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for all of us who still want to be informed whats going on sorry: but it always the same in human history

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.. Christian-Arab Predicts World Islam Takeover - Unless... by Hillel >Fendel>>>"When will you Westerners realize that half-measures don't work with people >who are willing to die by the thousands for Allah to achieve their goal?" >This was the upshot of a recent conversation between a Holocaust survivor >living in Herzliya and a Christian-Arab living in the Galilee.>>Following are excerpts from the Christian-Arab's remarks, based on article >by Solly Ganor for FrontPage Magazine: >>"I have to tell you something which very few of you seem to comprehend. >Your [israel's] bungling war against a few thousand Hizbullah fighters >which you should have crushed no matter what, considering the importance of >the outcome, has created a completely new situation, not only for this >area, but globally. Your inept leadership totally misunderstood the >importance of winning this war.>>"As a matter of fact, the whole Moslem world, not only the Arabs, simply >couldn't believe that the mighty Israeli Army that defeated the combined >Arab forces in six days in 1967, and almost captured Cairo and Damascus in >1973, couldn't defeat a small army of Hizbullah men. As usual the Moslems >see things the way they want to see things. Most think that the present >generation of Israelis have gone soft and can be defeated.>>"The American bungling of the war in Iraq only added to their conviction >that victory not only over Israel but also over the West is not only >possible, but certain. The ramifications of these two bungling wars may >bring an Islamic bloody Tsunami all over the West, not only in Israel. The >sharks smell blood and these two wars gave them the green light to attack >sooner than they had in mind. Your problem is that you are on the defensive >and they have the option to choose the time and the places when and where >to attack and there is nothing much you can do about it.>>"When will you Westerners realize that half-measures don't work with people >who are willing to die by the thousands for Allah to achieve their goal? In >their eyes the Western World is simply an abomination on earth that has to >be wiped out.>>"The Americans, the Europeans, and even you Israelis really don't know what >it is all about, do you? During the last generation hundreds of thousands >of children have been taught all over the Moslem world in Madrass schools >to become martyrs for Allah in order to kill the infidels. These youngsters >not only are ready to do it, but are actually in the process of doing it. >Bombs are going off all over the world killing and maiming thousands of >people, not only on 9/11 in the US, in London Madrid and Bali, but in >Africa, India, Bangladesh, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and many other places. The >first signs of the Islamic Tsunami are already here, but the West doesn't >understand, or doesn't want to understand what is coming.>"The Americans, instead of realizing that this is as bad as World War Two, >or even worse, are going to pull out of Iraq, handing it over to Iran on a >silver platter.>>>"The Americans, instead of realizing that this is as bad as World War Two, >or even worse, are going to pull out of Iraq, handing it over to Iran on a >silver platter. Next may come the Saudis and the rest of the Gulf states. >When dirty bombs go off all over Western towns, who is going to stop the >Iranians?>>"Now is the time to stop them, not only because they are developing nuclear >bombs, but because Iran has become the base for all Islamic terrorism. They >supply money, men, and weapons to Islamic terrorists around the world, >quite often through their diplomatic mail... They believe, and perhaps >rightly so, that the West will do nothing to stop them in achieving their >goals. Is history repeating itself?>>"As a history teacher who studied the subject thoroughly, I can tell you >that Western victory in World War Two was not at all certain. Hitler could >have won the war if he would have gone ahead with the atomic bomb >development before the Americans. The Germans began working on it in the >thirties, and it was Hitler's decision to prefer building more conventional >arms, as he considered atomic weapons sheer fantasy. Hitler made the wrong >decision, but had he made the right decision the world would have been a >different type of world today, wouldn't it? The West won the war against >Hitler by sheer chance. Very few people seem to realize that.>>"Coming back to our time, the Iranians rely on the West doing nothing about >their development of nuclear bombs. They also rely on their secret weapon: >an inexhaustible supply of Islamic suicide bombers, some of them who are >already planted all over the Western World. Besides the Islamic countries >that supply these suicide bombers, a second front has been opened, and that >is the Internet with more than five thousand Islamic web sites, brain >washing and urging young Moslems to become martyrs for Allah. They >especially target young Moslems who live in Europe and the West in general. >The Western intelligence authorities consider these web sites a bigger >threat than the Iranian atomic bomb.>>"I think Hizbullah will attack again as soon as they are fully re-equipped >and I think it will be during the summer, while Israel is still in a >military and political turmoil... This time you will have to destroy >Hizbullah no matter what the cost may be.>>"Of course, your next round against Hizbullah may involve the Syrians and >the Iranians against you. The Iranians declared that they will not allow >Hizbullah to be defeated no matter what and may launch their missiles >against you. So will the Syrians. What will Israel do? It is unlikely that >Israel will accept its destruction and may use their nuclear arsenal if the >West will not come to their help...>>"I think there are two ways to avoid [this Armageddon]. One can be a major >war which the West can win. As in World War Two, had the West attacked the >Germans in 1936 the war would have lasted not more than a month with very >few casualties. Their procrastination resulted in World War II with all its >consequences. Eventually, the West will have to tackle the Iranians, it is >better that they do it now to avert a world catastrophe later. With Iran >defeated the Islamic onslaught will lose its base, and it may be the >turning point in history to defeat the menace of extreme Islam. The >majority of the Moslems don't want this confrontation anyway.>>"[Alternatively,] all the West has to do is follow Putin's ways. He >assassinates his enemies without blinking an eye. Assassinate the four or >five Mullahs who run the show, Ahmadinejad and a few more Iranian fanatics, >and the War can be avoided. It may be difficult to do, but not impossible. >With today's hi-tech technology I am sure that new weapons against >individuals are being prepared right now. I think it would be a better way >of handling the matter than an all-out war against Islam."

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You are a long time member of this sangha and know the charter of the

list. This post of yours was inappropriate. I believe there are a number

of politically oriented lists where such discussions can be conducted.


But not here.




Michael Bindel wrote:

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Dear Harsha


sorry for causing problems by posting this article.







" Harsha "


Sunday, March 25, 2007 3:05 AM

Re: for all of us who still want to

be " informed " " whats going on " sorry: but it always the same in human




> Michael,


> You are a long time member of this sangha and know the charter of the

> list. This post of yours was inappropriate. I believe there are a number

> of politically oriented lists where such discussions can be conducted.


> But not here.


> Harsha


> Michael Bindel wrote:






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> _________




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