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SV: Jnana Drishti 1 / Ramana

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>Ramana also said the the same book, that sat-cit-ananda are 'qualities',

which to my mind is the same as an attribute.

>Ramana like Sankara only ever really talked about The Self or Saguna

Brahman, for Nir Guna is unimaginable and raises

>the fear of extinction in people...So why bother talking about something

they cannot grasp..Tony.


Yes, why talk :)




From The S'rîmad Devî Bhâgawatam


13. O blessed one! That Purusa and Prakriti pervade everywhere and exist in

all the things; in this Universe nothing can exist without the presence of

both of them.


14. Both of them are the highest intelligent self, nirguna (free from all

material qualities), without any tinge of impurity, and undecaying. The one

form that is a combination of these two is always to be meditated in the



15. What is S’akti (energy) is the Highest Self; what is the Highest Self is

the Highest S’akti. O Nârada! Nobody can ascertain the subtle difference

between these two.


16. O Nârada! Merely the study of all the S’âstras and the Vedas with their

Amgas without renunciation does not enable one to ascertain the difference

between these two.


17. O Child! This whole universe, moving and non-moving, comes out of

Ahamkâra (egoism). How can one ascertain the above difference even if he

tries for one hundred kalpas, unless one frees oneself from Ahamkâra.

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