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[Fwd: Fwd: VIRUS!]

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You submitted a post to Veg-Recipes that didn't come through because of the

attachments. I thought I'd use this post as a teaching moment for all; I

hope you don't mind! :)

I'm in IT, and part of my job is looking up virus warnings to check their

validity, since there are so many waste-of-time and server-clogging hoaxes

that get forwarded around.


The subject here caused me to cringe, since it's prefaced with Fwd: Fwd:.

This is usually indicative of a hoax virus that's being forwarded around the

world by well-intentioned newbies who are so innundated by bad and

innacurate media with virus warnings, that they just click the button,

warning " everyone they know. " The true viruses we normally see are the

perpetuation of these warnings, that clog servers with bulk e-mail, slowing

everyone's service.


I thought it might be a good moment to go off-topic and give folks a two

great sites that let you search for information on these virus warnings.

They're free text, so one could search for " How to give a cat a bath " for

example, and you'd get information.


This first site is for viruses:

http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/vinfodb.html .


These sites can help debunk those stupid deoderant or gang warning type

things known as Urban Legends:

http://urbanlegends.about.com/culture/urbanlegends/msubvir.htm or




All and all, we recommend our users bookmark these sites before forwarding

on ANY of these types ofwarnings, because despite all good inentions,

they're usually, well, alarmist crap.


Like I said, I have no idea what virus warning you're sending through,

because the list doesn't accept attachments and that's how your forward came

through. There are many valid concerns out there, but usually through

e-mail? Not. I'm simply using your post as a teaching moment. :)




[Christine F. Muehling]


Marsha Hite

Wednesday, February 09, 2000 10:09 AM


[Fwd: Fwd: VIRUS!]

[Christine F. Muehling] Marsha Hite <mjhite


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We all trust our friends. :)

There's an Arabic saying: Trust in God but tie your camel. Trust your

friends but don't believe everything you hear! <LOL>


I've always likened this to a drug dealer. People say, " I know my source. "

But who's your source's source's source's source.


Most of these things are frightening. They're meant to be! But with a

little checking, you'll find that 99.99999% of these are just a big waste of

button pushing.


I guess it comes from being online for almost 15 years. I've seen it all.

At least at my job, (the 9th largest law firm in the country) I've got my

users trained to send us a copy before they send it out to their friends!

<LOL> They get a kick out of being able to very loftily say, " If you'd check

your sources... " Then they call me and crow about not being fooled! :) Go



I hope the sites come in handy. Feel free to send them on to your friends'

friends of friends! You can rest assured they're well-grounded, accurate

pieces of information that can prevent the perpetuation of server-slamming,

e-mail slowing, alarmist hoaxes.


Again, thanks for letting me share three good sites I feel every e-Mail and

Internet user should be aware of!





mjhite [mjhite]

Thursday, February 10, 2000 10:19 AM


Re: [Fwd: Fwd: VIRUS!]

> <a href= " http://clickme./ad/NextcardCreative6 " >Click Here</a>

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Check these links out for more information on the deoderant urban legend.

I knew I'd seen it somewhere! I also actaully heard a funny radio interview

with someone, who was talking this.




In a message dated 2/10/00 7:16:23 AM Eastern Standard Time,

CF_Muehling writes:


<< This first site is for viruses:

http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/vinfodb.html .


These sites can help debunk those stupid deoderant or gang warning type

things known as Urban Legends:

http://urbanlegends.about.com/culture/urbanlegends/msubvir.htm or





Thanks for the excellent post Christine. I am sending it on to other people


know who need the info. One question though.....I tried to find info on the

deodorant urban legend (the one I've seen relates antiperpirant use to


cancer) and couldnt'. Do you have a site that debunks that one? A friend of

mine forwarded it to me the other day. I usually just delete that stuff

without a comment, but I was going to set her straight if I could. Thanks

for all your wonderful input to these various lists. Kristin

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Thanks for the endorsement, Patty! I feel pretty strongly about this. With

so many new people coming online in the past two years, this kind of junk

mail has geometrically increased. Sadly, it's normally with such good

intentions, too!


We got a funny virus warning recently, from the United States Patent Office.

It seems one of these Send-something-to-everyone-in-your-address book virus

infected their system. Since they used Outlook and kept their information

in a Personal Address Book (vs.. the Contacts area - I know, you must be an

Outlook user to know this - sorry) the virus went nuts. Especially because

people added company distribution lists to their PAB. Really bad move on

their part.


Since I work for a Patent/Copyright/Trademark firm, I was able to figure out

how to reach their IT director to confirm this was actually true. They were

SOOOOOO embarrassed!


I do have to say that in ages online, there have only been a handful of

these screaming warnings that have been anything other than bunk. The real

virus is the perpetuation of crap e-mail!


Anyway, thanks for another site for my research! <LOL>




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