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Digest Number 586

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Amen, Sonia, good for you!


I am a bit late with this response, but I am very sorry to hear of your loss.

It's great that you came to this group for support. I have had several dear

friends who have miscarried, one lost a baby at 8 months, and another lost a

baby at 17 weeks. What helped them was having the support of their families

(such as mom and sister), coworkers, and friends. If that is lacking, a support

group can be most helpful. Your local hospital should be able to refer you to



Sometimes people around you don't know what to say. I noticed it was easier in

some ways for the women who lost a baby at 8 months because she had a supportive

husband and people were more likely to recognize that she lost a child. She

received flowers, neighbors brought food, and they had to deal with the question

of whether to hold a funeral (they did not, but they named the baby and held an

intimate candle-lighting at their home). My other friend who lost a baby at 17

weeks also had to go through labor. She was just as devastated and did not have

a supportive partner. She felt that the hospital staff during the miscarriage

were unsympathetic and belittled her feelings, like, " Get over it already. " Can

you imagine!? She named the baby but because most people around her did not

recognize she was pregnant, she did not get the kind of sympathy she needed,

that she had lost a child. So I think it's good that you told people!


It helps to go through the goodbye process as others were saying. If you haven't

done it already, buy a big bouquet of pastel pink and blue flowers, have that

little candle-lighting ceremony with your kids. They have to deal with their own

loss, albeit not as much as you, and presumably they will take their cue from

you. Tell your children how much you loved and wanted and will miss that little

baby-to-be, no matter how small. Time will help heal your heart.


I've noticed that the loss is often difficult for couples as they cope with

their own feelings. Men may withdraw to deal with the sadness, while women may

need to work through the pain more openly. Keep that in mind and be patient with

your partner if he can't be there for you when you need him.


I'll be sending good vibes your way,






Message: 1

Wed, 29 Jan 2003 06:13:47 -0800 (PST)

Sonya Parker

Re: missed pregnancy




Thanks guys. I guess i'm always so wrapped up in helping other people that I

never thought I would ever need help. I'm use to being the one that helps

everybody else heal so when this happened this was a reality check. I'm a firm

believer that all things happen for a divine reason and there is always a lesson

to be learned from every situation. I'm guessing my lesson is to be open enough

to allow others to help me and not try to deal with everything on my own because

we can't do it all, sometimes we need help. So now all I can do is let go and

accept the help that people are offering. I'm always glad to be a part of this










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Dear Marc (w/ respect to Anna's post),


(Sorry, this is long!) You go, Marc! I am so glad to hear Marc point out that

high protein consumption limits calcium absorption. Even the medical

establishment does not dispute that, but the meat industry and the dairy

industry have such a strangle-hold on global dietary opinions. Even on me!

Yikes. With so much hullabaloo about Atkins-like high-protein/low-carb diets

today, it drives me batty that people are embracing a high-fat, low-fiber

diet!!! And for children!? I know that's not what your husband is recommending

Anna, but stick to your guns! Where kids are concerned, they will get plenty of

protein from plant sources (keep the whole grains, beans, lentils, and tofu

flowing), and better calcium absorption without the meat. If you can possibly

delay the introduction of high-protein, high-fat meat, you will be helping your

child grow stronger bones, delay and even prevent later problems with obesity,

athsma, allergies, diabetes, heart disease, and colon ( & other) cancers.


That said, I'm a hypocrit! I feel a bit guilty saying no when my son wants eggs,

milk, or (god forbid) bacon or beef jerky. It's hard to break out of that

brain-washing that these things are good for you (although I have no problem

putting my foot down on bacon and beef jerky!! UGH!). This diary-industry and

meat-industry brain-washing is on TV! It's in his 1st grade public school's

reading material! It's in health brochures in doctors' offices (sometimes you

can find the copyright on the back in tiny print--the US Diary Council)!


I buy organic egg-whites in a carton and use them rarely. And I finally switched

to soy milk, whereas I used to buy non-fat Lactaid for cooking. He loves

" chocolate silk " --I wish it weren't chocolate, but at least it's more easily

digestible plant protein, and soy milk is not mucous-forming like cow's milk. He

gobbles up Morningstar Farms breakfast links and we like their breakfast strips

too. I add the textured vegetable protein crumbles (also by Morningstar Farms)

to soups, stir frys, and frozen-convenience veggie " meal starters. " I use Bacos

(all soy, no MSG) in quiche and on salads.


I'm one of those people who gets a tummy ache when I eat meat--even if rice is

cooked in chicken broth. But my 6-yr-old son doesn't have much problem switching

between mommy's house, which is vegetarian, and daddy's house, which is

decidedly carnivorous. He too eats meat at school on occasion. He says he would

be a vegetarian if he could--but his dad (and girlfriend, who cooks) aren't

cooperating. No surprise there.


Anna, it's great that you are still nursing Kevin. That's a very good start for

his immune system and supplement to a healthy vegetarian diet. Not to mention

special mommy/baby time. :)


BTW, aren't the egg whites are better, nutritionally speaking, rather than the



Valerie, aka Richard's mom


Message: 11

Thu, 30 Jan 2003 11:06:38 -0000

Marc Palmer

Re: meat to babies...


On Wed, 29 Jan 2003 15:06:27 -0000, Anna Macknight



> Hi,


> My son just turned 1, and he is still a vegan. I'm going to start giving

> him egg yolks and yogurt soon, but my husband thinks we should give him

> meat once a week " just to be safe " . I understand that my husband is

> worried, but I don't want to give meat to my baby! My husband's argument

> is that dietary guidelines change a lot, and that they might not know if

> children need meat for something that they don't know yet...


> Kevin (my son) eats well, and I'm still nursing him.


> I'm a vegetarian (vegan 90% of the time) and my husband is omnivore

> (vegetarian 90% of the time). Our 9yo daughter eats meat outside the

> house (school).


> What do you guys think?


There is absolutely no need for a child to consume dairy products if fed a

healthy balanced diet. You need to know your nutritional facts though - and many

of these are available from The Vegan Society (UK) online. Indeed, if done

properly keeping your baby vegan could be the best gift you could ever bestow,

given the -proven-long term health benefits of a healthy vegan diet. Actually,

dietary guidelines may change a lot, but they tend to come from government

agencies who have vested interests in the dairy industry, and also from people

who think that the general population is not intelligent enough to eat

healthily. Hence the increasing recommended intake of Calcium in the USA -

because of excessive protein consumption by the general population. On a diet

contain adequate but not excessive amounts of protein, the approximate daily

calcium requirements for an - adult-are only 600mg.







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Whenever my in-laws get on me about feeding the baby

meat, I tell them, " yup, that's why all the Hindus

died out, lack of meat in the diet. " There are plenty

of world cultures to point to that haven't eaten meat

in generations, and they still seem to be doing just

fine. I mean, you can't get much more large-scale

study than that...




> Message: 3

> Wed, 29 Jan 2003 15:06:27 -0000

> " Anna Macknight <macknighta "

> <macknighta

> meat to babies...


> Hi,


> My son just turned 1, and he is still a vegan. I'm

> going to start

> giving him egg yolks and yogurt soon, but my husband

> thinks we

> should give him meat once a week " just to be safe " .

> I understand

> that my husband is worried, but I don't want to give

> meat to my

> baby! My husband's argument is that dietary

> guidelines change a lot,

> and that they might not know if children need meat

> for something

> that they don't know yet…


> Kevin (my son) eats well, and I'm still nursing him.


> I'm a vegetarian (vegan 90% of the time) and my

> husband is omnivore

> (vegetarian 90% of the time). Our 9yo daughter eats

> meat outside the

> house (school).


> What do you guys think?

> Thanks

> Anna






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  • 1 year later...
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My Apologies to the group- At midnight I sent this out to SBV by mistake.

Dave usually has me send some other activities to the group and in a tired

state clicked without thinking.







Wednesday, June 09, 2004 12:50 PM


Digest Number 586

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Message: 3

Tue, 8 Jun 2004 22:54:18 -0700

" Mark Galeck " <mark_galeck

RE: 6/11 All first time guest get in free: " Quit Taking It

Personally "


And what does that have to do with Vegetarianism??



Carol Daly [carol]

Tuesday, June 08, 2004 10:51 PM


6/11 All first time guest get in free: " Quit

Taking It Personally "





Special Offer for tonight June 11, 2004:

ALL first time guests get in for FREE!!! Regular $15

Invite your friends and come join us!!



Is your day ruined when he/ she says something or doesn't say


Is your day ruined if he/she does something or doesn't do something?

Then you are taking these things way too personal!

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2014mg Sodium.

Is this sodium content high?




wrote: There are 2 messages in this



Topics in this digest:


1. Re: Enchilada-Inspired Polenta Pie

" Penny Hagan "


2. Re: Enchilada-Inspired Polenta Pie - correction

" Sue in NJ "






Message: 1

Sat, 25 Mar 2006 10:12:17 -0600

" Penny Hagan "


Re: Enchilada-Inspired Polenta Pie


Step 3 mentions corn but there is no corn in the ingredient list. Have you

made this recipe? How much corn did you use?




On 3/24/06, Sue in NJ wrote:



> * Exported from MasterCook *


> Enchilada-Inspired Polenta Pie


> Recipe By :Robin Robertson

> Serving Size : 4 Preparation Time :0:00

> Categories : Crockpot Main Dish

> Vegan


> Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

> -------- ------------ --------------------------------

> 2 tablespoons water -- or olive oil

> 1 small yellow onion -- minced

> 1 1/4 cups cornmeal

> 1 teaspoon salt

> 1 tablespoon chili powder -- AND

> 1/2 teaspoon chili powder

> 4 cups boiling water

> 2 1/2 cups salsa -- chunky, your choice

> 1 1/2 cups canned pinto beans -- rinsed and drained

> 4 ounces canned chili peppers -- diced

> 2 tablespoons red onion -- minced

> 2 tablespoons black olives -- sliced

> salt and pepper -- to taste

> 2 tablespoons fresh cilantro leaves -- minced


> 1. Saute the onions until softened, about 5 minutes.


> 2. Put the onions in the slow cooker, then add the cornmeal, salt, 1/2

> teaspoon of the chili powder, and stir in the boiling water until well

> combined. Cover and cook on LOW 6 to 8 hours, stirring occasionally.


> 3. In a large bowl, combine the salsa, beans, corn, chilies, red onion,

> olives, & remaining chili powder and season with salt & pepper. Mix well

> and set aside.


> 4. About 30 minutes before ready to serve, spread the bean mixture on top

> of the polenta mixture. Cover and continue to cook until the beans are

> hot.


> 5. Serve with the cilantro as garnish.


> Description:

> " The flavors and ingredients of enchiladas were the inspiration for

> this recipe, with a polenta base standing in for soft corn tortillas.

> For added richness, top with shredded soy cheddar close to serving

> time. "

> Source:

> " Fresh From the Vegetarian Slow Cooker "

> Copyright:

> " 2004 "


> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


> Per Serving: 304 Calories; 2g Fat (6.5% calories

> from fat); 11g Protein; 62g Carbohydrate; 11g Dietary Fiber; 0mg

> Cholesterol; 2011mg Sodium. Exchanges: 3 Grain(Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 2

> 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat.



> Nutr. Assoc. : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0







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Gods, yes. For a 2000 calorie diet, that's more than 100% daily allowance!!


On 3/26/06, Kathryn Weitzel <armedmom wrote:


> 2014mg Sodium.

> Is this sodium content high?



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Very very high. Way over the suggested daily limit. The sodium content is

listed for one serving.



" Kathryn Weitzel " <armedmom



> 2014mg Sodium.

> Is this sodium content high?


> On 3/24/06, Sue in NJ wrote:

> >


> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

> >

> > Per Serving: 304 Calories; 2g Fat (6.5% calories

> > from fat); 11g Protein; 62g Carbohydrate; 11g Dietary Fiber; 0mg

> > Cholesterol; 2011mg Sodium. Exchanges: 3 Grain(Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 2

> > 1/2 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat.

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