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The correct method - Sri Ramana Maharshi

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Devotee: What is the correct method of practice for the disciple to

adopt and follow?


Maharshi: In the first instance, it should be recognized that the

Atman, or the Self, is not something existing separate and distinct

from the seeker, which he has yet to obtain, as it were, from

without. Considering further that there is nothing loftier or more

sublime than the object of his quest, which is identical with

himself, [self-Realization being only the Realization of one's own

nature ] he that would earnestly try to attain Liberation should

initially proceed to discriminate between what is permanent and

abiding and what is not. By this discriminative insight, he should

know beyond doubt and free from misconception what he really is,

i.e., in what his real Being consists.8 Realizing thus his true and

natural state, he should remain changeless, firmly established

therein. This is the correct method of practice, or sadhana, and is

called the Vicara Marga, which is pre-eminently instrumental in

gaining direct and immediate knowledge of the Self.


D: Is it possible for all seekers, whatever be their individual

spiritual attainment, to adopt straight away and put into practice

this method of inquiry in quest of the Self?


M: No, it is intended only for ripe souls. Others should get the

necessary training and practice by adopting such methods as are

suited to their individual development, mental and moral.



Note 8: This knowledge is necessarily preceded by an investigation of

the " I " in him and to what it refers. This investigation would lead

to the rejection of the false identification of the " I " with the body

and the mind, since they are merely predicated of something that is

ulterior to both of them. By this dispassionate and incessant

investigation, he would arrive at the conclusion, not as an abstract

deduction based on discursive thought, but by immediate and

indubitable experience, that what is real in him is pure Existence-

Consciousness-Bliss. It is in this state that the disciple is

enjoined to firmly abide.



From Origin of Spiritual Instruction

© 2006 by Society of Abidance in Truth


This is the original version of the English translation of Sri Ramana

Maharshi's " Upadesa Manjari, " which was long out of print. SAT has

republished it in its entirety in the form of this book. The actual

text is considerably different in expression and the details of the

teachings from the more commonly known version of this work published

as " Spiritual Instruction. " Includes all of the original notes and




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