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Michelle's Worksheet - Peter

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Dear Peter and List Members,


Here is what I got for Michelle's worksheet - Our figures differ slightly for Moon and Mercury on line 17. This could be due to the fact that the ayanamsa I got using DST and GJ was 22:16:30 - 2 seconds different from yours. (Calculations were done manually on this one.)


What was the exact date of the marriage? Maybe we can all go through all the rules and regulations and use Michelle's chart as another exercise to incorporate many of the rules we have not had to use yet, and in the process clear up some of the confusion.


Today I am only able to get as far as the Worksheet...I am on vacation this week ;-), but will participate as time permits...I just wanted you to know I was looking at it. ;-) I see this as another "puzzle" to expand our skills...If we don't do "something"...we many get "rusty" and forget what we already learned! ;-)


~Namaste~ Sandy



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Dear Sandy,

Thanks for your effort. I have just checked your worksheet against mine and it seems that there is a mistake in yours on row 12. The aspect value of the Moon aspecting house A when it has 5 points natally should surely be -5 points (see lesson 3 page 17). The same applies to the Moon aspecting Mercury on line 16. If htose errors (either your or mine are corrected the values on line 17 agree.

Now, I have just written to Visti and put two questions if the answers are true then the problem is solved, If they are not true then we still have a problem. See if you know the answers.

Michelles actual wedding date was 1st March 1980 which is a Saturn/Rahu combination on Krushna's "Probable Date Table" but how we get to there I'm not quite sure.

Regarding my wif May's chart the highest point scorer is Ju which aspects house A and there is no Sandahrmi planet, the second highest point scorer is Mars which also aspects house A. Now in a private letter to me Krushna said that as Mars was the Lord of the 4th which encourages marriage we could ignore the fact that it aspected house A. I don't think I have seen that among the many rules which he has given us, but I could be wrong. My wife was in fact married in a Mars sub-period. Again I am not sure how to go from there. I expected the probable date combination would be either Sa/Ju or Ju/Sa. Both these dates are very close but the actual date was the 16th March 1953 and the combination in th eprobable date table is just Jupiter on its own. Still had I said either of the other combinations I would have been within 2 days which is excellent.

I do have a couple of other charts if you would like to have us all work through them on-line, which I think is a very good idea. One of them is someone who has married twice so that should be interesting although at this stage I haven't had a look at it.


Best wishes,



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Dear Peter,


Dear Sandy,

Thanks for your effort. I have just checked your worksheet against mine and it seems that there is a mistake in yours on row 12. The aspect value of the Moon aspecting house A when it has 5 points natally should surely be -5 points (see lesson 3 page 17). The same applies to the Moon aspecting Mercury on line 16. If htose errors (either your or mine are corrected the values on line 17 agree.


I stand corrected...See how much I have already forgotten? ;-) That's why I think it is important to keep an active chart going so we may be working on it until the principles become further ingrained in our brains! ;-) Yes...The values are now the same for both our worksheets. So we go from here.


I am leaving right now, but will check on the rest of these points when I return...If one of your questions pertains to the Lords of Secondary Upachayas, D and E, they CAN aspect the Primary Upachayas and STILL bring about the result...I haven't looked that far into the chart, but I will. Thanks Peter.


~Namaste~ Sandy


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Dear Sandy,

I agree with you entirely. It is easy to read rules but it is much harder to remember them. The only real way is to use themm till they become automatic. Threre is another point I made earlier too. Krushna ( who has done a wonderful job) gave quite a lot of rules some of which cause the highest point scorer to be disqualified ( such as if it aspects a significant house ) and othe rules which do not mean the disqualification of the highest point scorer, eg if Venus is < 3 or > 43 degrees from the Sun and is aspected by Saturn it makes Venus a malefic towards marriage. It seems strange to me that this does not disqualify Venus but according to Krushna this is the case. The main problem is that the rules are in different places and somewhat mixed up. I keep thinking I'll have to list them all somewhere then sort out (probably with Krushna's help) which disqualify and which don't and what are the exceptions to them.

To save you looking back for the 2 questions I posed here they are for you.

1) In the rules for Sandahrmi planets it says if two planets are in the same sign and same constellation they are said to have like natures.

I thought that in Vedic astrology the sign and the constellation were the same thing ??. Isn't this the case??

2)If a planet aspect a significator house it is disqualified but can be substituted by a sandahrmi planet. If the sandahrmi planet also aspect a significator house can it still be used ??

If the answer to both those question is "Yes" then I have solved my problem charts if the answer is "No" then I still have problems.

By the way did I give you the marriage date of Michelle? if not here it is. 1st March 1980


Best wishes,




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