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Dear Krushna and list members


First of all, thank you very much for this opportunity to learn a new system.

The study of Ron's chart is really very helpful. I hope you won't mind my

questions, I only recently started to read Krushna's e-mail lessons.


1. Am I correct that Krushna's ayanamsa is 54' 08 " less than Lahiri's and

closest to Mr. Bhasin's? What is the origin of it? Is it used only in

connection with this system or do you use it for all purposes. Would it be

heretical to continue using Lahiri's for " regular " chart analysis?

I have a particular interest in this as Saturn in my chart moves from very

late Taurus in the 10th hse [Lahiri] to very early Gemini in the 11th, my

asc. in Leo goes from fag end of 1st drekkana to very beginning of 2nd

drekkana and all vargas change as well. I was used to Saturn in the 10th and

liked it there! AV numbers do not change drastically, at least on the face of

it. There is some 5/6 months difference in dasas but curiously most major

events seem to fall in same dasas.


2. I tried to apply the longevity lesson given by Krushna on Ron's chart to

the death of my father at the age of 72, and would be grateful for


My father died during Jupiter/Venus. My asc is 20* leo. Venus is in the 8th

hse in Pisces, aspected by Jupiter [10* orb] and Rahu [5* orb] in the 12th

hse in Cancer, and -now- Saturn in Gemini, although there is an orb of just

under 15* between Saturn and Venus. Mars is also in Gemini [17* orb with


Father's asc. is Aries, containing Sun and Mercury [18* orb].

[Also, though not directly relevant, Moon is in Capricorn, conjunct Ketu 1*.]

Below I tried to identify: in A, those factors without which Venus sub could

not have effected death, in B, factors that reinforce the possibility of

death during Venus sub but are not absolutely necessary and in C, potential

factors that were inoperative. Could you correct misstatements and omissions,


A. Essential factors

a] Venus is maraka for Aries asc [hse E] in its capacity as 2nd lord [i.e.

lord of 12th from hse A, 3rd of longevity of father=end of longevity] and 7th

lord [i.e. lord of 12th from hse B, 8th of longevity of father=end of


b] Venus is in hse C, the 12th hse from father's asc. [hse C=end of life].

B. Additional reinforcing negative factors

1] Saturn and Mars, worst natural malefics, occupy Hse A, 3rd of longevity,

relevant here because Venus is in the nakshatra of Saturn, Saturn aspects

Venus and is in the nakshatra of Mars, thereby linking Venus to Mars, asc

lord of father and lord of hse B.

2] Venus, in Pisces, is aspected by Jupiter [10*] who is lord of 12th hse of

father, main dasa lord and, if I got it right in 3.d] below, maybe samdharmi

to Sun, lord of hse D located in Hse E.

3] Venus is aspected by Rahu [5* orb]

4] Mercury, lord of hse C in hse E, is in Venus nakshatra

5] Saturn was transiting Sagittarius

C. Inoperative factors during Venus sub

X] Lords of hse E, Aries, and A, Gemini, exchange signs/houses, not relevant

except indirectly through B.1]above

Y] Lord of hse D [Leo, 5th from hse E] is located in hse E, not relevant

except indirectly through B.2]above

Z] Lord of hse D aspects 12th hse from hse B, not relevant except through



Krushna said:<< Considering the ninth house as ascendent for father

then ninth lord = Mars and fifth lord Sun, and Planets in these house =

Venus and Mercury may effect the death of the person.>>

Question: Why is it that the 3rd trine, here Sagittarius, is not also capable

of effecting death?

Krushna also said:<< The death of father happened in Venus Sub. Here Venus is

situated in first house, and is powerful significator of fourth house 'B'

house of death for father.>>

Question: Please explain why Venus is a powerful significator of 4th hse B

house of death for father. Is it simply because it is in 10th from hse B?

If so, since A and B are both longevity houses, Venus in my chart being in

the 10th from hse A, would become a powerful significator of death of father

on that account or is this simply a different way of stating that Venus is in

12th from asc.= 10th from 3rd from asc.?


3. I would also like to check my understanding of " samdharmi " .

a] In my chart, there are no planets in the 10th hse from Venus or Moon or

Ketu, so they cannot be subordinate-samdharmi- to another planet.

b] Mars [7bindus] and Saturn [3bindus] are in the 4th from Venus, but since

Venus has 6bindus, Mars and Saturn cannot be samdharmi to Venus.

c] Sun [3bindus] and Mercury [5bindus] are in the 4th from Moon and Ketu, but

since Moon has 6bindus, Sun and Mercury cannot be samdharmi to Moon. Q: What

happens with Ketu?

d] Jupiter [6bindus] and Rahu are in the 4th hse from Sun and Mercury.

Jupiter, assuming it has 12 pts in the spread sheet, will be samdharmi to Sun

which has only 3bindus, but not to Mercury, which has 5bindus. Since Jupiter

has 6bindus, it will faithfully reflect the karakatwas of Sun during his

[Jupiter's] sub and not oppose them. What about Rahu?


If needed to double check, birth data is april 16 1944, 14hrs44mn GMT, long

3* 03' east and lat 36* 47' north.


4. Lessons filed in file section: Krushna said that the lessons were filed in

file section and could be opened and downloaded by anyone. I am still on

Windows 3.1 and NOT computer literate. I will need to ask a friend to do it

for me on friend's computer and print contents. Does that person need to

become a r to the list to access the file section and worksheet?

Also, please tell me where/how to find this file section, and the famous

spread sheet/worksheet you are all talking about. Sorry to bother you with

such questions.

Many thanks and regards







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Dear Christine -


I can answer some of your questions and will leave the rest to Krushna.



1. Am I correct that Krushna's ayanamsa is 54' 08" less than Lahiri's and closest to Mr. Bhasin's?


I use the constant of 01:01:40 (in Parashara's Light), to subtract from Lahiri's. It will vary very slightly from one software program to another due to software differences, but it is close enough to do the job. I think I remember Krushna saying that this ayanamsha was closest to Raman's.


> What is the origin of it?


I'll let Krushna answer that one.

> Is it used only in connection with this system or do you use it for all purposes.


This is his ayanamsha and is used basically with his system only.


>Would it be heretical to continue using Lahiri's for "regular" chart analysis?

You could do so of course, under normal circumstances, but if you're trying to follow Krushna's system with it, you're going to be on the wrong page.


> Lessons filed in file section: Krushna said that the lessons were filed in file section and could be opened and downloaded by anyone. I am still on Windows 3.1 and NOT computer literate. I will need to ask a friend to do it for me on friend's computer and print contents. Does that person need to become a r to the list to access the file section and worksheet?

Yes, you must be d to the list before you can access the files. And since you're posting this message, you are already d. You do have to enter your password everytime you access the site, if you don't check off the box that will remember it for you. Once you get to the site, simply got to FILES and all the files in this section be available for you. They are all written in WORD 2000 and EXCEL 2000 however! If you don't have these programs, you may not be able to access them.


Good luck.


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Dear Donna


Many thanks for answering some of my questions-and so quickly. To follow up


> 1. Am I correct that Krushna's ayanamsa is 54' 08 " less than Lahiri's and



>> I use the constant of 01:01:40 (in Parashara's Light), to subtract from



I only have Haydn's program, which requires that I enter the actual

customized ayanamsa, hence the form of my question, and need to know the

difference between Krushna's and Lahiri's ayanamsas.

Using april 16, 1944 to compare ayanamsas, my computer gives 21*37'43 " for

B.V. Raman, 21*40' 33 " for Sri Yukteswar, 21*57'28 " for J.N. Bhasin, and I

get 22*10'20 " for Krushna based upon 23*04'28 " for Lahiri.


>Would it be heretical to continue using Lahiri's for " regular " chart



>> You could do so of course, under normal circumstances, but if you're


>> to follow Krushna's system with it, you're going to be on the wrong page.


Not at all my intention! I did not express myself clearly= I was asking

whether it was ok, from Krushna's perspective, to use Krushna's ayanamsa in

conjunction with his system, and to continue using Lahiri's when not using

his system of analysis.


> Lessons filed in file section: Krushna said that the lessons were filed in

file section and could be opened and downloaded by anyone. I am still on

Windows 3.1 and NOT computer literate. I will need to ask a friend to do it

for me on friend's computer and print contents. Does that person need to

become a r to the list to access the file section and worksheet?


>>. Yes, you must be d to the list before you can access the files.


>> since you're posting this message, you are already d. You do have


>> enter your password everytime you access the site, if you don't check off


>> box that will remember it for you. Once you get to the site, simply got to

>> FILES and all the files in this section be available for you. They are all

>> written in WORD 2000 and EXCEL 2000 however! If you don't have these

>> programs, you may not be able to access them.


You are right that I cannot access these files from my own computer. My

questions are even more basic: 1. How does one access the site?

2. Can a friend access the site for me from his own computer, and enter my

password to open and download the files, without he himself having to become

a r?

3. Is my password the same as my e-mail adress-I am not aware of having any

other password?


I did say I was'nt computer literate!

Thanks again and regards





LOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE style= " BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px;

MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px " >1. Am I correct that Krushna's ayanamsa

is 54' 08 " less than Lahiri's and


closest to Mr. Bhasin's? </BLOCKQUOTE>




I use the constant of 01:01:40 (in Parashara's Light), to subtract from

Lahiri's. It will vary very slightly from one software program to another due

to software differences, but it is close enough to do the job. I think I

remember Krushna saying that this ayanamsha was closest to Raman's.




> What is the origin of it?




I'll let Krushna answer that one.




> Is it used only in connection with this system or do you use it for all





This is his ayanamsha and is used basically with his system only.




>Would it be heretical to continue using Lahiri's for " regular " chart





You could do so of course, under normal circumstances, but if you're trying

to follow Krushna's system with it, you're going to be on the wrong page.




> Lessons filed in file section: Krushna said that the lessons were filed in


file section and could be opened and downloaded by anyone. I am still on


Windows 3.1 and NOT computer literate. I will need to ask a friend to do it


for me on friend's computer and print contents. Does that person need to


become a r to the list to access the file section and worksheet?




Yes, you must be d to the list before you can access the files. And

since you're posting this message, you are already d. You do have to

enter your password everytime you access the site, if you don't check off the

box that will remember it for you. Once you get to the site, simply got to

FILES and all the files in this section be available for you. They are all

written in WORD 2000 and EXCEL 2000 however! If you don't have these

programs, you may not be able to access them.




Good luck.








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src= " http://us.a1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/a/my/my_cobrand/my_zapme/music5.gif "

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Dear Krushna


Thank you very much for your answer to my first question. However, Donna left

a number of my other questions to be answered by you. If you have time, I

would very much like you to comment on my exercises on samdharmi and sub of

father, which were in my initial email.




Now regarding Ayanansha I use is from a ancient hand written Book, In which

a chart for the date , for zero ayanansha was given. From that I have taken.

It is 24th Feb 0366. and yearly speed 50.3 " . This ayanansh gives perfect

Results and also the chart. You may use any system, Casting the chart, using

my Ayanansha will give more correct placement of the Planets, and also the

vishontary dasha.







> Re: questions!

>Mon, 11 Dec 2000 08:06:29 EST


>Dear Christine -


>I can answer some of your questions and will leave the rest to Krushna.



> > 1. Am I correct that Krushna's ayanamsa is 54' 08 " less than Lahiri's


> >


>I use the constant of 01:01:40 (in Parashara's Light), to subtract from

>Lahiri's. It will vary very slightly from one software program to another


>to software differences, but it is close enough to do the job. I think I

>remember Krushna saying that this ayanamsha was closest to Raman's.


> > What is the origin of it?


>I'll let Krushna answer that one.


> > Is it used only in connection with this system or do you use it for all



>This is his ayanamsha and is used basically with his system only.


> >Would it be heretical to continue using Lahiri's for " regular " chart



>You could do so of course, under normal circumstances, but if you're trying

>to follow Krushna's system with it, you're going to be on the wrong page.


> > Lessons filed in file section: Krushna said that the lessons were filed


>file section and could be opened and downloaded by anyone. I am still on

>Windows 3.1 and NOT computer literate. I will need to ask a friend to do it

>for me on friend's computer and print contents. Does that person need to

>become a r to the list to access the file section and worksheet?


>Yes, you must be d to the list before you can access the files.


>since you're posting this message, you are already d. You do have


>enter your password everytime you access the site, if you don't check off


>box that will remember it for you. Once you get to the site, simply got to

>FILES and all the files in this section be available for you. They are all

>written in WORD 2000 and EXCEL 2000 however! If you don't have these

>programs, you may not be able to access them.


>Good luck.








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Dear Christine,

Donna have answered most of your questions. I must thank her.


Now regarding Ayanansha I use is from a ancient hand written Book, In which

a chart for the date , for zero ayanansha was given. From that I have taken.

It is 24th Feb 0366. and yearly speed 50.3 " . This ayanansh gives perfect

Results and also the chart. You may use any system, Casting the chart, using

my Ayanansha will give more correct placement of the Planets, and also the

vishontary dasha.







> Re: questions!

>Mon, 11 Dec 2000 08:06:29 EST


>Dear Christine -


>I can answer some of your questions and will leave the rest to Krushna.



> > 1. Am I correct that Krushna's ayanamsa is 54' 08 " less than Lahiri's


> >


>I use the constant of 01:01:40 (in Parashara's Light), to subtract from

>Lahiri's. It will vary very slightly from one software program to another


>to software differences, but it is close enough to do the job. I think I

>remember Krushna saying that this ayanamsha was closest to Raman's.


> > What is the origin of it?


>I'll let Krushna answer that one.


> > Is it used only in connection with this system or do you use it for all



>This is his ayanamsha and is used basically with his system only.


> >Would it be heretical to continue using Lahiri's for " regular " chart



>You could do so of course, under normal circumstances, but if you're trying

>to follow Krushna's system with it, you're going to be on the wrong page.


> > Lessons filed in file section: Krushna said that the lessons were filed


>file section and could be opened and downloaded by anyone. I am still on

>Windows 3.1 and NOT computer literate. I will need to ask a friend to do it

>for me on friend's computer and print contents. Does that person need to

>become a r to the list to access the file section and worksheet?


>Yes, you must be d to the list before you can access the files.


>since you're posting this message, you are already d. You do have


>enter your password everytime you access the site, if you don't check off


>box that will remember it for you. Once you get to the site, simply got to

>FILES and all the files in this section be available for you. They are all

>written in WORD 2000 and EXCEL 2000 however! If you don't have these

>programs, you may not be able to access them.


>Good luck.






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Dear Christine,

Please give the date of the demise of your father. If possible also give

date of your marriage, are you male / female. and some instances of the

life. So we can discuss on the matter.











: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 16:27:30 EST


>Dear Krushna


>Thank you very much for your answer to my first question. However, Donna


>a number of my other questions to be answered by you. If you have time, I

>would very much like you to comment on my exercises on samdharmi and sub of

>father, which were in my initial email.




> Now regarding Ayanansha I use is from a ancient hand written Book, In


> a chart for the date , for zero ayanansha was given. From that I have


> It is 24th Feb 0366. and yearly speed 50.3 " . This ayanansh gives perfect

> Results and also the chart. You may use any system, Casting the chart,


> my Ayanansha will give more correct placement of the Planets, and also


> vishontary dasha.

> krushna



> >




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Dear Christine,

Just a slight addition to Donna's answer to your question re: " Ayanamsas "


I am not sure which program you are using but in any case Krushna's ayanamsa

is supposed to be nearest to Ramans ayanamsa. In Parasara's Light I use

Ramans with an offset at the bottom of

-00:25:00. This is of course found by going to " Preferences " .

In Goravani there is a section at the bottom of ayanamsa preferences for

setting you own ayanamsa, if you are using this contact me privatley and I

will give you the settings for this.

I use Krushna's ayanamsa for Krushna's work and use Lahiri for other work

although just recently I used astakavarga and satva together to solve a BA

analysis and had about 7 diffent charts I had to use for both systems- the

results I gotwere 3 out of 5 events correct.



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Dear Krushna


> Dear Christine,

> Please give the date of the demise of your father. If possible also


>date of your marriage, are you male / female. and some instances of the

>life. So we can discuss on the matter.




I am a woman.

Family data

March 29, 1988-- death of father-paris

July 21, 1965-- marriage-france

July 30, 1968-- birth of son -london

Moving countries

Summer 1965--move to london

March 11, 1975--move from london to los angeles

Late June/ early July 1988-- move to new york from los angeles


July 8, 1965--french law degree-paris

February 8, 1972-- called to the Bar in london

July 29, 1975--sits for California Bar exam. Admission last week of Nov. 1975


April 1, 1973-- first day of employment as an english lawyer in london

April 26, 1976-- first day of employment as a U.S. lawyer in los angeles

February 1, 1984-- first day as a partner in my U.S. law firm

September 3, 1996-- told the managing partner of my law firm of my decision

to withdraw from the law firm

December 31, 1996--last day as partner in law firm

January 15, 1997-- was offered job of general counsel of agency of United

Nations in new york -started work 17 February 1997

June 29, 1998-- gave my resignation to UN agency, effective July 31, 1998

Real estate

June 30, 1980--first ever house purchase, in los angeles, sold 9 Aug. 1989

September 21, 1989--purchase of new york apartment

May 4/5, 1999--purchase of house in france







: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 16:27:30 EST


>Dear Krushna


>Thank you very much for your answer to my first question. However, Donna


>a number of my other questions to be answered by you. If you have time, I

>would very much like you to comment on my exercises on samdharmi and sub of

>father, which were in my initial email.




> Now regarding Ayanansha I use is from a ancient hand written Book, In


> a chart for the date , for zero ayanansha was given. From that I have


> It is 24th Feb 0366. and yearly speed 50.3 " . This ayanansh gives perfect

> Results and also the chart. You may use any system, Casting the chart,


> my Ayanansha will give more correct placement of the Planets, and also


> vishontary dasha.

> krushna



> >






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Dear Christine,

Regarding samdharmi, Please read the lessons. I think you will

get clear idea.





, XINEFOURNI@a... wrote:

> Dear Krushna


> Thank you very much for your answer to my first question. However,

Donna left

> a number of my other questions to be answered by you. If you have

time, I

> would very much like you to comment on my exercises on samdharmi

and sub of

> father, which were in my initial email.


> Regards

> Christine

> Now regarding Ayanansha I use is from a ancient hand written Book,

In which

> a chart for the date , for zero ayanansha was given. From that I

have taken.

> It is 24th Feb 0366. and yearly speed 50.3 " . This ayanansh gives


> Results and also the chart. You may use any system, Casting the

chart, using

> my Ayanansha will give more correct placement of the Planets, and

also the

> vishontary dasha.

> krushna



> >DQuinn12@A...

> >

> >

> > Re: questions!

> >Mon, 11 Dec 2000 08:06:29 EST

> >

> >Dear Christine -

> >

> >I can answer some of your questions and will leave the rest to


> >

> >

> > > 1. Am I correct that Krushna's ayanamsa is 54' 08 " less than


> >and

> > >

> >

> >I use the constant of 01:01:40 (in Parashara's Light), to

subtract from

> >Lahiri's. It will vary very slightly from one software program to


> >due

> >to software differences, but it is close enough to do the job. I

think I

> >remember Krushna saying that this ayanamsha was closest to


> >

> > > What is the origin of it?

> >

> >I'll let Krushna answer that one.

> >

> > > Is it used only in connection with this system or do you use

it for all

> >purposes.

> >

> >This is his ayanamsha and is used basically with his system only.

> >

> > >Would it be heretical to continue using Lahiri's for " regular "


> >analysis?

> >

> >You could do so of course, under normal circumstances, but if

you're trying

> >to follow Krushna's system with it, you're going to be on the

wrong page.

> >

> > > Lessons filed in file section: Krushna said that the lessons

were filed

> >in

> >file section and could be opened and downloaded by anyone. I am

still on

> >Windows 3.1 and NOT computer literate. I will need to ask a

friend to do it

> >for me on friend's computer and print contents. Does that person

need to

> >become a r to the list to access the file section and


> >

> >Yes, you must be d to the list before you can access the


> >And

> >since you're posting this message, you are already d.

You do have

> >to

> >enter your password everytime you access the site, if you don't

check off

> >the

> >box that will remember it for you. Once you get to the site,

simply got to

> >FILES and all the files in this section be available for you.

They are all

> >written in WORD 2000 and EXCEL 2000 however! If you don't have


> >programs, you may not be able to access them.

> >

> >Good luck.

> >Donna

> >







> _______

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