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'Jury' finds wolf guilty (Students take part in 'trial' at Law Courts)

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Monday, April 14, 2003 'Jury' finds wolf guiltyStudents take part in 'trial' at


Did a hungry Benjamin B. Wolf, looking for a tasty meal, purposely blow down

the houses of the three little pigs?


Or was he simply the victim of persistent spring allergies that caused him to

sneeze uncontrollably?


A " jury " of Gr. 5 students from Laura Secord School was charged with the task of

deciding Wolf's fate yesterday afternoon during a mock trial at the Law Courts

Building for Law Day 2003.


Several dozen curious Winnipeggers showed up to tour the York Avenue facility,

talk with legal professionals and take in a mock trial or two during the

four-hour annual event.


In courtroom 223, Wolf pleaded not guilty to three counts of breaking and

entering, stemming from a series of incidents which " occurred " in August 2002.


The Crown tendered several exhibits -- including a map showing Wolf's home in

very close proximity to the houses of the little pigs.


Attorneys theorized Wolf was hungry and went in search of his neighbours for a

yummy meal.




Defence counsel argued the accused had gone to the houses to borrow some sugar

and sneezed in their doorways, causing the house to blow over.


" You weren't really looking for sugar at all at any of the pigs' homes. Didn't

you really want to eat the pigs? " questioned 11-year-old " Crown attorney " Niku

Shaeri. " Isn't it true that you have several cookbooks, including '101 Ways to

Cook Pork?' "


After Crown and defence presented closing arguments, the jury retired for three

minutes of deliberation and returned with three guilty verdicts against Ben



" Judge " Greg Evans -- a defence lawyer in real life and a Law Day organizer --

sentenced Wolf to a two-year conditional sentence. He also ordered Wolf to stay

away from small animals and birds, attend anger management counselling and adopt

a vegetarian lifestyle.


" I'm very sorry for any trouble that I may have unintentionally caused the three

little pigs and the court, " said " Wolf " Devin Domin.


This was the third time Shaeri has participated in the annual Law Courts open

house, and she says it's always been a great learning experience for her.


The Grade 5 student says she hopes to be a lawyer when she grows up.

" It's kind of like a mystery and I like detective work, " Shaeri said, clutching

a blue file folder filled with notes and wearing a black lawyer's robe.


" It's fun -- and I kind of like badgering people. "



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