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symptoms theresa for Tara

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- an entity with me for a long time, which tells me this lie: if I let go and

relax, I will be attcked by somethiing.


- negative blasts of energy: eyes, 3rd eye, top of head, ears, behind ears,

back of neck and head, deep inside ears, solar plexus, mid upper back, arms.

Moves around. When a teenager, this was experienced as a rush of energy. Now,

makes me feel disconnected.


- I can visualize, but not in synchronicity with my breath. I can't visualize

the upper and lower or front and back of my body at the same time.


- Pain - throbbing and aching.

- top of feet throb. Toes tingle.

- calves throb and ache.

- pain shoots down groin.

- clitoris oversensitive to pain. Can get hot.

- little energy rushes in base chakra.


- When off drugs, rushes of energy more severe and reflexes become hyperactive.

I can't move without setting my body off.

- less reactive when alone.


- On medications: they numb the awareness and pain and energy surges.


- Temperature: sweat profusely under the armpits. I get dizzy from the heat,

then chilled.


- Off drugs: rapidly lost weight

- can't sleep at all

- jolts of electricity through body

- I feel paranoid: I feel people there, always scaring me. Terror. Hands

grabbing me in the toilet. Calling my name in the night, evil laughter. I fear

my own shadow. Antipsychotic drugs help at a low dose, but cause psychosis at

higher doses. Drug withdrawal can cause this, or not enough drugs, or too many

drugs. I am uncertain what is the drug effect and what is the disorder.


- Current medications: numb and calm the nervous system, but there are still

involuntary muscle contractions - like " working out. "


- " Hyperactive reflexes " : caused by noise (high pitch, loud, sudden); movement,

light (especially flashing lights, computer, tv, movies). I can't watch

movement and hear meaning at the same time. If I see a person moving while I'm

trying to think, it drives me crazy. I can't concentrate.


- Legs and arms shoot out uncontrollably, diaphram contracts (i.e. muscles pull



- Hot and cold tingles.


- I feel everything - the energy in another person's aura. More reactive when

many people present. No energetic boundary with people and things (e.g.

fridge). When phone is in my ear, it goes into my body.


- When I say the rosary, I feel good energy from toes to crown. Otherwise, the

energy gets blocked.


- Anafranil (clomipramine med, which I have been taking for about 16 years): it

affects the base chakra and emotional centers. It always allows me to feel



- Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Constipation and sometimes the runs. Cramps can go

all the way from the bowel into my chest and arms.


Other Symptoms


- Can't stand to be touched unless very slow and gentle.

- Can't eat with other people - too much stimulation.

- Easily lost concentration when distracted.

- Chronic sinus congestion.

- Lungs and throat hurt

- Pain and bleeding with bowel movement.

- Endometriosis: strong pains in stomach, especially with period.

- Adenomyosis in uterus - cause of pain.

- Pain when I go for a walk: feet, tailbone, calves.

- Pain in back of neck, caused by chronic tics there.

- Even when sedated, I can only sleep with ear plugs in, head wrapped in

blanket, and wrapped in pillows in order to feel my body. Otherwise, I feel I'm

floating and/or spinning - not grounded.

_ I follow sounds with my whole body.

_ I fear " getting zapped; " i.e. energy surges

- my nerves feel like I'm being tortured. Everything triggers pain.

- I have trouble breathing, especially when chewing.

- I can't have my head touched - my most sensitive part.

- sensory overload.

- itchy all the time.




- when a baby, my brother pulled me from the bed, and I fell on the floor.

- when 8, a cow stepped on my head and right ear

- when 10, I had shingles and iritis on the left side. (Note that the

neurologist noted that the left side of my body is more sensitive than the


- sometime between 6 and 12, I fell down the stairs. Possibly cracked my tail

bone at that time. There is evidence of a former break on a recent x-ray.

- when 13, smashed my pubic bone on my bicycle. The flashes of energy started


- when 16 or 17, I fell of my boyfriend's shoulders, landing on the left side of

my head and shoulder. Since then, limited range of motion in my left arm.

- Date raped at 16, 20, and 24.

- From the age of 16, seemed to meet " wolves " everywhere, and was pulled to

them. After the exorcism done a few years ago, there seemed to be a big

sealing of my base chakra. I no longer dream about rape.


- In my relationship with ? (with him for almost 9 years), I feel I have

reclaimed my identity. However, I have " energy pain " when I have sex with him.

- I have never really wanted sex, but rather to feel close and protected. I

feel more adult now.

- 1989 - cracked my head when we lived in ?

- 1992 and 1993 - cracked my head twice more.

- 4 years ago, dropped a brick on my head.

- I had another trauma in my present apartment, and will tell Richard about it


- Both times that I got pregnant, I trusted my partner and felt violated, as I

said " no " both times.

- Lots of self blame associated with sex.

- Records of shame and trauma in body.


Note from ? all the above was dictated to me by Theresa at her house last week.

I would just like to mention a couple more things.

- Tourette Syndrome: chronic compulsive tics, which move around various places

in the body. Started when Theresa was 10, gradually got worse, and was

diagnosed when she was 11.

- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Obsessive thoughts which Theresa has a hard

time controlling.

- Last summer, Theresa had what seems to be a drug interaction (possibly between

Gabapentin and Anafranil). She developed strange neurological symptoms. Her

walk is jerky and her hands clench. The doctor mentioned the term Dystonia. I

don't know if this is what he is referring to. The neurologist doesn't know if

this side effect is permanent or not.








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