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Florian Tathagata

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Florian Tathagata - TruthTruthThe human experiencebuddha-paris-ausschnitt.jpg For most of us it appears as we are aseparate individual that has to deal with an external world thatseems to be a restless movement of experience. As the focus of ourattention is habitually directed from within to a seemingly externalreality a sense of ‚I’ that is in the world is generated. So webelieve that we are a personal entity who lives life and tries tomaster the challenges of existence. This energetic movement from theinside out, this habitual direction of attention from the inside tothe outside - from here to there - causes the subtle yet so familiarsense of fear, stress and effort accompanied with the idea of wantingto overcome the endless circle of limited HUMAN EXPERIENCE. Thissense of ‚me’ who leads ‚my’ life which occurs to be the summary ofall ‚my’ experiences is most rarely questioned.The recognition

of trutharunachalaThe recognition of who we truly are - TRUTH - is the fruitthat is gained by a gentle shift of attention away from the ever-changing content of experience to that which is aware of allexperience in every moment. This shift of attention is accompaniedwith the realisation that there never has been a separate I thatacted in or lead a personal life. It has always been life that haslived itself through us. This gentle and natural returning ofattention to its own source that is awareness itself inviteseverything outside and inside to come to complete resting, stillnessand to a most gentle softening yet without the sense of anexperiencer. It is resting that comes to rest. It is stillness thatis still. It is softening that returns to softness. There is nobodywho recognises truth but it is truth that recognises itself as beingthat which is ever present, ever fresh and ever alive. It is lovethat

loves.Living as lovelotus LIVING AS LOVE is being an invitation for life to fully comeinto us instead of moving towards life. It is softly being the spacethat allows life to completely have us instead of being someonehaving life. Being love is the unconditional availability to let theexperience of every moment gently kiss and touch every place in usthat it wants to touch. In gently resting as complete wakefulpassivity life can finally entirely enter the system. It is allowedto gently take over and with its incomprehensible intelligence andcompassion can fully have us. Than everything that wants to be metand that has troubled mankind for thousands of years can come home.With loving gentleness we are replaced by the full force and love oflife itself. From the deepest core love can freely play its sweetmelody through us like a musician would joyfully play a song on aflute. Then life no longer belongs to us

but we belong to life. Thenlove no longer is for us but we are for love. Then life is a soleembrace of existence being completely conscious of its own alivenessand all is given but nothing is for us.<

love, Era

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, " Era Molnar " <mi_nok wrote:


> Florian Tathagata - Truth......


Thanks Era, for introducing us to this student of Isaac Shapiro.


Best wishes,


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