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Oh my Gawd, No!!

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I did a really stupid thing, but after the initial horror, (and a wonderful

DH who took care of the mess) I have an opportunity to start over. Wanna

help? <s>


Here's the scoop:

About 4 weeks ago, I dropped something I needed behind the drop-in type

freezer I had in my dining room. I pulled the freezer out, and naturally

horrified, cleaned behind it, and put it back.

Last week, I went to grab some ice cream, and almost fell over dead. I must

have unplugged it and didn't know it until that moment. I'll leave it to

your imagination, but although I'm veggie, my husband is a

meat-and-potatoes-hold-the-potatoes man, so, 'nuff said?


Bless that man's soul, at that point he decided to put in new cabinets,

replace the freezer and refrigerator, give me a real desk in the (former)

dining room and generally take care of business.


(He's a contractor and had an opportunity to give me 7 " x 2' wide cabinets

in the dining room, where before I'd had a shelf with a counter, and replace

exposed 6 " shelves in the kitchen with 12 " cabinets with a counter top!! I

got a 6 " wider refrigerator, and a reach-in freezer in place of the

waist-high drop-in freezer. I'm in heaven. For those of you who have seen

me 'round for awhile, I'm the one who has such a small kitchen I keep my dry

goods in the trunk of my car. Remember? <LOL> Now I actually have a pantry



So.. my question:

If you had the opportunity to fill a freezer with any basics you could think

of, what would you use?


As an aside, does anyone know if you can freeze yogurt? I see so many great

recipes that call for it, but I can't cook as often as I like and must

freeze things.


So. I welcome your suggestions!


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In a message dated 2/16/00 1:29:50 AM EST, johanssen writes:


<< Beef Roasts, Beef liver, Beef Ribs

Pork - pork chops, pork ribs, pork sausage, pork roasts (Costco's has

some lovely

cryovac roasts in about 1 1/2 lb sizes that are great for

cutting into strips for

stir fry

Lamb - leg of lamb, lamb chops >>


Do us all a favor next time and check your " to " line more carefully. This is

a vegetarian mailing list.




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You'll *love* the conveniece of a freezer!!! I have two....I've put in

everything from 40 lb bags of dog food when I got an incredibly great buy on

it ( called it Annie and Ruby's Y2K stash!!) to shopping bags full of

" wildlife bread " (bread from local thrift stores) for my birds and wild



Flour: I buy mostly organic foods (one of the blessings of running a health

food store!) and flour does tend to harbor insect eggs. I freeze my flour

for 5 days....this kills any eggs.


Beans: I buy 1 lb. packages of dried beans, cook them, then freeze in one-or

two-cup containers. It's always simple to make any kind of soup calling for

beans, or refried beans.


Veggie ends or veggies just before they go really bad: I freeze them in

quart containers or plactic bags....when I get enough, I make a simple

veggie stock, then freeze that if necessary.


Interesting to see what other great ideas everyone comes up with!



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Oh give her a break.

If she noticed, I doubt she'd have posted. If this upset you, be upset with


I take responsibility and apologize in advance for posts people might not

like. People are just kindly and helpfully responding to my question, and I

did say although I'm veggie, I have a carnivorous husband. I am certainly

not the only one in a " mixed marriage. "


I appreciate the suggestions. Again, to anyone who receives a nonveggie

post - I am sorry. To nonveggies who receive a veggie post - I'm sorry of

this offends you, too!




Wednesday, February 16, 2000 01:38 AM


Re: Re: Oh my Gawd, No!!





I realize you sent this mass mailing to several recipe lists.... did you

not notice you were sending this to a veg-recipe list?






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