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Inquiry and discrimination

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Dear Group,


Over the years I have seen misunderstanding from some followers of

Ramana about discrimination as a part of Self-inquiry. Nome teaches

that they are inseparable, that inquiry includes a discernment of the

Real (that which is unchanging within each of us) and the unreal

(everything else).


The confusion may come from Ramana's words, where he said that

saying " neti-neti " (not this, not this) does not constitute inquiry.


In the retreat current going on at SAT, Nome is reading from and

commenting on some Ramana works. Yesterday her was reading from

Ramana's " Atma Vidya " (Self-Knowledge). Here is a verse that is





The Self, which shines as the Sun within the Heart,

Is Real and all-pervading. `Twill reveal

Itself as soon as false thought is destroyed

And not one speck remains. For this thought is

The cause of the appearance of false forms,

The body and the world which seem to be

Real things in spite of the Self, which steadfast stands

The ever-changeless, firm as Truth itself.

When the Self shines forth, darkness will be dispersed,

Affliction cease and Bliss alone remain.


A couple of points on this: First, the Heart is NOT any physical

heart, nor the " two fingers to the right " heart. Nome says the Heart

is, " the quintessence of your Being. "


Now, how does one destroy thought? We are taught that one way is to

ask, " For whom is the thought? " " For me " then " Who am I? " this

returns one to the inquiry. To destroy thought, though, may require

something more. To destroy thought one really needs to know deeply

that thought and the so-called thinker are unreal. How does one do

this? Through discrimination: Who am I? Do I exist when thinking? Do

I exist when not thinking? If I exist when not thinking, how can I be

a thought? Like this does the discrimination.


Ramana says that chief among misidentifications is the

misidentification with the body, thinking that the body is the self.

How does one remove this misidentification? Discriminative inquiry.


Inquiry is about the discovery (really `uncovering') of your

identity. What is the nature of your existence? It is also involved

with the removal of tendencies (vasana-s). In inquiry, one discards

what is found to be ignorance, and to that extent there is

dissolution of the ego. This brings a sense of greater freedom and

inner peace.


So, inquire and see for yourself what is Real and unchanging. How can

you be anything that comes and goes? Find out for yourself.


Not two,


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