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infant cereals

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We are about to start our 4 month old on her first solid food. It has been

recommended that we start with rice cereal mixed with breast milk. We will then

slowly introduce vegetables, fruits and other grains leaving common allergens

(nuts, strawberries, wheat, etc) until after her first birthday. My question is

- has anyone made their own infant cereals? We are going to try to give our

daughter only organic, non GMO foods for as long as possible. We can get an

organic infant rice cereal at the market, but I'd just as soon make my own if

that's possible. Anyone ever done it? Also, iron-fortified cereals are often

recommended (as infants have depleted the stores of iron they are born with by

3-4 months). Any opinions on whether it's better to have a home-made

non-fortified cereal with a supplement of vitamin drops or a commercially made

iron enriched cereal?


Thanks, Jeanne Wishengrad




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Hi Jeanne,

I am wondering why you want to start your infant on cereal so early, especially

when she is gaining the benefits of breastmilk. Pediatricians vary on their

recommendations, but I do not see why it is necessary to start so early (I am

not a doctor, but a mother of a 7 month old who has not yet begun solids). As

for iron concerns, see this article


l which discusses the bioavailability of iron in breastmilk (I just found that

quickly - there are probably many more complete resources on the web - try


Dr. Sears recommends waiting until at least 6 months to begin solids and there

are several biophysical reasons to do so.



Unfortunately I can't help you with the specific question you asked about making

your own cereal, but I recommend reading some of the above articles or other

similar articles before beginning your baby on solids.


In case you are wondering, when I was a baby I didn't begin any solid foods

until I was 10 1/2 months old, fed solely on breastmilk until that point, and in

that time I tripled my birthweight and had sufficient iron.


If you do choose to begin solids now, I hope you are able to find what you are

looking for! Good luck!




Jeanne Wishengrad

Friday, February 14, 2003 10:30 AM

infant cereals



We are about to start our 4 month old on her first solid food. It has been

recommended that we start with rice cereal mixed with breast milk. We will then

slowly introduce vegetables, fruits and other grains leaving common allergens

(nuts, strawberries, wheat, etc) until after her first birthday. My question is

- has anyone made their own infant cereals? We are going to try to give our

daughter only organic, non GMO foods for as long as possible. We can get an

organic infant rice cereal at the market, but I'd just as soon make my own if

that's possible. Anyone ever done it? Also, iron-fortified cereals are often

recommended (as infants have depleted the stores of iron they are born with by

3-4 months). Any opinions on whether it's better to have a home-made

non-fortified cereal with a supplement of vitamin drops or a commercially made

iron enriched cereal?


Thanks, Jeanne Wishengrad



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Just a side note. Two other great first foods are mashed bananas and mashed

avocado (organic of course). My daughters love(d) both!



Jeanne Wishengrad

Friday, February 14, 2003 10:30 AM

infant cereals



We are about to start our 4 month old on her first solid food. It has been

recommended that we start with rice cereal mixed with breast milk. We will then

slowly introduce vegetables, fruits and other grains leaving common allergens

(nuts, strawberries, wheat, etc) until after her first birthday. My question is

- has anyone made their own infant cereals? We are going to try to give our

daughter only organic, non GMO foods for as long as possible. We can get an

organic infant rice cereal at the market, but I'd just as soon make my own if

that's possible. Anyone ever done it? Also, iron-fortified cereals are often

recommended (as infants have depleted the stores of iron they are born with by

3-4 months). Any opinions on whether it's better to have a home-made

non-fortified cereal with a supplement of vitamin drops or a commercially made

iron enriched cereal?


Thanks, Jeanne Wishengrad



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--- Jeanne Wishengrad <jeannewish wrote:

> We are about to start our 4 month old on her first

> solid food.


This is still a bit early to start any kind of solids.

Wait till your baby is completely able to sit up on

her own and pick at her own cereal from a bowl. I

know this is probably your first so you are so excited

to start them on their first foods, but if you are

still at home with her and breastfeeding just let her

nurse, nurse, nurse =) It's much better for her and

for you.






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--- Joynsen <joynsen wrote:

> Just a side note. Two other great first foods are

> mashed bananas and mashed avocado (organic of

> course). My daughters love(d) both!

> Stephanie


I thought avocado would be great as well. But, in

line at Quizno's a few weeks back there was a woman

there who was deathly allergic to avocado. I have

since met others who are as well. So, I would say

wait till at least a year for that one, too.







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I read somewhere (forget where) that as long as a baby is only being

breastfed that no iron supplements are needed but as soon as other

foods are started it inhibits the babies ability to absorb as much

iron. However, that does not necessarily mean that supplements are

needed but its something to start keeping an eye on at that point.


Also, I havent made infant cereal personally but I know some others

who have. I will see if I can get a recipe.


, " Melinda Rothstein " <melinda@s...>


> Hi Jeanne,

> We can get an organic infant rice cereal at the market, but I'd

just as soon make my own if that's possible. Anyone ever done it?

Also, iron-fortified cereals are often recommended (as infants have

depleted the stores of iron they are born with by 3-4 months). Any

opinions on whether it's better to have a home-made non-fortified

cereal with a supplement of vitamin drops or a commercially made iron

enriched cereal?


> Thanks, Jeanne Wishengrad




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I agree with Heather, 4 months is a bit young. Of course every child is

different. Both my daughters were sitting by 4 months and both had 4 teeth

respectively. They also started mooching our food at 4 months. I think it was

more out of curiosity than physical need so we would give them just a teeny bit

of mashed banana or rice cereal when we ate so they would feel they were

participating. When we tried to deny them at first they both pitched quite a

fit so giving them a bit of food at mealtime was to keep the meal civilized. We

felt no need to feed them at other times and we gave them as little as we could

get away with. As for the iron, my oldest nursed until she was 2 and my 14

month old is still going strong. I think it was Marvelyn who said that breast

milk is their perfect food and it truly truly is.



Heather Lee Lewis

Thursday, February 20, 2003 10:09 AM

Re: infant cereals



--- Jeanne Wishengrad <jeannewish wrote:

> We are about to start our 4 month old on her first

> solid food.


This is still a bit early to start any kind of solids.

Wait till your baby is completely able to sit up on

her own and pick at her own cereal from a bowl. I

know this is probably your first so you are so excited

to start them on their first foods, but if you are

still at home with her and breastfeeding just let her

nurse, nurse, nurse =) It's much better for her and

for you.




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