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Astraelia - My Kundalini experience:

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ASTRAELIA - My Kundalini experience:


The first time I experienced the opening of a Chakras,

happened at a moment when I thought about a girlfriend

of mine while I was practicing exercices to open the

chakras during a meditation.


A sphere of energy, fire, grace and vibrant love

appeared at the solar plexus. It remained there as

long as I kept the concentration on the chakra. At

another time, I experienced a similar opening of the

hearth chakras by thinking about another girlfriend.

For the first time in my life I experienced all the

heart throbbings, butterflies, strong spontaneous

beatings of the hearth that we read about in love

stories. These experiences changed life into paradise.

We are in paradise this is the great secret. We have

been made to forget this ancient knowledge.


I developped a technique using advance yogic breathing

techniques and chakras visualizations from various

sources that worked well for me plus what my own

intuition was guiding me to do. (I later fond out that

what my intuition suggested to me, was actually the

same techniques used by Thibethan monks.) So trust

your intuition!




Here is a resume technique I use:


1) Take a very long In Breathing (norrowing down the

flow of air to be as small and compressed as possible,

concentrating your attention and breathing on a

central point on top of your head. This breathing

technique highly concentrate the focus of your

attention and raise the level of your meditation

rapidly). Look throught your Crown Chakras and reach

out with your spiritual gaze how high you can go,

until you reach a dimension of pure spirit, total

light and peace, whatever correspond to your

understanding of God the Great Spirit.



2) Establish a personal channel of communication with

this high divine energy. Visualize a thin channel of

light (like a thin straw) with prana vital energy

coming down from these heavenly spheres into this

channel toward the top of your head, and descending

into the central kundalini channel down to the Ara

chakras (or whatever chakras is the most easely

activated at the time. You can start concentrating on

a first chakras, and once it is opened, it will be

easier than to open up others. I usually start with

the Ara, and then proceed in step with the solar

plexus and then the heart chakras.)


(Maintain the visualization of the channel that goes

through you body and extend up to the celestial

spheres while you perform the other parts of the




3) Hold your breath for as long you can: During the

time that you hold your breath, visualize this prana

energy going inside a sphere of light the size of the

palm of your hand that is located in the ara chakras.

Visualize another smaller sphere of light that rotates

around the first one just like the earth around the

sun. (on an axis perpendicular to your body, from back

to front) Every time the orbiting smaller sphere of

light will pass in front of your body, the chakras

will be stimulated and will become stronger, and you

will feel the prana energy of love appear.


4) Breath out slowly still

5) Pause a little while without breathing

1) Start again with the first In breathing.



(Notes on the Holding of the Breath for a long time in

step 3: This is an important aspect of this technique,

and is one of the major breathing technique that is

used and thought by Thibetan monks. However uneasy it

may appear in the beginning, it will develop and

reveal itÕs great riches. It is an major skill to

acquire, and will considerably enhance chakra opening

experience. It will eventually become second nature

and you will be able to use itÕs tremendous power into

all your meditation and breathing techniques. You will

find out that it is within this Holding of the Breath

period that the spiritual power manifest inside you

and become part of you and remain awakened in your

chakras thereafter for long periods of weeks and

mounths. I believe it also shed some light on the

ancien notion of dying to yourself to be reborn again

that is found in all ancient initiate wisdom. Holding

your breath for a long time is quite close to the

experience of dying. As you think you have reached the

maximum you can hold, a Òsecond breathÓ will come to

you as mentionned by high level athletes, but this

second breath will not be physical in nature but

spiritual. A spiritual nourrishment that maintain your

life process even better that the physical breathing



Grace and blessings to us all










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Excellent technique Louis,

Yes the inner guidance is the best.

Please remember the emotional balancing in addition to this technique.







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Hi all you new folks ,i have been reading all your posts.

So my good thoughts to you all, and be welcome.



Louis Gunther

Wednesday, June 07, 2006 11:40 AM

Astraelia - My Kundalini experience:



ASTRAELIA - My Kundalini experience:


The first time I experienced the opening of a Chakras,

happened at a moment when I thought about a girlfriend

of mine while I was practicing exercices to open the

chakras during a meditation.


A sphere of energy, fire, grace and vibrant love

appeared at the solar plexus. It remained there as

long as I kept the concentration on the chakra. At

another time, I experienced a similar opening of the

hearth chakras by thinking about another girlfriend.

For the first time in my life I experienced all the

heart throbbings, butterflies, strong spontaneous

beatings of the hearth that we read about in love

stories. These experiences changed life into paradise.

We are in paradise this is the great secret. We have

been made to forget this ancient knowledge.


I developped a technique using advance yogic breathing

techniques and chakras visualizations from various

sources that worked well for me plus what my own

intuition was guiding me to do. (I later fond out that

what my intuition suggested to me, was actually the

same techniques used by Thibethan monks.) So trust

your intuition!



Here is a resume technique I use:


1) Take a very long In Breathing (norrowing down the

flow of air to be as small and compressed as possible,

concentrating your attention and breathing on a

central point on top of your head. This breathing

technique highly concentrate the focus of your

attention and raise the level of your meditation

rapidly). Look throught your Crown Chakras and reach

out with your spiritual gaze how high you can go,

until you reach a dimension of pure spirit, total

light and peace, whatever correspond to your

understanding of God the Great Spirit.


2) Establish a personal channel of communication with

this high divine energy. Visualize a thin channel of

light (like a thin straw) with prana vital energy

coming down from these heavenly spheres into this

channel toward the top of your head, and descending

into the central kundalini channel down to the Ara

chakras (or whatever chakras is the most easely

activated at the time. You can start concentrating on

a first chakras, and once it is opened, it will be

easier than to open up others. I usually start with

the Ara, and then proceed in step with the solar

plexus and then the heart chakras.)


(Maintain the visualization of the channel that goes

through you body and extend up to the celestial

spheres while you perform the other parts of the



3) Hold your breath for as long you can: During the

time that you hold your breath, visualize this prana

energy going inside a sphere of light the size of the

palm of your hand that is located in the ara chakras.

Visualize another smaller sphere of light that rotates

around the first one just like the earth around the

sun. (on an axis perpendicular to your body, from back

to front) Every time the orbiting smaller sphere of

light will pass in front of your body, the chakras

will be stimulated and will become stronger, and you

will feel the prana energy of love appear.


4) Breath out slowly still

5) Pause a little while without breathing

1) Start again with the first In breathing.



(Notes on the Holding of the Breath for a long time in

step 3: This is an important aspect of this technique,

and is one of the major breathing technique that is

used and thought by Thibetan monks. However uneasy it

may appear in the beginning, it will develop and

reveal itÕs great riches. It is an major skill to

acquire, and will considerably enhance chakra opening

experience. It will eventually become second nature

and you will be able to use itÕs tremendous power into

all your meditation and breathing techniques. You will

find out that it is within this Holding of the Breath

period that the spiritual power manifest inside you

and become part of you and remain awakened in your

chakras thereafter for long periods of weeks and

mounths. I believe it also shed some light on the

ancien notion of dying to yourself to be reborn again

that is found in all ancient initiate wisdom. Holding

your breath for a long time is quite close to the

experience of dying. As you think you have reached the

maximum you can hold, a Òsecond breathÓ will come to

you as mentionned by high level athletes, but this

second breath will not be physical in nature but

spiritual. A spiritual nourrishment that maintain your

life process even better that the physical breathing



Grace and blessings to us all










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