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It is the fastest path to the Kundalini and by being so is fraught with many

dangers. If two serious people get together and commence these practices there

will be results guaranteed. Perhaps not what is expected however. So for those

of you who will inevitably experiment with this type of activation sequencing

here is what I will offer as some very important guidelines


Begin clearing your issues before the practicing. Everything from sex to

emotion based problems of self worth and personal power. Always bring the

highest frequency of love into the mix. Beyond romantic or parental or

friendship. Keep this highly charged frequency of love throughout the entire

process. Use whatever means you need to symbolize and create this love.


Try not to do it all in a single session and have frequent check ins with your

partner. Be honest within these check ins as they will flavor the next session

and be prepared for complete exposure by you and your partner, no hidden



Stop if one or both of you begin to become psychotic or provoked negatively

inside the session. Clean up that blockage then when it seems clear, clean it up

some more.


Stay with in the parameters of love always, this means consideration and

feeling emphatically and telepathically( by having the same focused intention)

with your partner. Be in avowed agreement yet be aware that surprise can occur.


Within the guidelines of the safeties mentioned on this list by practicing

them. Make this Tantra an addendum to these practices and have them become a



Keep a journal of what occurs and be patient within this lightening fast









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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

The techniques that I teach with regard to Tantra are very strong and do not

contribute to the activation and awakening of the Kundalini unless a person has

been actively engaged in the process of emotional clearing. It will twist the

reality of a person into the fears and hurts that have been experienced in the

lifetime to date. So I am not accepting any new Tantra candidates and have

discontinued that course of instruction. I released the website of that group to

use the picture on the opening page. This will speak a thousand words and is as

far as I wish to go at this time-





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