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Hi Hadass,


I cannot give you hard solid facts, but I rem the first time I had to buy

wheatgerm at Whole Foods, The guy showed me what they had- toasted &

untoasted, and I asked what's the diff? He said, toasted tastes better, but

some pple prefer untoasted, becoz they believe toasting destroys the

nutrients in the wheatgerm. I've often seen wheatgerm recommended, eg in the

Super Baby Food. But there's this lady (can't recall her name right now!)

who wrote also some health books, and I was reading one about Super Grains

(I think!- I am having bad memory due to pregnancy brain :P ), and in it she

mentioned that she wld not recommend wheatgerm as it is such an unstable

food (exposure to air reduces potency and freshness, etc), and rather to

just use whole grains, etc. You cld leave it out if you don't think it

affects the recipe a whole lot, or replace with oat bran??

hth, sorry for the babble.






>Message: 17

> Mon, 03 Feb 2003 04:46:11 -0000

> " Lion's Ima <heviatar " <heviatar

>Wheat germ question


>I found a nice recipe for banana muffins, and it calls for toasted

>wheat germ as a topping. I have a bag of untoasted wheat germ. How

>does one toast wheat germ, or does it matter if I use untoasted where

>toasted is called for? Is there a significant difference in taste?


>Thanks, Hadass in Winnipeg.


Janis Tan MK


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Dear Stacey,

I would think that you're just experiencing normal pregnancy exhaustion. The

first trimester is when exhaustion is the worst! That happens more when you have

other children too, and you are older than you were with the other pregnancies

of course. But I wonder if you're getting enough food? I sometimes get dizzy or

have a " grey-out " --a temporary loss of peripheral vision--when I stand up from

bending or lying down when my blood sugar is low. Make sure you eat several

times a day. And drink, drink drink, lots of liquid too. I would have something

I like to drink with me at all times, like non-caffeinated tea or diluted

cranberry juice. If you are still nursing the 8-mo. old, you really need lots of

dense food calories and liquids--not to mention sleep!

Best of luck and congrats on #3!


Message: 4

Fri, 31 Jan 2003 11:07:39 -0800 (PST)

Empress Stacey

Vegan - for 5 years


Pregnant - 12 weeks


I have no energy at all. Can't do simple things without getting dizzy and tired.

Simple things like climbing the stairs. i think it is too early for me to be

feeling so lazy. does anyone know what i might be missing from my diet? i really

need to get back on track. i have a 6 year old daughter and my son is eight

months old. They need an energetic mommy.HELP ASAP!!









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I hit a huge lethargic streak right at 12 weeks too,

right when I thought I was supposed to be getting an

energy burst. Went over my diet and realized I wasn't

getting near enough protein. My midwife recommended

at least 60g per day, 80-100 once I hit the end of the

2nd trimester. I upped my iron, too, since it seemed

a little on the low side. I'm 28 weeks now, and now I

can feel the difference if my protein was a little low

the day before.


If you're still feeling queasy (I had " morning "

sickness all day every day for the first 14 weeks,

bleah) the thing that worked for me was a protein

shake every night before bed. The kind of protein

powder I got only took 1/4 cup of milk, so it was easy

to get down. Also those little shelled pumpkin seeds,

'pepitas', are a lifesaver - tons of protein and iron

in a tiny, salty package. Mmmm.


Not a bad idea to look at other things, too - making

sure to nap whenever you can, going over your blood

tests with your doctor/midwife, etc.


Good luck!




>Message: 4

> Fri, 31 Jan 2003 11:07:39 -0800 (PST)

> Empress Stacey <zaijah2




>Vegan - for 5 years


>Pregnant - 12 weeks


>I have no energy at all. Can't do simple things

without getting dizzy

>and tired. Simple things like climbing the stairs. i

think it is too

>early for me to be feeling so lazy. does anyone know

what i might be

>missing from my diet? i really need to get back on

track. i have a 6 year

>old daughter and my son is eight months old. They

need an energetic

>mommy.HELP ASAP!!





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  • 11 months later...

I'm really enjoying the group so I thought I'd just share my

experience. I went raw (95-100%) nearly 4 weeks ago and have found the

transition really comfortable for the most part. I felt pretty nasty

for the 3 or 4 days but since then have felt progressively better. I

tried some fancy raw recipes to start with but must admit I really like

not messing with the vegetables too much and I really like not cooking

(although I still have to cook for my family). My energy is up, (I'm

exercising at least once every day) and everything is good as long as

the larder is full. I ran out of savories today and spent the day

eating fruit and dates and I really didn't enjoy it. I didn't

transition in because I know that doesn't work for me I'm an all or

nothing kind of guy and for the most part things are really great. I

still have trouble with raw onion and garlic, I tried marinating them

in braggs and lemon but it didn't really help (any thoughts on this

anyone) I'm losing about 4 pounds a week and seem to be needing less

sleep (I wake after about 6 hours refreshed and ready to take on the


Good luck to you other newbies, I found not thinking about it too much

and " just doing it " (as you Americans say) worked for me.



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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest



I guess I screwed up. I think I left the rice noodles in the water too long.

Anyway, after draining them, I put the noodles in oilk and it came out as an

oily glob. I did try it and it did not taste too bad if you like gooey stuff.

I'll put it on (or off) the back burner for now.







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