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Help End the US Genocide/Terror/Torture (for oil)

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How ironic that the initials for the United States




God, *that's* funny!




The Lancet study already demonstrated that, as of July 2006, the

deaths caused by the U.S. invasion of Iraq rivaled the death toll of

the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Our update suggests that it has now

surpassed even high estimates of deaths in Rwanda.


Realization of the daunting scale of the death and suffering inflicted

on Iraqis should add urgency to efforts to end the occupation. Sign

the petition to Congress below.


As of July 2006, a scientific study led by researchers at Johns

Hopkins found that 650,000 Iraqis had died as a result of the U.S.-led

invasion. Unfortunately, the death toll has continued to mount since then.


It is likely that about one million Iraqis have been killed, according

to an updated estimate from the organization Just Foreign Policy.

That's more than were killed in the Rwandan genocide and far more than

were killed under Saddam.


Close to five million have been forced to become refugees.


You can find more information, a frequently updated counter of Iraqi

deaths, and a petition to Congress urging them to end this war here:








No WMDs Yet



PS: do I really think signing a petition to US Congress matters?


Hell no!


(and I do mean 'Hell')



Love David,


(Your unrelenting, pain-in-the-ass connection to Reality)






Don't forget to pass the link to the few remaining Conscious people

left on Planet Earth!



Or just forget it all and meditate.



(of course that only works if you're *really* enlightned)





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