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a compressed meditation

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This compressed meditation is part Hindu, Eckancar, Kundalini, Zen, Ecstatic



It will summon the Kundalini by release of energy stored in the chakras. For

those receiving Shaktipat please do this AS WRITTEN once. More if you enjoy the

results. Part of your permanent practice if you do. 4 ten minute stages - mixed

movement and rest. Very vocal. Be able to express yourself loudly and freely. No




Start by alternate nostril breathing 10 cycles. Then standing with your eyes

closed breathe deep and fast through your nose for ten minutes. Allow your body

to move freely. Jump, sway back and forth, or use any physical motion that

helps you pump more oxygen into your lungs, spin do the 5 Tibetans (fast)

whatever helps your deep and fast respiration's. If motion is limited, move

those parts of your body that can be moved quickly and always breathing fast and

deep through the nose. Eyes closed.


The second ten minute stage is one of catharsis. Let go totally and be

spontaneous. You may dance or roll on the ground. Screaming is allowed and

encouraged. You must act out any anger or emotion you feel in a safe way, such

as beating the earth with your hands. Yelling shouting to high heaven. So be

aware of your surroundings before you start this meditation. All the suppressed

emotions from your subconscious mind are to be released. Everything, just let it



In the third stage you jump up and down or movement that is as close to that

as you can do yelling Hu! Hu! Hu! Continuously for ten minutes. This sounds

silly, and is funny, but this special vibration of your voice travels down to

your your spine to the chakras stored energy and pushes that energy upward.

Often releasing the emotional content. When doing this stage it is important to

keep your arms loose and in a natural position. Do not hold your arms over your

head as that position can be medically dangerous.


The fourth ten minute stage is complete relaxation and quiet. Flop down on

your back, get comfortable, and just let go. Be as a dead person, totally

surrendered to the universe - God - Kundalini. Enjoy the tremendous energy you

have unleashed in the first three stages and become a silent witness to the

dynamics of who you are as an emergetic being.


Let me know how this goes for you -




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thanks dear Chris --will print it out and add it to all the other practices. :)

hopefully starting tomorrow morning :) Much love--Andrea


con infinito amore - with endless love :)




" Admovere Oculis Distantia Sidera Nostris " --Ovid

( " They brought the distant stars closer to our eyes " ).






Tuesday, May 9, 2006 10:22:09 PM

Re: Re: a compressed meditation


This compressed meditation is part Hindu, Eckancar, Kundalini, Zen, Ecstatic



It will summon the Kundalini by release of energy stored in the chakras. For

those receiving Shaktipat please do this AS WRITTEN once. More if you enjoy the

results. Part of your permanent practice if you do. 4 ten minute stages - mixed

movement and rest. Very vocal. Be able to express yourself loudly and freely. No




Start by alternate nostril breathing 10 cycles. Then standing with your eyes

closed breathe deep and fast through your nose for ten minutes. Allow your body

to move freely. Jump, sway back and forth, or use any physical motion that

helps you pump more oxygen into your lungs, spin do the 5 Tibetans (fast)

whatever helps your deep and fast respiration's. If motion is limited, move

those parts of your body that can be moved quickly and always breathing fast and

deep through the nose. Eyes closed.


The second ten minute stage is one of catharsis. Let go totally and be

spontaneous. You may dance or roll on the ground. Screaming is allowed and

encouraged. You must act out any anger or emotion you feel in a safe way, such

as beating the earth with your hands. Yelling shouting to high heaven. So be

aware of your surroundings before you start this meditation. All the suppressed

emotions from your subconscious mind are to be released. Everything, just let it



In the third stage you jump up and down or movement that is as close to that

as you can do yelling Hu! Hu! Hu! Continuously for ten minutes. This sounds

silly, and is funny, but this special vibration of your voice travels down to

your your spine to the chakras stored energy and pushes that energy upward.

Often releasing the emotional content. When doing this stage it is important to

keep your arms loose and in a natural position. Do not hold your arms over your

head as that position can be medically dangerous.


The fourth ten minute stage is complete relaxation and quiet. Flop down on

your back, get comfortable, and just let go. Be as a dead person, totally

surrendered to the universe - God - Kundalini. Enjoy the tremendous energy you

have unleashed in the first three stages and become a silent witness to the

dynamics of who you are as an emergetic being.


Let me know how this goes for you -




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Yes give this a try Andrea at least once but do it exactly as written. The nice

thing about this meditation is that it gives people an opportunity to bring the

emotions out of stagnation, moving them into an area of real time expression

instead of locked up in years of a gradual building of walls around these events

in our lives. A chance to bring them into the present and release them into

balance as an experience that brought us here, without the need to constantly be

controlled by the pain or the shame, or the blame. Scream, yell, shout, cry it

out! But only for that ten minutes. Then move to the next stage. Only once a



For those who have not been able to find a venue of working on the emotional

body then this is your chance. Try this and see for yourself the power of this

technique. For those of you who have been here a while, you know the stress that

is put upon the balancing of the emotional body, the forgiveness and

recapitulation of past perceived and received wrongs and hurts by you and to

you. How important this is can be demonstrated by the severe paranoia, fear,

anger and pain that is felt by those who have initiated a Kundalini activation

without clearing or working to clear the emotional body. This can lead to

delusion and physical discomfort as the body begins to run on a Kundalini

amplified platform of fear.


So give it a try. Even you quiet readers who are still testing the waters of

this site. - Blessings to you all - chrism





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dear chrism... this sounds great. now i need to find a place to express all this

noise and emotion wothout attracting cops. maybe i could rent a yoga studio and

invite a few friends to join in. would that be good? the last time i was able to

totally 'lose it' was upon a semi-active mt. kilauea on the big island at full



-steve f

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Yes that would be alright Steve. But remember this is a meditation. - blessings

- chrism


" deepdance1 " <deepdance1 wrote: dear chrism... this

sounds great. now i need to find a place to express all this noise and emotion

wothout attracting cops. maybe i could rent a yoga studio and invite a few

friends to join in. would that be good? the last time i was able to totally

'lose it' was upon a semi-active mt. kilauea on the big island at full moon.


-steve f




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Just finished the compression prayer, very


I waited until my flatmates went out drinking, I

stayed in with my husband.

He helped me by telling me every ten minutes as it

passed so I didn't have to think about it.

I put some music on to make it easier.

The jumping hu part was the most tiring and my voice

is a little hoarse now....

But when I lay down dead at the end I felt my tail

bone vibrating and my spine vibrating a little, also

my feet.

I had a rash appear from my belly button to my heart,

straight up the centre.

Don't know if I could do that every day mind you!

Hope the neighbours are drunk or they may get worried,

hee hee...

much love Elektra x x x


PS Looking forward to dream time tonight.


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I put just ambient background music on , more for my

husbands benefit then my own as I couldn't hear the

music once I began the meditation...

I was screaming so loud it was all I could hear , but

my husband sat close to the music I think it helped

him relax... :-)

Elektra x x x




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Yes do it three times a week and keep yourself, through a journal, apprised of

what blockages become dislodged . Perhaps your husband would like to join you? -

blessings Elektra - chrism


Rachel Mamoni <rachelmamoni wrote: PS Do you think I should do it

again? Minus the

background music...

I'd have to wait again to get the right moment...

Elektra x x x





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I did this compressed meditation about 4/5 days ago.

Did not feel too much tho, only itching at the navel and maybe a wee bit of

redness but it was gone in minutes.







" chrism " <>


Tuesday, May 09, 2006 8:22 PM

Re: Re: a compressed meditation



> This compressed meditation is part Hindu, Eckancar, Kundalini, Zen,

> Ecstatic dance.


> It will summon the Kundalini by release of energy stored in the chakras.

> For those receiving Shaktipat please do this AS WRITTEN once. More if you

> enjoy the results. Part of your permanent practice if you do. 4 ten minute

> stages - mixed movement and rest. Very vocal. Be able to express yourself

> loudly and freely. No shyness.



> Start by alternate nostril breathing 10 cycles. Then standing with your

> eyes closed breathe deep and fast through your nose for ten minutes.

> Allow your body to move freely. Jump, sway back and forth, or use any

> physical motion that helps you pump more oxygen into your lungs, spin do

> the 5 Tibetans (fast) whatever helps your deep and fast respiration's. If

> motion is limited, move those parts of your body that can be moved quickly

> and always breathing fast and deep through the nose. Eyes closed.


> The second ten minute stage is one of catharsis. Let go totally and be

> spontaneous. You may dance or roll on the ground. Screaming is allowed

> and encouraged. You must act out any anger or emotion you feel in a safe

> way, such as beating the earth with your hands. Yelling shouting to high

> heaven. So be aware of your surroundings before you start this meditation.

> All the suppressed emotions from your subconscious mind are to be

> released. Everything, just let it go!


> In the third stage you jump up and down or movement that is as close to

> that as you can do yelling Hu! Hu! Hu! Continuously for ten minutes. This

> sounds silly, and is funny, but this special vibration of your voice

> travels down to your your spine to the chakras stored energy and pushes

> that energy upward. Often releasing the emotional content. When doing

> this stage it is important to keep your arms loose and in a natural

> position. Do not hold your arms over your head as that position can be

> medically dangerous.


> The fourth ten minute stage is complete relaxation and quiet. Flop down

> on your back, get comfortable, and just let go. Be as a dead person,

> totally surrendered to the universe - God - Kundalini. Enjoy the

> tremendous energy you have unleashed in the first three stages and become

> a silent witness to the dynamics of who you are as an emergetic being.


> Let me know how this goes for you -




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