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The Blade and the Chalice

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For many centuries there has been a control placed around a large portion of

the human species. A control of belief and actions based upon those beliefs. As

we live our lives we also live the lives that have come before us not only in

our physical genetics but also in the spiritual genetics that our life is based

upon. Why we have this kind of body instead of another type and so on. As we

work upon our personal truths we also are living representations of other

personal truths that have a direct and often severe teaching to offer us. The

most profound teaching offered is perhaps the one that can explain who we are

and why we are. To learn this is why we are here in the first place, and we will

learn it no matter how many lifetimes of physical incarnation it takes, we will

learn these truths.


The only way the Kundalini will run is when the divine male and the divine

female join. This is done at the Anahata. This completes the divine circuit and

releases the Kundalini which then will begin the sweeping of the five bodies

that comprise the human.


By virtue of our animal natures and the preference we give those natures a

blockage has occurred among the masses and this has been fomented and controlled

by forces of fear for a long time. This blockage is the denigration and

violation of the feminine aspect of who we are. Not just by the male but by the

female as well. Helping to raise sons and daughters then channeling them into

the blind ally of " might is right " and all the rules that come with these

divisive and separatist, duality based teachings. We are our own worst enemies.


Many of us have lived and died inside these teachings so many times now.

Sacrificed, tortured, burned, relegated to mundane tasks by virtue of gender,

forced into servitude and used as cannon fodder, the list is endless. Makes me

wonder if the rock feels pain as it is polished.


For those of you here who are seeking the completion of the divine circuit,

the Kundalini, I suggest you qualify how you treat the feminine person you are.

Do you deny her? Subjugate her? Parade her to others as a sexual ornament? Or do

you exalt her and praise her as she is you and you are her. Men or women makes

no difference she is all of us and she has been repressed in western and other

societies around the world. Still is. I am not being contemptuous of the male as

he is also 1/2 of the equation but he is being recognized at the expense of the

feminine and if you are unconsciously doing this it must stop.


Go watch the " Divinci Code " and you will see the Christian example. If you

have any amount of Kundalini running either from my shaktipat or from elsewhere

go and see this film and allow the energy to speak as you experience the

information. Let " her " speak with you and feel what she is giving. If you have

seen it already go and see it again but with an agenda different than just for



If you have not activated by balancing these energies you need to go back and

do the hard work of doing this or you will suffer. It is, as the Buddhist say,

all about balance.

In our society everything is being done to keep you off balance. TV, fear,

wars, sex, crime, narcissism, greed, beauty, to name a few. All to keep you more

interested outside then inside of yourself. Go inside and appreciate the 2

beings you are. Allow yourself to feel this because no amount of Shaktipat will

allow a smooth and balanced flow to be engaged. Instead you will have a severely

unbalanced flow causing you trouble and pain for quite sometime, so please do

the work. -


















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