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RE: veg-sf FW: mad cow disease

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Sheen may be a supporter of PETA, but it appears that the writers of the

show turned to the meat industry for background on BSE. Of course,

beef-industry executives are fond of

repeating the mantra that there never has been a case of mad-cow disease in

the United



For more details, see the item from Meatnews.com below, along with an

alternative view by Steve Stecklow, published in the 11/28/01 Wall Street



Should be interesting viewing indeed.






>Meatnews.com, 11/28/01


NCBA and NAMP advise writers of " West Wing " on the BSE situation in the

United States.


The November 28 episode of the popular television show, " The West Wing "

addresses the topic of how the government should inform the public about a

disease outbreak, specifically bovine spongiform encephalomalacia (BSE).

According to a joint National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA) and

National Association of Meat Processors (NAMP) advisory, the storyline

centers on a " presumptive positive " test for BSE. Later, the animal turns

out to be negative.


The writers of the show contacted NCBA for background information about BSE.

NCBA executive director of scientific and regulatory affairs Dr. Gary Weber

informed the writers about the measures that have been taken to prevent BSE

in the United States, how a suspected BSE-infected animal would be handled,

and the potential impact of BSE on the U.S. cattle industry. Dr. Weber

emphasized several times during his conversation with the writers that the

United States has never had a case of BSE. The joint advisory provides

talking points for meat processors and cattle producers to use if they are

asked questions about BSE after the episode of West Wing airs.


These talking points include the fact that West Wing is a fictional drama

and he episode is not based on actual events, BSE has never been found in

the United States, the animal in question was later found to be negative,

the United States has a triple firewall to prevent the disease from

spreading to the United States.



>November 28, 2001

>The U.S. May Face Mad-Cow Exposure

>Despite Assurances From Government




> Like a mantra, federal officials and beef-industry executives are fond of

repeating that there never has been a case of mad-cow disease in the United



>It's the same claim that Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan used to make --

until the disease showed up in their cattle, instantly resulting in

plunging beef sales.


>Will the U.S. go down the same road?


>On Friday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Harvard University plan

to release a government-funded study that is expected to show that the U.S.

has little chance of facing the kind of mad-cow epidemic that befell

Britain, where the disease was first diagnosed in cattle 15 years ago.


>But a close examination of America's mad-cow safety net shows some

possible flaws. New data provided Tuesday by the U.S. Food and Drug

Administration reveal that scores of shipments of animal byproducts for use

in animal feed came into the U.S. in recent years from countries that now

have mad-cow disease in their cattle herds, a potentially serious source of

contamination. In addition, federal inspections have shown that many U.S.

animal-feed mills continue to violate regulations designed to prevent the

spread of the disease. And critics say the U.S. isn't spending enough time

or money inspecting cattle -- or people -- for signs of the sickness.


>Costly Implications


>The potential implications for America's already-battered economy are

significant: A little-noticed analysis by the FDA in 1997 predicted that if

mad-cow disease ever struck cattle in the U.S., the costs would run into

the billions of dollars, mostly " to restore consumer confidence in beef and

dairy products. "



>Mad-cow disease is worrisome because it can jump from cows to humans, and

the incurable ailment, which perforates the brain with microscopic holes,

is always fatal. During the past five years, more than 100 people, nearly

all in Britain, have died from variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and at

least 27 new cases have been diagnosed in the first 10 months of this year.

Meanwhile, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), which strikes cows, has

been reported in domestic herds in 18 countries to date. Several other

countries have found diseased animals that had been imported from Britain.


>Though the origins of BSE remain unclear, scientists are convinced that it

spreads among cattle through infected feed containing meat-and-bone meal, a

protein supplement made from the ground-up parts of cows. If the animal

being processed is infected, then the meal can transmit the disease to many

other animals. It takes only one gram of contaminated material to infect a



>Britain banned the practice of feeding meat-and-bone meal to cattle in

1988. It later expanded the ban to other farm animals after finding that

the material was still contaminating some cattle feed because of sloppy

handling by farmers and feed mills. To date, more than 180,000 British cows

have contracted the disease, although the number of cases has been steadily

declining since 1993.


>Missing: 32 Cattle


>U.S. officials say the British experience isn't comparable. All but 32

live cattle imported from Britain and Ireland in the 1980s into the U.S.

have been traced and destroyed or quarantined. Government officials and

many experts also say that, even if a few cases of BSE were to show up in

the U.S., there's little chance the disease would spread to many cattle.

Harvard University researcher George Gray, who entered numerous possible

scenarios into a computer model as part of the new study with the USDA,

says, " Almost no matter what we do, it doesn't blow up in the U.S. "


>But even Dr. Gray doesn't rule out the possibility of some cases cropping

up. For one thing, the U.S. didn't ban most mammal-based animal protein,

including meat-and-bone meal, in cattle rations until 1997. And, unlike in

Europe, it continues to allow it in feed for other farm animals, including

pigs and chickens, leaving a risk of cross-contamination into cattle feed.


>Another concern in the U.S. is imports. Last December, the USDA banned all

imports of rendered animal proteins from 31 countries that either had BSE

or presented " an undue risk of introducing BSE into the United States. "


>In response to a request from this newspaper, the FDA recently tracked how

much animal protein came into the U.S. from those 31 countries between 1998

and last December. The records, gleaned from U.S. Customs data, showed at

least 72 shipments, including mammal-based bone meal, dried meat scraps,

animal waste and blood. The countries included Britain as well as places

such as France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan, where mad-cow cases are on

the rise. The weight of the shipments wasn't available.


>In addition, the FDA said that 30 shipments of animal byproducts had

arrived in the U.S. after the ban took effect. The agency has been able to

track 11 of those shipments, but the whereabouts of the other 19 isn't

clear. The agency said it is investigating.


>FDA officials said in interviews that they believe most of the animal

protein imported from the 31 countries ended up in pet food. But the

records provided by the agency don't indicate the material's intended use.


>It's also unclear how much animal protein, including possibly

meat-and-bone meal, has been imported into the U.S. in recent years from

non-European countries which haven't yet detected mad-cow disease but could

in the future. Other than Japan, " if an Asian country wants to export

meat-and-bone meal into the U.S. there would not be any restrictions, " says

Stephen F. Sundlof, director of the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine.

He notes, however, that once inside the U.S., the material would be subject

to the cattle-feed ban.


>'Chicken Litter' Risk


>Another potential problem, say FDA officials, is " chicken litter, " the

mixture of excrement, excess feed and feathers that ends up on the floor of

chicken houses. Although the beef and feed industry doesn't like to

publicize it, the material remains permissible as an ingredient in cattle

feed, although the practice of using it isn't believed to be widespread.

" It's mostly an on-the-farm practice, " says Richard Sellers, vice president

for feed control and nutrition at the American Feed Industry Association.

Since chicken feed can contain bovine meat-and-bone meal, the litter

represents a potential source of contamination, the FDA believes. " In

litter, there is feed that's spilled and gets mixed in, " says the FDA's Dr.

Sundlof. He says the agency is considering banning its use in cattle feed.


>The FDA also is considering banning the use of so-called " plate waste " in

cattle feed, Dr. Sundlof says. The 1997 mammalian-protein ban exempted

left-over restaurant food, which can be processed and fed to cows, although

it's mostly fed to pigs. Hotel-casinos and theme parks in places such as

Atlantic City, N.J., and Orlando have been the main providers. But the FDA

believes such waste could contain bits of cow brain or other potentially

infected cow parts that, unlike in Europe, are still allowed to be consumed

in the U.S.


>However, plate-waste proponents argue that banning the stuff in cattle

feed is illogical. Asks Michael Malecha, a food-industry consultant in

Madison, Wis., " Here we have a product that's USDA-inspected, that's

suitable to be served to humans, and yet we're saying, don't feed it to

animals? "


>Recent evidence also raises questions about the effectiveness -- and

enforcement -- of the 1997 cattle-feed ban itself.


>When the FDA published the regulation detailing the ban, it stated that

" the vigorous implementation of this rule will very nearly eliminate the

risk of the widespread proliferation of BSE in the United States. " But FDA

officials concede today they don't even know how many feed mills operate in

the U.S. Many are small and don't require federal licenses. In addition,

when the ban was implemented, no money was authorized to verify feed mills

were complying. As a result, agency officials say, planned inspections soon

fell behind schedule.


>Disappointing Inspections


>Officials say they've since caught up, but the results so far are

disappointing: Inspections of 2,653 feed mills that handle meat-and-bone

meal found that more than a fifth weren't taking adequate precautions to

ensure the material wasn't ending up in cattle feed. And even after many

reinspections, as of late last month about 13% of the mills remained out of



>A review of more than 50 warning letters the FDA sent to feed mills this

year shows the type of problems encountered. During a March visit to

Farmers Mill & Elevator Co. in Dexter, Ga., which makes cattle and hog

feed, an inspector found meat-and-bone meal that was being stored on

pallets of cattle feed. He also discovered that corn used to flush out

mixing equipment prior to making cattle feed was being bagged for use in

hog feed, but without any required warning labels not to use it in cattle



> " Of particular concern is that these same violations were pointed out

during the previous inspection of this facility on Oct. 21, 1998, " states

the warning letter, dated March 30, 2001.


>Carol Rowland, the mill's office manager, says the company has since

stopped using meat-and-bone meal altogether. " I'd rather not handle it, "

she says.


>Most of the violations found during feed-mill inspections center on

paperwork. For example, mills were cited for failing to establish written

procedures to prevent meat-and-bone meal from mingling with cattle feed, or

to label products that contain meal with the warning, " Do not feed to

Cattle or Other Ruminants. " But the FDA hasn't actually tested any cattle

feed to see if it contains any prohibited material.


>In contrast, Britain has been conducting such tests since 1996. FDA

officials say they intend to test 600 samples of cattle feed next year.

" That was what we could afford to do, " an agency official explained.

Officials say they will increase testing if they find evidence of



>While the FDA is responsible for regulating animal feed, the Agriculture

Department is charged with dealing with animal diseases, including BSE. The

USDA says it has conducted an " active surveillance program since 1990 " to

prevent the disease from entering the U.S. and hasn't detected any signs.


>Unlike in Europe, the USDA's surveillance program doesn't test apparently

healthy animals. The agency says 88% of U.S. cattle are slaughtered at less

than 20 months of age, and no BSE has ever been detected in an animal that

young. " We want to target where we're most likely to find it, as opposed to

shotgunning, " says Linda Detwiler, who oversees the USDA's mad-cow

surveillance efforts.


>The USDA says it's focusing on cows that can't walk, known as downer cows.

While a variety of ailments, ranging from muscle tears to neurological

disorders, can prevent a cow from standing, it's also a documented symptom

of mad-cow disease. The agency estimates there are about 130,000 downer

animals in the U.S. each year. This year it has tested more than 4,400, up

from 344 in 1998.


>But a quirky consequence of the mad-cow scare is that cattle raisers now

have a financial incentive to kill and bury downers rather than send them

to slaughterhouses, where USDA inspectors are deployed to test for BSE and

other health hazards. The market for downers has been drying up. Fast-food

chains such as McDonald's Corp. and Burger King Corp. have told

slaughterhouses they no longer will accept meat from such animals as a

safety precaution. (Mad-cow disease isn't the only concern. Downers tend to

carry salmonella and other pathogens from lying in manure.)


>Worried that downer cows may be falling off its radar screen, the USDA has

begun offering to purchase them for BSE-testing purposes.


>The flip side of mad-cow surveillance in the U.S. is the effort to detect

the disease in humans. Unlike the repeated claims that the country is at

little risk of BSE, government officials say cases of variant

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the human version of the illness, appear almost

inevitable. That's because millions of Americans lived or travelled to

Britain during the 1980s and early 1990s, when BSE was rampant, and may

have been exposed by consuming infected meat. Hong Kong, for example,

recently reported a vCJD case of a woman who had spent years living in



> " I would not be surprised if there is a vCJD case in the U.S., " says the

FDA's Dr. Sundlof. Adds Lawrence Schonberger, an epidemiologist at the

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, " There may well be

some people in the United States who are incubating the disease. " (The

disease's incubation period remains unknown, but it is believed to take

years, even decades, before symptoms emerge.)


>But one of the scientists involved in looking for human cases says the

surveillance effort to date is inadequate and that the U.S. " is way behind "

other countries, including Canada. " There's no question in my mind that

this country must have good surveillance because if we miss these cases,

then we are in trouble, " warns Pierluigi Gambetti, director of the National

Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center at Case Western Reserve

University in Cleveland. Mad-cow is one of several related brain disorders

believed to be caused by an aberrant protein known as a prion.


>Dr. Gambetti says he's concerned because vCJD potentially is much more

infectious than classical CJD, a prion disease already present in the U.S.

Classical CJD occurs spontaneously in about one in every million people and

can be transmitted through surgical instruments used in brain operations.

Although there's no known case of a human passing vCJD to another human,

scientists are worried it may be transmissible through blood or other

means. That fear has prompted restrictions in the U.S. on blood donors who

have spent time in Britain and the rest of Europe.


>Dr. Gambetti says there are about 300 reported cases of prion diseases in

the U.S. each year, but that his lab currently is analyzing only about a

third of them to see if they might be mad-cow disease. " The British and

Germans politely smile when they see we examine 30% or 40% of the cases, "

he says. " They know unless you examine 80% or more, you are not in touch. "


>At the CDC, which helps to fund Dr. Gambetti's lab, Dr. Schonberger agrees

that " the more autopsies that are done, the better it will be for

detecting " vCJD. But he believes the surveillance in the U.S. up until now

has been adequate because, even though relatively few autopsies have been

done, the CDC has reviewed the medical records of all victims of prion

disease under the age of 55 and has found no cases of mad-cow.


>Write to Steve Stecklow at steve.stecklow











" Chandna, Alka " <alka.chandna

<; <veg-sf; <ar-sf

Wednesday, November 28, 2001 2:15 PM

veg-sf FW: mad cow disease



> Dear Friends,


> I can't believe I'm forwarding a note on television programming, but this

> does look interesting. I have seen the West Wing once, and it is very

> interesting. Tonight's subject matter, focussing on mad cow disease,


> add to the topical coefficient of the show.


> BTW, I understand that Martin Sheen, who plays the role of the president


> The West Wing, in addition to being very left and an advocate for the

> homeless, the dispossessed, etc., is a supporter of PETA. Although he's


> a strict veggie (YET!), he does appreciate the importance of animal


> and understands the arguments in favor of a plant-based diet. For the

> recent PETA Thanksgiving campaign to donate vegan turkeys to homeless

> shelters, Sheen donated a number of such meals. The SF-based group, Food


> Social Justice Project, also donated several vegan turkeys.


> Happy viewing,

> Alka




> On The West Wing, tonight at 9 P.M.




> UGLY THREAT -- At the First Lady's (Stockard Channing) urging, Josh


> Whitford) meets with a powerful women's caucus over the proposed language


> a U.N. treaty banning prostitution while the President (Martin Sheen)

> grapples with the possibility of a Mad Cow epidemic and ponders how much


> public should know. Meanwhile, staffers are stunned at C.J.'s (Allison

> Janney) emotional outburst concerning the administration's renewal of its

> air base lease in a Mideast country that abuses its women. Some World War


> veterans come to the White House to protest a pending Pearl Harbor exhibit

> at the Smithsonian and Bartlet is sued by an angry woman who intends to

> raise a public fuss over his remarks regarding the hot-potato issue of a

> national seat belt law. John Spencer, Rob Lowe, Richard Schiff, Dule Hill

> and Janel Moloney also star. TV-PG







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