishment and tell her it's a veggie burger, and

she'll end up with stomach cramps or worse... I do talk with her in a

general way about issues, for example: when you go to daddy's and you get to

stay up late, that's a real treat and it's fun for a while, but then it gets

late and you feel cranky and sad, that's why you go to bed on time at home,

so you don't get cranky and sad; when you eat whatever you want at daddy's,

it's fun and tastes good, but sometimes you come home with a stomach ache;

mommy loves you very much and gives you good things to eat that won't give

you a tummy ache, so when you're at daddy's you can think about that if you

want to. It's really hard because you don't want to put the responsibility

on them at this age, and they want so much to please whomever they are with.


Feel free to email me off the list if you want to, it's a dark enough time

to go through without the extra issues of diet and lifestyle differences.



Karen L. Thurston


Voice/FAX: 603 465-2867

Cell Phone: 603 571-2863




Robin Allen [woodsprite24]

Friday, January 24, 2003 3:17 PM


RE: Nursery school



In response to all of your wonderful responses about nursery school menus, I

just wanted to say thank you. You have all given me wonderful ideas. And

Karen, I too am going through a custody battle and had not even thought

about my ex's diet. He is not vegan as my daughter and I are and when he is

granted visitation, he may not continue to feed her vegan, healthful foods.

She is too young to protest or know and I know she could be very sick if he

does not comply with her diet. Any suggestions would be greatly












> " Karen L. Thurston " <Karen



>RE: Nursery school

>Tue, 21 Jan 2003 10:43:46 -0500


>Hi -- I am going to answer, and also rant a bit...


>For school, point out that other children don't eat some food items either.

>In my daughter's pre-school/kindergarten, she is the only vegetarian, but

>there is another child who doesn't eat nuts, another child who doesn't


>the school's juice (food dyes), and another who is allergic to dairy.


>Rant, rant, rant: I am going through a divorce. There is a custody dispute

>(my soon to be ex wants 4 days here, 4 days there, 4 days here, etc., which

>I think will be confusing and upsetting for all involved), so a guardian ad

>litem was appointed by the court. She favored my husband's point of view,

>and much of her report was about how good it is for them that he exposes

>them to " normal " food (he's not a vegetarian, eats dairy and tons of junk



>My total, from-the-heart answer is don't make a big deal out of it. There

>are rules at Samantha's house, rules at Dylan's house and rules at our

>house. We don't eat meat, and avoid dairy & processed foods. My kids love

>our food and most of the time, don't want to try it at other peoples houses

>(including their dad's) even when I'm not around (and not because they


>I'll find out).


>Hope that helps...




>Vladimir Profant [vprofant]

>Tuesday, January 21, 2003 7:17 AM


> Nursery school



>Hi all,


>my son (3,4 - a vegetarian since birth but doesn’t

>know about that yet) will go to nursery school for the

>first time on Friday. He will attend it only once a

>week until June. We chose Fridays on purpose since

>sweet (no meat) meals are served on that day. So far

>so good, but the main problem will come in September

>when my wife will probably have to go to work and our

>son will attend nursery school five days a week. Of

>course meat is served four days a week and teachers

>are allergic to hear anything about special diets.


>1. How do you deal with this kind of a problem ? What

>kind of philosophy do you hold ?


>2. When is the right time for children to realize they

>differ from 99 % of the society ?



>Czech Republic


>PS: My wife and me have been vegetarians for about one

>year - since we found enough courage to tell even our

>parents „no more meat " .






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>For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

>http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to




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