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Thanksgiving (Digest Number 8)

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Hi everyone,


For myself, and those I have celebrated previous Thanksgivings with, when we

sit down to celebrate Thanksgiving, we are sitting down to renew friendships

& /or family ties with those we don't see on a regular basis, not to honor

atrocities committed by this nation's forefathers. I don't know anyone who

celebrates slavery and genocide. The name " thanksgiving " is just a label

for the day. I think it is the individuals present who establish the spirit

for whatever purpose they are gathered for. For me, an opportunity to

share some good vegan food with friends on a paid holiday :-)


G, I haven't heard of the Native American sunrise anti-Thanksgiving ceremony

before. Does the ceremony involve food or is it more spiritual in nature?


I've done community potlucks and potlucks with friends at a private home.

I've not tried any of the restaurant celebrations. Seems like Millenium's

is one of the most popular. Anyone have any feedback regarding the various

restaurant Thanksgivings?






G Yaki [guayakit]

Monday, October 15, 2001 9:21 AM


Re: Digest Number 8




In response to the question about Thanksgiving, I

don't celebrate it all, really. When I look at what

the holiday was created to celebrate -- the wholesale

slaughter of Native communities, and a country whose

riches and " freedoms " were built on slavery and

genocide -- these are not things for which I choose to

be thankful. I don't feel the need to replace a dead

turkey with something else. Frankly, I'd rather give

thanks on other days which are more personally

meaningful for me -- friends' birthdays, changing of

the seasons, some of the holidays important to my own

ethnic heritage -- but not some commercialized,

unconscious amerikan hoo-ha. Actually, I've wanted for

many years now to make it to the Native American

sunrise anti-Thanksgiving ceremony for many years now,

but I never seem to get up early enough!





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