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Extreme Pizza is no longer vegan, read why

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George from Extreme Pizza got beat up as a kid for

being a veggie.. He tried his very best to maintain

vegan. Here's his partial letter to the veggie

community and me:


We truly appreciate all of your efforts and

enjoyed providing this product. However, at this

point, due to the consistent complaints and confusion

over this matter, Extreme Pizza has come to the

difficult and unfortunate decision to stop marketing

ourselves as Vegan.


Besides the confusion in our existing stores, Extreme

Pizza is about to go through a very rapid

expansion outside of the Bay Area (franchises are

already underway in Fresno and Colorado Springs,

with 3-5 more across the U.S. and Canada expected to

sign up in the next few months). As Director

of Operations, I have begun researching distributors

and available products outside the Bay Area for

the first time. It is becoming increasingly obvious to

me that Extreme Pizza will not be able to provide

Vegan products outside of the Bay Area (not all

communities are as sensitive to these issues as the


Area and Vegan sensitive products are simply not

available). In an effort to provide a consistent

product throughout our systems, Extreme Pizza is

forced to discontinue our Vegan products. Again, I

would like to stress that this is an unfortunate

development, but due to the planned expansion of

Extreme Pizza, management has been forced to make many

tough decisions on how we are going to

do business in the future, and guaranteeing Vegan

sensitive products just is not feasible for us



I apologize that misinformation has been passed down

by our staff. While we attempt to keep our

training up to date with all employees, there are many

changes and updates to our business model

every month and sometimes employees do not recall all

updates, especially in the middle of a busy

shift. I believe this is the case with the report from

" Ms Vegan " . For years, we were unable to procure

non-casein soy cheese and trained our staff to inform

Vegans of the casein content (many Vegans have

no objection to this ingredient and the ones who did

object would then be informed not to order the

soy cheese). Unfortunately, the employee who spoke

with " Ms Vegan " did not recall that we switched to

non-casein soy cheese this past summer and told her

what he had known prior to the update.


In closing, I would like to stress that the

information given to " Ms Vegan " was incorrect. The

cheese that she

ate did not contain casein. I apologize for any

confusion, and please inform her that her 5 year


of not eating cheese was not broken by the Extreme

Pizza she ordered. I also apologize that we are no

longer marketing ourselves as Vegan. Consistency of

product from store to store is far too important

to our concept to jeopardize for anything and at this

time we must put consistency first (including

consistency of product with our franchised stores

outside the Bay Area). Unfortunately, in business you

cannot always be " everything to everyone " and due to

our expansion plans, providing Vegan products

is no longer possible. Please remove Extreme Pizza

from your listings of Vegan restaurants and again,

thank you for all of your help in the past.


All apologies,




George Yudell

Of Operations


Extreme Pizza





Pork ain't white meat. The Pork Industry thinks we're dumb enough to believe



American Cheese ain't cheese, it's gross oil and junk. (not made from 100% real

milk) It also gives the AMERICANS a bad name representing " trash food " .


There are alternatives to our SMELLY cars. Once a month or more, give public

transportation a chance. If more people use public transportation, the

train/bus will run frequently. If not, the results are smoggy brown skis and

heavy traffic jams. (hey, it's already happening for years)




Send your FREE holiday greetings online!


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