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Event Wednesday: Quantum Psyche ~ Giving Greater Mind

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Most of my life I've found these skills substantially valuable, in every realm of life, but also including the various realms we cover here in our forum, health, healing, intuitional science, spiritual practices, and much much more. I graciously invite you to this event if you can make it. This event is in West Los Angeles, May 23, one in a series of ongoing events.


Quantum Psyche ~ Giving Greater Mind


Intuition, sixth sense, siddhis, or otherwise known as 'psychic abilities' is latent in all of us and can enrich our lives enormously when tapped, whether during an emergency or through regular intuitional practices. Intuition draws information from the unconscious, 'superconscious mind', or 'causal realm' to the consciously aware realm of mind more familiar to us in daily life. Doing so, one can spontaneously know and understand what would otherwise have passed us by unnoticed or seemed too difficult to comprehend as the subconscious mind and, even more so, the unconscious mind are far vaster than the conscious mind can ever be.

Cultivating these intuitional skills consciously helps make it easier for us to make decisions, improve relationships, heal ones self and others, and achieve success in all areas of life. Is there a place in your life for such skills? Are you aware of how easy such skills are to cultivate and how rewarding they are in developing more loving relationships and serving humanity in any and every realm?

Whatever changes you foresee for the planet, your life, your family, your career, these skills will help you prepare for, maximize opportunities for, and further your success in every realm of life.

For many thousands of years humans have questioned, explored, discovered and cultivate intuitional practices that have furthered their lives in every realm, most especially spiritually, whether a deity was involved in the practice or not. From such scientific experimentation has evolved the contemporary science of Tantra. Whether liberation is your goal today or you are putting that off to a future incarnation, intuition can, and must, play a role in furthering your evolution as a happily fulfilled person from now through old age, for yourself and those you love.

We will discuss Tantra's easy to understand principles and practices and show how you too can make these skills part of your life or help you cultivate extant intuitional skills within you further.

Tantra is an intuitional science, not a sect and nothing to join.

Learn more here today:



Tantra Psychologyhttp://TantraPsychology.learn .to



They are " educated " who have learned much, remembered much,and make use of their knowledge in everyday life. And of these lessons integrated into their life, moral conscience is the most imperative to learnand convey to others.Their virtues give true meaning to education.

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