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Beyond all states.

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> The Saguna Brahman concept is beyond all the states as it projects

> them anyway. Sankara and Ramana only ever discussed the 'Self' which

> is Saguna. Not every word Ramana and Sankara spoke is the absolute

> truth for they both had bodies therefore some prarabda. Those that

> hang on to Saguna as the Self of Bliss are only hanging on to another

> 'body/mind' so to speak.

> The reality is Nir Guna which is self definitive. Hanging on to Bliss

> is giving away the envelope but hanging on to the corner. It is not

> letting go of the final superstition..........Tony.


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please explain what you message means in daily life and daily practice of our sadhana


in Ramana



michael bindel





Tony OClery

Friday, April 20, 2007 6:48 PM

Beyond all states.



Namaste,> > The Saguna Brahman concept is beyond all the states as it projects> them anyway. Sankara and Ramana only ever discussed the 'Self' which> is Saguna. Not every word Ramana and Sankara spoke is the absolute> truth for they both had bodies therefore some prarabda. Those that> hang on to Saguna as the Self of Bliss are only hanging on to another> 'body/mind' so to speak.> The reality is Nir Guna which is self definitive. Hanging on to Bliss> is giving away the envelope but hanging on to the corner. It is not> letting go of the final superstition..........Tony.>__________ Informazione NOD32 2009 (20070126) __________Questo messaggio è stato controllato dal Sistema Antivirus NOD32http://www.nod32.it__________'>http://www.nod32.it__________ Informazione NOD32 2009 (20070126) __________Questo messaggio è stato controllato dal Sistema Antivirus NOD32http://www.nod32.it



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, " Michael Bindel "

<michael.bindel wrote:


> Dear >

> please explain what you message means in daily life and daily

practice of our sadhana


> in Ramana



> michael bindel



> -

> Tony OClery


> Friday, April 20, 2007 6:48 PM

> Beyond all states.



> Namaste,

> >

> > The Saguna Brahman concept is beyond all the states as it projects

> > them anyway. Sankara and Ramana only ever discussed the 'Self' which

> > is Saguna. Not every word Ramana and Sankara spoke is the absolute

> > truth for they both had bodies therefore some prarabda. Those that

> > hang on to Saguna as the Self of Bliss are only hanging on to


> > 'body/mind' so to speak.

> > The reality is Nir Guna which is self definitive. Hanging on to


> > is giving away the envelope but hanging on to the corner. It is not

> > letting go of the final superstition..........Tony.

> >



Who am I?..............Tony

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from Mercedes D'Acosta's visit to Ramana Maharshi:


" Question: Is it possible to sin?


Bhagavan: Having a body, which creates illusion, is the only sin, and

the body is our only hell. But it is right that we observe moral laws.

The discussion of sin is too difficult for a few lines.


Queston: Does one who has realized the Self lose the sense of " I " ?


Bhagavan: Absolutely.


Question: Then to you there is no difference between yourself and

myself, that man over there, my servant, are all the same?


Bhagavan: All are the same, including those monkeys.


Question: But the monkeys are not people. Are they not different?


Bhagavan: They are exactly the same as people. All creatures are the

same in One Consciousness.


Question: Do we lose our individuality when we merge into the Self?


Bhagavan: There is no individuality in the Self. The Self is One--Supreme.


Question: Then individuality and identity are lost?


Bhagavan: You don't retain them in deep sleep, do you?


Question: But we retain them from one birth to another, don't we?


Bhagavan: Oh, yes. The " I " thought [the ego] will recur again, only

each time you identify with it a different body and different

surroundings around the body. The effects of past acts [Karma] will

continue to control the new body just as they did the old one. It is

Karma that has given you this particular body and placed it in a

particular family, race, sex, surroundings and so forth.


Bhagavan added, " These questions are good, but tell de Acosta [he

always called me de Acosta] she must not become too intellectual about

these things. It is better just to meditate and have no thought. Let

the mind rest quietly on the Self in the cave of the Spiritual Heart.

Soon this will become natural and then there will be no need for

questions. Do not imagine that this means being inactive. Silence is

the only real activity. " Then Guy added, " Bhagavan says to tell you

that he sends you his blessings. "


This message greatly comforted me. "


regards, Era

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