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The other threat to children

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" Mr. Pete " <plcohon

Tue, 23 Apr 2002 14:48:30 -0700


All the news about child abuse in the Church has started me thinking; (a

dangerous turn of affairs). While the world examines child abuse by

priests, which affects relatively few children, it ignores a greater

daily threat to millions of kids world-wide. Of course, I'm talking

about the child abuse inherent in feeding kids a meat-centered,

fast-food diet.


Please tell me this is an ill-thought-out, off-the-cuff idea that you never

really gave any serious consideration to. That is the only explanation

that will make me not lose my lunch.


You can not compare rape to eating meat. You just can't. You might be

able to make a case for the suffering of the animals being on the same

level but that's not what you're doing. You're trying to say that a human

being eating meat is suffering just as badly as a human being who is

beaten, tortured, raped, violated, and spiritually destroyed.


If you still think these are equivelent then don't bother responding. You

aren't someone I want contact with. Ever. You haven't a clue what you're

talking about.


This is too upseting...I'm stopping my post here.






" There's nothing wrong with me. Maybe there's Cyndi Norman

something wrong with the universe. " (ST:TNG) cyndi


_________________ Owner of the Immune Website & Lists http://www.immuneweb.org/

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Pete et. al:


Here's an article that appeared in VegNews that might help get the dialogue



The Most Pervasive Form of Child Abuse

by Will Tuttle, Ph.D.

VegNews, May/June 2001


I believe the most widespread form of child abuse in our culture today is

forcing children to eat the flesh, milk, and eggs of other mammals, birds,

and fish. I myself was wounded in this way throughout my entire childhood by

well-meaning but abusive parents, neighbors, and teachers who had been

similarly abused as

children. The effects of this abuse are insidious and devastating.

The most immediate effect is the hardening of one¹s heart toward the

suffering of others. Several times daily a ritual is enacted in which

conscious, feeling creatures who are subjects of their own lives and life

experiences, who have fully-developed central nervous systems as humans do,

and who are sensitive to pain and to psychological suffering, are rendered

into objects with no value other than ³food.² The child is routinely forced

to participate in and eventually perhaps even enjoy events that mask a deep

horror and crudely-veiled violence.

By blithely cooking and presenting the bodies and body parts of animals

as meals that are normal and respectable, elders create in children a deep

wound from which few, it seems, ever recover. This wound is an inner

splitting off of oneself from one¹s actions and natural human feelings. It

causes a fundamental inability to either be fully responsible for one¹s

actions, or to open to the suffering of others, especially the suffering

that one is directly causing. A profound inner alienation from nature, from

other living creatures, from other humans, and from oneself is the

unavoidable result. While this alienation is desperately denied and hidden,

it is obvious to anyone with a discerning eye who sees how we treat our

ecosystem, other animals, and those we see as ³others²­other ethnic groups

and those of other religions, races, and orientations. It is the vulnerable

who are especially hurt by this: women, children, the poor and

underprivileged, animals, and future generations.

There is great truth in the old saying, ³Hurt people hurt people.²

Even more truthful would be the saying ³Hurt people hurt animals.² And

in harming them, and teaching our children that it is natural to do so, we

damage the fundamental nature of our relationship with the created world. We

tear the fabric of caring, intuition, freedom, and honor, and become

incapable of true respect. In violating those who are weaker, imprisoning,

mutilating, abusing and butchering them, and forcing sensitive young

children to accept and participate in this behavior, we do fundamental

violence to them, to ourselves, and our true nature.

It is obvious that humans are not intended to eat other animals. Truly

carnivorous animals need not use implements like knives, spears, guns, and

fishing tackle to catch and kill and prepare other animals to be eaten, nor

to cook and disguise the truly horrific nature of the action. What

supposedly meat-loving man would chase a wild cow or pig, leap upon its neck

and kill it with his teeth and fingernails, chomping into the hot blood and

living flesh of another creature? Not only is it impossible, it is

completely disgusting to us as humans and alien to our nature.

Similarly, to crawl under the cow and suck on her teats, stealing her

baby¹s milk, and her baby as well. The actions we take to be normal are

utterly outrageous, and in forcing our children to engage in such

perversions, we perpetuate the violence, warfare, and hard-heartedness that

cause so much suffering in our world.

Noticing one¹s own jaw, one immediately recognizes how it is especially

hinged to allow side-to-side movement. No carnivorous or omnivorous

animals have this type of jaw. We have the anatomy of herbivores, for

chewing, digesting, and eliminating grains and plant-based foods. It is well

established that if herbivores are forced to eat other animals, they develop

the same disease conditions that are pandemic today in our culture: obesity,

heart disease and arteriosclerosis; diabetes; cancers; arthritis; kidney,

liver, and digestive ailments; strokes and other chronic degenerative

diseases. Most people, unfortunately, are so deeply wounded as children that

they are never able to undo the tragic damage done to them, and fail to

switch to the non-violent plant-based diet for which all humans are

perfectly designed.

A parent who eats animal foods is thus chronically abusive, and in the

worst way: a way that is completely socially acceptable. The child abuse of

being a model flesh-eater, whom the impressionable child will naturally

emulate, inflicts misery, illness, violence, bondage, and shortened life

both on the animals who are killed, and on the child who accepts it all,

ironically, as normal.

We have all been given the gift of physical bodies that require no

animal to suffer for their feeding. To reject this gift from a deeply loving

universal intelligence, and uselessly confine, maim, slaughter, and eat

animals, and force our children to do so as well, through the proxy of

buying or demanding blood, flesh, milk, and eggs, sows the seeds of

generations of misery. The greatest delight is in feeling, connecting,

awakening, caring, and loving, and it begins with the daily ritual that we

all participate in, our most intimate connection with the created world,

that we call eating. §


Will Tuttle is an acclaimed pianist, composer, and recording artist, and a

Zen priest in the Korean Zen tradition.


© VegNews and Will Tuttle


> All the news about child abuse in the Church has started me thinking; (a

> dangerous turn of affairs). While the world examines child abuse by

> priests, which affects relatively few children, it ignores a greater daily

> threat to millions of kids world-wide. Of course, I'm talking about the

> child abuse inherent in feeding kids a meat-centered, fast-food diet.


> I wonder if emphasizing the ill effects that meat has on kids would be an

> effective way of encouraging the growth of vegetarianism. After all, most

> people don't care about animals, or even their own health, based on what

> they eat. But everyone worries about his or her kids. Perhaps a major

> advertising campaign by a coalition of national animal rights and veggie

> groups centered on the child abuse inherent in a fast-food, meat based diet

> would be more effective than current outreach efforts.


> Before I suggest this to some of the larger national organizations, I'd like

> to get some feedback from members of this list. If you have any opinions or

> suggestions, please send them to the list so that folks can comment on each

> other's ideas.


> Thanks for your consideration. And remember: even the largest elephant

> starts out as the tiniest embryo. The future is ours!

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If inflicting life threatening/or ending asthma (suffocation), allergies

insistent burning red eyes (torture) bedwetting, ear infections, runny


and the myriad of other problems (cancers) caused by a compromised immune


all caused by milk is not crime.


What is..


I suffered and several times almost died from this chronic

torture for thirty years as a child and adult.


Ignorance is no excuse.. Stop this violence now..


The churches etc. should be the first to step out!


When stopping milk ends the torture of a child:


There is no question who the criminal is/was!


Good PR, complicity and denial by the milk industry does not make them any

less criminals


than any rapist.


If you do not think so fill your lungs with fluid so you cannot breath for



time and again. .. enjoy



Cyndi Norman [cyndi]

Tuesday, April 23, 2002 3:12 PM


Cc: ; cyndi

Re: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children



" Mr. Pete " <plcohon

Tue, 23 Apr 2002 14:48:30 -0700


All the news about child abuse in the Church has started me thinking; (a

dangerous turn of affairs). While the world examines child abuse by

priests, which affects relatively few children, it ignores a greater

daily threat to millions of kids world-wide. Of course, I'm talking

about the child abuse inherent in feeding kids a meat-centered,

fast-food diet.


Please tell me this is an ill-thought-out, off-the-cuff idea that you never

really gave any serious consideration to. That is the only explanation

that will make me not lose my lunch.


You can not compare rape to eating meat. You just can't. You might be

able to make a case for the suffering of the animals being on the same

level but that's not what you're doing. You're trying to say that a human

being eating meat is suffering just as badly as a human being who is

beaten, tortured, raped, violated, and spiritually destroyed.


If you still think these are equivelent then don't bother responding. You

aren't someone I want contact with. Ever. You haven't a clue what you're

talking about.


This is too upseting...I'm stopping my post here.







" There's nothing wrong with me. Maybe there's Cyndi


something wrong with the universe. " (ST:TNG)




_________________ Owner of the Immune Website & Lists




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While I'm not as offended as Cyndi, I don't think her reaction would be

unusual, and we would lose much of the public's sympathy. Peta often takes

such a tactic because even though they will offend a lot of people, it will

generate much attention, and possibly get people thinking and convert many

of them. So, perhaps there is a utilitarian argument to be made that

offending many people would be worth the reduction in animal suffering that

could result.


Unfortunately, I, personally, don't think that feeding children moderate

amounts of animal products is necessarily so bad for their health.


Perhaps it could be a campaign suggesting that not feeding your kids more

plant foods, such as that recommended by the USDA Food Pyramid, is a form of





> VegNews <editor

> Tue, 23 Apr 2002 16:04:25 -0700

> " Mr. Pete " <plcohon,

> Re: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children


> Pete et. al:


> Here's an article that appeared in VegNews that might help get the dialogue

> started:


> The Most Pervasive Form of Child Abuse

> by Will Tuttle, Ph.D.

> VegNews, May/June 2001


> I believe the most widespread form of child abuse in our culture today is

> forcing children to eat the flesh, milk, and eggs of other mammals, birds,

> and fish. I myself was wounded in this way throughout my entire childhood by

> well-meaning but abusive parents, neighbors, and teachers who had been

> similarly abused as

> children. The effects of this abuse are insidious and devastating.

> The most immediate effect is the hardening of one¹s heart toward the

> suffering of others. Several times daily a ritual is enacted in which

> conscious, feeling creatures who are subjects of their own lives and life

> experiences, who have fully-developed central nervous systems as humans do,

> and who are sensitive to pain and to psychological suffering, are rendered

> into objects with no value other than ³food.² The child is routinely forced

> to participate in and eventually perhaps even enjoy events that mask a deep

> horror and crudely-veiled violence.

> By blithely cooking and presenting the bodies and body parts of animals

> as meals that are normal and respectable, elders create in children a deep

> wound from which few, it seems, ever recover. This wound is an inner

> splitting off of oneself from one¹s actions and natural human feelings. It

> causes a fundamental inability to either be fully responsible for one¹s

> actions, or to open to the suffering of others, especially the suffering

> that one is directly causing. A profound inner alienation from nature, from

> other living creatures, from other humans, and from oneself is the

> unavoidable result. While this alienation is desperately denied and hidden,

> it is obvious to anyone with a discerning eye who sees how we treat our

> ecosystem, other animals, and those we see as ³others²­other ethnic groups

> and those of other religions, races, and orientations. It is the vulnerable

> who are especially hurt by this: women, children, the poor and

> underprivileged, animals, and future generations.

> There is great truth in the old saying, ³Hurt people hurt people.²

> Even more truthful would be the saying ³Hurt people hurt animals.² And

> in harming them, and teaching our children that it is natural to do so, we

> damage the fundamental nature of our relationship with the created world. We

> tear the fabric of caring, intuition, freedom, and honor, and become

> incapable of true respect. In violating those who are weaker, imprisoning,

> mutilating, abusing and butchering them, and forcing sensitive young

> children to accept and participate in this behavior, we do fundamental

> violence to them, to ourselves, and our true nature.

> It is obvious that humans are not intended to eat other animals. Truly

> carnivorous animals need not use implements like knives, spears, guns, and

> fishing tackle to catch and kill and prepare other animals to be eaten, nor

> to cook and disguise the truly horrific nature of the action. What

> supposedly meat-loving man would chase a wild cow or pig, leap upon its neck

> and kill it with his teeth and fingernails, chomping into the hot blood and

> living flesh of another creature? Not only is it impossible, it is

> completely disgusting to us as humans and alien to our nature.

> Similarly, to crawl under the cow and suck on her teats, stealing her

> baby¹s milk, and her baby as well. The actions we take to be normal are

> utterly outrageous, and in forcing our children to engage in such

> perversions, we perpetuate the violence, warfare, and hard-heartedness that

> cause so much suffering in our world.

> Noticing one¹s own jaw, one immediately recognizes how it is especially

> hinged to allow side-to-side movement. No carnivorous or omnivorous

> animals have this type of jaw. We have the anatomy of herbivores, for

> chewing, digesting, and eliminating grains and plant-based foods. It is well

> established that if herbivores are forced to eat other animals, they develop

> the same disease conditions that are pandemic today in our culture: obesity,

> heart disease and arteriosclerosis; diabetes; cancers; arthritis; kidney,

> liver, and digestive ailments; strokes and other chronic degenerative

> diseases. Most people, unfortunately, are so deeply wounded as children that

> they are never able to undo the tragic damage done to them, and fail to

> switch to the non-violent plant-based diet for which all humans are

> perfectly designed.

> A parent who eats animal foods is thus chronically abusive, and in the

> worst way: a way that is completely socially acceptable. The child abuse of

> being a model flesh-eater, whom the impressionable child will naturally

> emulate, inflicts misery, illness, violence, bondage, and shortened life

> both on the animals who are killed, and on the child who accepts it all,

> ironically, as normal.

> We have all been given the gift of physical bodies that require no

> animal to suffer for their feeding. To reject this gift from a deeply loving

> universal intelligence, and uselessly confine, maim, slaughter, and eat

> animals, and force our children to do so as well, through the proxy of

> buying or demanding blood, flesh, milk, and eggs, sows the seeds of

> generations of misery. The greatest delight is in feeling, connecting,

> awakening, caring, and loving, and it begins with the daily ritual that we

> all participate in, our most intimate connection with the created world,

> that we call eating. §


> Will Tuttle is an acclaimed pianist, composer, and recording artist, and a

> Zen priest in the Korean Zen tradition.


> © VegNews and Will Tuttle


>> All the news about child abuse in the Church has started me thinking; (a

>> dangerous turn of affairs). While the world examines child abuse by

>> priests, which affects relatively few children, it ignores a greater daily

>> threat to millions of kids world-wide. Of course, I'm talking about the

>> child abuse inherent in feeding kids a meat-centered, fast-food diet.


>> I wonder if emphasizing the ill effects that meat has on kids would be an

>> effective way of encouraging the growth of vegetarianism. After all, most

>> people don't care about animals, or even their own health, based on what

>> they eat. But everyone worries about his or her kids. Perhaps a major

>> advertising campaign by a coalition of national animal rights and veggie

>> groups centered on the child abuse inherent in a fast-food, meat based diet

>> would be more effective than current outreach efforts.


>> Before I suggest this to some of the larger national organizations, I'd like

>> to get some feedback from members of this list. If you have any opinions or

>> suggestions, please send them to the list so that folks can comment on each

>> other's ideas.


>> Thanks for your consideration. And remember: even the largest elephant

>> starts out as the tiniest embryo. The future is ours!





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> *





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Because one (or many) people have serious allergies to milk doesn't mean

that feeding kids milk, in general, is abuse. The same could be said about

soy foods, nuts, citrus fruits, and many other foods.


Would we want a campaign saying that feeding kids, in general, wheat,

barley, and rye is child abuse based on the fact that a few kids have celiac

disease and get violently ill when eating such products?




> " Jay Gleason " <jay.gleason

> Tue, 23 Apr 2002 16:05:51 -0700


> RE: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children


> If inflicting life threatening/or ending asthma (suffocation), allergies

> insistent burning red eyes (torture) bedwetting, ear infections, runny

> noses,

> and the myriad of other problems (cancers) caused by a compromised immune

> system..

> all caused by milk is not crime.


> What is..


> I suffered and several times almost died from this chronic

> torture for thirty years as a child and adult.


> Ignorance is no excuse.. Stop this violence now..


> The churches etc. should be the first to step out!


> When stopping milk ends the torture of a child:


> There is no question who the criminal is/was!


> Good PR, complicity and denial by the milk industry does not make them any

> less criminals


> than any rapist.


> If you do not think so fill your lungs with fluid so you cannot breath for

> weeks


> time and again. .. enjoy



> Cyndi Norman [cyndi]

> Tuesday, April 23, 2002 3:12 PM

> plcohon

> Cc: ; cyndi

> Re: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children



> " Mr. Pete " <plcohon

> Tue, 23 Apr 2002 14:48:30 -0700


> All the news about child abuse in the Church has started me thinking; (a

> dangerous turn of affairs). While the world examines child abuse by

> priests, which affects relatively few children, it ignores a greater

> daily threat to millions of kids world-wide. Of course, I'm talking

> about the child abuse inherent in feeding kids a meat-centered,

> fast-food diet.


> Please tell me this is an ill-thought-out, off-the-cuff idea that you never

> really gave any serious consideration to. That is the only explanation

> that will make me not lose my lunch.


> You can not compare rape to eating meat. You just can't. You might be

> able to make a case for the suffering of the animals being on the same

> level but that's not what you're doing. You're trying to say that a human

> being eating meat is suffering just as badly as a human being who is

> beaten, tortured, raped, violated, and spiritually destroyed.


> If you still think these are equivelent then don't bother responding. You

> aren't someone I want contact with. Ever. You haven't a clue what you're

> talking about.


> This is too upseting...I'm stopping my post here.


> Cyndi


> --

> __________________________

> ___

> " There's nothing wrong with me. Maybe there's Cyndi

> Norman

> something wrong with the universe. " (ST:TNG)

> cyndi


> http://www.tikvah.com/

> _________________ Owner of the Immune Website & Lists

> http://www.immuneweb.org/



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> -Leave the group: -

> *If you have questions about the list, please contact Tammy & Chris, list

> admins, at -owner

> *





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I do not have an allergy to milk!


Milk by compromising my (and most peoples) immune system makes me allergic

to almost everything!


Nice of you to think your collective mindlessness is an excuse.. one sick

very child is too many.


You have no idea how many children and adults are sick because of milk..


The only way to find the acute problems asthma, bedwetting, ear infections,

hay fever, colic


etc.is to go off of dairy absolutely for a week.


But this will not show the other effects caused by childhood and lifelong

use of dairy:


SIDs, Type 1 diabetes, leukemia, arthritis, etc.


Milk does not belong in 1st grade any more than caffeine or cocaine!


I know of a woman who ran a dairy free preschool.. none of the usual runny

noses etc.


Just through parent education (to exclude dairy) & herd immunity.



Jack Norris [jacknorris]

Tuesday, April 23, 2002 4:15 PM


Re: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children



Because one (or many) people have serious allergies to milk doesn't mean

that feeding kids milk, in general, is abuse. The same could be said about

soy foods, nuts, citrus fruits, and many other foods.


Would we want a campaign saying that feeding kids, in general, wheat,

barley, and rye is child abuse based on the fact that a few kids have celiac

disease and get violently ill when eating such products?




> " Jay Gleason " <jay.gleason

> Tue, 23 Apr 2002 16:05:51 -0700


> RE: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children


> If inflicting life threatening/or ending asthma (suffocation), allergies

> insistent burning red eyes (torture) bedwetting, ear infections, runny

> noses,

> and the myriad of other problems (cancers) caused by a compromised immune

> system..

> all caused by milk is not crime.


> What is..


> I suffered and several times almost died from this chronic

> torture for thirty years as a child and adult.


> Ignorance is no excuse.. Stop this violence now..


> The churches etc. should be the first to step out!


> When stopping milk ends the torture of a child:


> There is no question who the criminal is/was!


> Good PR, complicity and denial by the milk industry does not make them any

> less criminals


> than any rapist.


> If you do not think so fill your lungs with fluid so you cannot breath for

> weeks


> time and again. .. enjoy



> Cyndi Norman [cyndi]

> Tuesday, April 23, 2002 3:12 PM

> plcohon

> Cc: ; cyndi

> Re: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children



> " Mr. Pete " <plcohon

> Tue, 23 Apr 2002 14:48:30 -0700


> All the news about child abuse in the Church has started me thinking; (a

> dangerous turn of affairs). While the world examines child abuse by

> priests, which affects relatively few children, it ignores a greater

> daily threat to millions of kids world-wide. Of course, I'm talking

> about the child abuse inherent in feeding kids a meat-centered,

> fast-food diet.


> Please tell me this is an ill-thought-out, off-the-cuff idea that you


> really gave any serious consideration to. That is the only explanation

> that will make me not lose my lunch.


> You can not compare rape to eating meat. You just can't. You might be

> able to make a case for the suffering of the animals being on the same

> level but that's not what you're doing. You're trying to say that a human

> being eating meat is suffering just as badly as a human being who is

> beaten, tortured, raped, violated, and spiritually destroyed.


> If you still think these are equivelent then don't bother responding. You

> aren't someone I want contact with. Ever. You haven't a clue what you're

> talking about.


> This is too upseting...I'm stopping my post here.


> Cyndi


> --



> ___

> " There's nothing wrong with me. Maybe there's Cyndi

> Norman

> something wrong with the universe. " (ST:TNG)

> cyndi


> http://www.tikvah.com/

> _________________ Owner of the Immune Website & Lists

> http://www.immuneweb.org/



> *Tell your friends to Be-A-Veg with SFBAVeg! To , send an e-mail

> to: -

> *To share a message with the group:

> *Manage your SFBAVeg list subscription:

> -Switch to no-mail: -nomail

> -Switch to daily digest: -digest

> -Switch to individual messages: -normal

> -Leave the group: -

> *If you have questions about the list, please contact Tammy & Chris, list

> admins, at -owner

> *





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> I do not have an allergy to milk!


Sorry. I should have read your post more carefully. While you did mention

allergies and what are traditionally thought of as allergy-related symptoms,

you also included a host of other things that have little to do with



> Milk by compromising my (and most peoples) immune system makes me allergic

> to almost everything!


In terms of appealing to public sympathy via calling dairy products 'child

abuse,' the only point that seems to be unquestionable in your claims about

dairy is that it causes people allergies. But so do other foods and we

wouldn't agree to banning them or calling them child abuse on the basis that

some people have bad reactions to them.


There is also a fairly well-supported argument that high amounts of dairy

increases prostate cancer and possibly ovarian cancer. But it may protect

against colon cancer.


My main point is that if we are going to go after dairy as 'child abuse' we

will need some pretty good evidence that it is really harming children more

than your average food.






> Nice of you to think your collective mindlessness is an excuse.. one sick

> very child is too many.


> You have no idea how many children and adults are sick because of milk.. The

> only way to find the acute problems asthma, bedwetting, ear infections, hay

> fever, colic etc.is to go off of dairy absolutely for a week.


> But this will not show the other effects caused by childhood and lifelong

> use of dairy:


> SIDs, Type 1 diabetes, leukemia, arthritis, etc.


> Milk does not belong in 1st grade any more than caffeine or cocaine!


> I know of a woman who ran a dairy free preschool.. none of the usual runny

> noses etc.


> Just through parent education (to exclude dairy) & herd immunity.



> Jack Norris [jacknorris]

> Tuesday, April 23, 2002 4:15 PM


> Re: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children



> Because one (or many) people have serious allergies to milk doesn't mean

> that feeding kids milk, in general, is abuse. The same could be said about

> soy foods, nuts, citrus fruits, and many other foods.


> Would we want a campaign saying that feeding kids, in general, wheat,

> barley, and rye is child abuse based on the fact that a few kids have celiac

> disease and get violently ill when eating such products?


> Jack


>> " Jay Gleason " <jay.gleason

>> Tue, 23 Apr 2002 16:05:51 -0700


>> RE: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children


>> If inflicting life threatening/or ending asthma (suffocation), allergies

>> insistent burning red eyes (torture) bedwetting, ear infections, runny

>> noses,

>> and the myriad of other problems (cancers) caused by a compromised immune

>> system..

>> all caused by milk is not crime.


>> What is..


>> I suffered and several times almost died from this chronic

>> torture for thirty years as a child and adult.


>> Ignorance is no excuse.. Stop this violence now..


>> The churches etc. should be the first to step out!


>> When stopping milk ends the torture of a child:


>> There is no question who the criminal is/was!


>> Good PR, complicity and denial by the milk industry does not make them any

>> less criminals


>> than any rapist.


>> If you do not think so fill your lungs with fluid so you cannot breath for

>> weeks


>> time and again. .. enjoy



>> Cyndi Norman [cyndi]

>> Tuesday, April 23, 2002 3:12 PM

>> plcohon

>> Cc: ; cyndi

>> Re: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children



>> " Mr. Pete " <plcohon

>> Tue, 23 Apr 2002 14:48:30 -0700


>> All the news about child abuse in the Church has started me thinking; (a

>> dangerous turn of affairs). While the world examines child abuse by

>> priests, which affects relatively few children, it ignores a greater

>> daily threat to millions of kids world-wide. Of course, I'm talking

>> about the child abuse inherent in feeding kids a meat-centered,

>> fast-food diet.


>> Please tell me this is an ill-thought-out, off-the-cuff idea that you

> never

>> really gave any serious consideration to. That is the only explanation

>> that will make me not lose my lunch.


>> You can not compare rape to eating meat. You just can't. You might be

>> able to make a case for the suffering of the animals being on the same

>> level but that's not what you're doing. You're trying to say that a human

>> being eating meat is suffering just as badly as a human being who is

>> beaten, tortured, raped, violated, and spiritually destroyed.


>> If you still think these are equivelent then don't bother responding. You

>> aren't someone I want contact with. Ever. You haven't a clue what you're

>> talking about.


>> This is too upseting...I'm stopping my post here.


>> Cyndi


>> --


> __________________________

>> ___

>> " There's nothing wrong with me. Maybe there's Cyndi

>> Norman

>> something wrong with the universe. " (ST:TNG)

>> cyndi


>> http://www.tikvah.com/

>> _________________ Owner of the Immune Website & Lists

>> http://www.immuneweb.org/



>> *Tell your friends to Be-A-Veg with SFBAVeg! To , send an e-mail

>> to: -

>> *To share a message with the group:

>> *Manage your SFBAVeg list subscription:

>> -Switch to no-mail: -nomail

>> -Switch to daily digest: -digest

>> -Switch to individual messages: -normal

>> -Leave the group: -

>> *If you have questions about the list, please contact Tammy & Chris, list

>> admins, at -owner

>> *





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Guest guest

The only point that seems to be unquestionable is:

People will choose to remain ignorant and suffer, and by doing so inflict



Choosing to listen to " experts " and " facts " instead of their bodies and the

first hand experience of friends that might have them trying & doing what is



Bet you think soft drinks etc. in schools are a good idea.


Where were you when Big Tobacco needed you with all their " experts " &

" facts " .


The loss of a parent: Be it from tobacco or Bic Mac is a child abuse at any



Dairy + Doctors ignorance " Education " + Prednisone did my dad in = stroke at


after suffering his whole life & letting Prednisone push him down the

slippery slope the last 10 yrs.


If not for dairy I know he would be alive & well today. (8 yrs later and all

6 of his grandsons would

had the deep joy of knowing Ja Ja.) who was their best playmate.




Jack Norris [jacknorris]

Tuesday, April 23, 2002 5:46 PM


Re: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children





> I do not have an allergy to milk!


Sorry. I should have read your post more carefully. While you did mention

allergies and what are traditionally thought of as allergy-related symptoms,

you also included a host of other things that have little to do with



> Milk by compromising my (and most peoples) immune system makes me allergic

> to almost everything!


In terms of appealing to public sympathy via calling dairy products 'child

abuse,' the only point that seems to be unquestionable in your claims about

dairy is that it causes people allergies. But so do other foods and we

wouldn't agree to banning them or calling them child abuse on the basis that

some people have bad reactions to them.


There is also a fairly well-supported argument that high amounts of dairy

increases prostate cancer and possibly ovarian cancer. But it may protect

against colon cancer.


My main point is that if we are going to go after dairy as 'child abuse' we

will need some pretty good evidence that it is really harming children more

than your average food.






> Nice of you to think your collective mindlessness is an excuse.. one sick

> very child is too many.


> You have no idea how many children and adults are sick because of milk..


> only way to find the acute problems asthma, bedwetting, ear infections,


> fever, colic etc.is to go off of dairy absolutely for a week.


> But this will not show the other effects caused by childhood and lifelong

> use of dairy:


> SIDs, Type 1 diabetes, leukemia, arthritis, etc.


> Milk does not belong in 1st grade any more than caffeine or cocaine!


> I know of a woman who ran a dairy free preschool.. none of the usual runny

> noses etc.


> Just through parent education (to exclude dairy) & herd immunity.



> Jack Norris [jacknorris]

> Tuesday, April 23, 2002 4:15 PM


> Re: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children



> Because one (or many) people have serious allergies to milk doesn't mean

> that feeding kids milk, in general, is abuse. The same could be said about

> soy foods, nuts, citrus fruits, and many other foods.


> Would we want a campaign saying that feeding kids, in general, wheat,

> barley, and rye is child abuse based on the fact that a few kids have


> disease and get violently ill when eating such products?


> Jack


>> " Jay Gleason " <jay.gleason

>> Tue, 23 Apr 2002 16:05:51 -0700


>> RE: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children


>> If inflicting life threatening/or ending asthma (suffocation), allergies

>> insistent burning red eyes (torture) bedwetting, ear infections, runny

>> noses,

>> and the myriad of other problems (cancers) caused by a compromised immune

>> system..

>> all caused by milk is not crime.


>> What is..


>> I suffered and several times almost died from this chronic

>> torture for thirty years as a child and adult.


>> Ignorance is no excuse.. Stop this violence now..


>> The churches etc. should be the first to step out!


>> When stopping milk ends the torture of a child:


>> There is no question who the criminal is/was!


>> Good PR, complicity and denial by the milk industry does not make them


>> less criminals


>> than any rapist.


>> If you do not think so fill your lungs with fluid so you cannot breath


>> weeks


>> time and again. .. enjoy



>> Cyndi Norman [cyndi]

>> Tuesday, April 23, 2002 3:12 PM

>> plcohon

>> Cc: ; cyndi

>> Re: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children



>> " Mr. Pete " <plcohon

>> Tue, 23 Apr 2002 14:48:30 -0700


>> All the news about child abuse in the Church has started me thinking; (a

>> dangerous turn of affairs). While the world examines child abuse by

>> priests, which affects relatively few children, it ignores a greater

>> daily threat to millions of kids world-wide. Of course, I'm talking

>> about the child abuse inherent in feeding kids a meat-centered,

>> fast-food diet.


>> Please tell me this is an ill-thought-out, off-the-cuff idea that you

> never

>> really gave any serious consideration to. That is the only explanation

>> that will make me not lose my lunch.


>> You can not compare rape to eating meat. You just can't. You might be

>> able to make a case for the suffering of the animals being on the same

>> level but that's not what you're doing. You're trying to say that a


>> being eating meat is suffering just as badly as a human being who is

>> beaten, tortured, raped, violated, and spiritually destroyed.


>> If you still think these are equivelent then don't bother responding.


>> aren't someone I want contact with. Ever. You haven't a clue what


>> talking about.


>> This is too upseting...I'm stopping my post here.


>> Cyndi


>> --




>> ___

>> " There's nothing wrong with me. Maybe there's Cyndi

>> Norman

>> something wrong with the universe. " (ST:TNG)

>> cyndi


>> http://www.tikvah.com/

>> _________________ Owner of the Immune Website & Lists

>> http://www.immuneweb.org/



>> *Tell your friends to Be-A-Veg with SFBAVeg! To , send an


>> to: -

>> *To share a message with the group:

>> *Manage your SFBAVeg list subscription:

>> -Switch to no-mail: -nomail

>> -Switch to daily digest: -digest

>> -Switch to individual messages: -normal

>> -Leave the group: -

>> *If you have questions about the list, please contact Tammy & Chris, list

>> admins, at -owner

>> *





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Guest guest



> Bet you think soft drinks etc. in schools are a good idea.


I wouldn't say that kids should never be allowed to drink a soft drink, but

I don't think they are healthy food choices.


> Where were you when Big Tobacco needed you with all their " experts " &

> " facts " .


I'm not so concerned what a particular group of experts has to say as much

as determining facts in a logical manner. I would say the best way is by

making a hypothesis and then testing it. If we don't do this, we just have

everyone saying various things that they happen to think at a given time.

How could we agree on anything?


Of course, we should be concerned about the people testing the hypotheses

and how they are doing it. But I don't think it's reasonable to reject all

scientific information on the basis of a few bad apples. There are a lot of

people already working on, and testing many of the claims about dairy and

disease. For example, you can go to:




and paste in:


(dairy OR milk) AND asthma


and see many of the studies on this subject. Or paste in:


(dairy OR milk) AND (prostate cancer)


and browse down those results.


I'm sorry about your father passing away.




> The loss of a parent: Be it from tobacco or Bic Mac is a child abuse at any

> age.


> Dairy + Doctors ignorance " Education " + Prednisone did my dad in = stroke at

> 70

> after suffering his whole life & letting Prednisone push him down the

> slippery slope the last 10 yrs.


> If not for dairy I know he would be alive & well today. (8 yrs later and all

> 6 of his grandsons would

> had the deep joy of knowing Ja Ja.) who was their best playmate.




> Jack Norris [jacknorris]

> Tuesday, April 23, 2002 5:46 PM


> Re: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children



> Jay,


>> I do not have an allergy to milk!


> Sorry. I should have read your post more carefully. While you did mention

> allergies and what are traditionally thought of as allergy-related symptoms,

> you also included a host of other things that have little to do with

> allergies.


>> Milk by compromising my (and most peoples) immune system makes me allergic

>> to almost everything!


> In terms of appealing to public sympathy via calling dairy products 'child

> abuse,' the only point that seems to be unquestionable in your claims about

> dairy is that it causes people allergies. But so do other foods and we

> wouldn't agree to banning them or calling them child abuse on the basis that

> some people have bad reactions to them.


> There is also a fairly well-supported argument that high amounts of dairy

> increases prostate cancer and possibly ovarian cancer. But it may protect

> against colon cancer.


> My main point is that if we are going to go after dairy as 'child abuse' we

> will need some pretty good evidence that it is really harming children more

> than your average food.


> Jack




>> Nice of you to think your collective mindlessness is an excuse.. one sick

>> very child is too many.


>> You have no idea how many children and adults are sick because of milk..

> The

>> only way to find the acute problems asthma, bedwetting, ear infections,

> hay

>> fever, colic etc.is to go off of dairy absolutely for a week.


>> But this will not show the other effects caused by childhood and lifelong

>> use of dairy:


>> SIDs, Type 1 diabetes, leukemia, arthritis, etc.


>> Milk does not belong in 1st grade any more than caffeine or cocaine!


>> I know of a woman who ran a dairy free preschool.. none of the usual runny

>> noses etc.


>> Just through parent education (to exclude dairy) & herd immunity.



>> Jack Norris [jacknorris]

>> Tuesday, April 23, 2002 4:15 PM


>> Re: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children



>> Because one (or many) people have serious allergies to milk doesn't mean

>> that feeding kids milk, in general, is abuse. The same could be said about

>> soy foods, nuts, citrus fruits, and many other foods.


>> Would we want a campaign saying that feeding kids, in general, wheat,

>> barley, and rye is child abuse based on the fact that a few kids have

> celiac

>> disease and get violently ill when eating such products?


>> Jack


>>> " Jay Gleason " <jay.gleason

>>> Tue, 23 Apr 2002 16:05:51 -0700


>>> RE: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children


>>> If inflicting life threatening/or ending asthma (suffocation), allergies

>>> insistent burning red eyes (torture) bedwetting, ear infections, runny

>>> noses,

>>> and the myriad of other problems (cancers) caused by a compromised immune

>>> system..

>>> all caused by milk is not crime.


>>> What is..


>>> I suffered and several times almost died from this chronic

>>> torture for thirty years as a child and adult.


>>> Ignorance is no excuse.. Stop this violence now..


>>> The churches etc. should be the first to step out!


>>> When stopping milk ends the torture of a child:


>>> There is no question who the criminal is/was!


>>> Good PR, complicity and denial by the milk industry does not make them

> any

>>> less criminals


>>> than any rapist.


>>> If you do not think so fill your lungs with fluid so you cannot breath

> for

>>> weeks


>>> time and again. .. enjoy



>>> Cyndi Norman [cyndi]

>>> Tuesday, April 23, 2002 3:12 PM

>>> plcohon

>>> Cc: ; cyndi

>>> Re: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children



>>> " Mr. Pete " <plcohon

>>> Tue, 23 Apr 2002 14:48:30 -0700


>>> All the news about child abuse in the Church has started me thinking; (a

>>> dangerous turn of affairs). While the world examines child abuse by

>>> priests, which affects relatively few children, it ignores a greater

>>> daily threat to millions of kids world-wide. Of course, I'm talking

>>> about the child abuse inherent in feeding kids a meat-centered,

>>> fast-food diet.


>>> Please tell me this is an ill-thought-out, off-the-cuff idea that you

>> never

>>> really gave any serious consideration to. That is the only explanation

>>> that will make me not lose my lunch.


>>> You can not compare rape to eating meat. You just can't. You might be

>>> able to make a case for the suffering of the animals being on the same

>>> level but that's not what you're doing. You're trying to say that a

> human

>>> being eating meat is suffering just as badly as a human being who is

>>> beaten, tortured, raped, violated, and spiritually destroyed.


>>> If you still think these are equivelent then don't bother responding.

> You

>>> aren't someone I want contact with. Ever. You haven't a clue what

> you're

>>> talking about.


>>> This is too upseting...I'm stopping my post here.


>>> Cyndi


>>> --



> __________________________

>>> ___

>>> " There's nothing wrong with me. Maybe there's Cyndi

>>> Norman

>>> something wrong with the universe. " (ST:TNG)

>>> cyndi


>>> http://www.tikvah.com/

>>> _________________ Owner of the Immune Website & Lists

>>> http://www.immuneweb.org/



>>> *Tell your friends to Be-A-Veg with SFBAVeg! To , send an

> e-mail

>>> to: -

>>> *To share a message with the group:

>>> *Manage your SFBAVeg list subscription:

>>> -Switch to no-mail: -nomail

>>> -Switch to daily digest: -digest

>>> -Switch to individual messages: -normal

>>> -Leave the group: -

>>> *If you have questions about the list, please contact Tammy & Chris, list

>>> admins, at -owner

>>> *





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I would like to interject without getting too much in the middle of what appears

to be a conflict.


When you brought up the issue about children's health, someone suggested that

they read the article written by Will

Tuttle posted in VegNews nearly a year ago. I have no particular opinion about

the article, as I didn't even read it

in it's entirety (sorry Will). However, I did put the VegNews papers out at a

seminar that I was attending at the

time (with open minded folks mind you) and the response was not positive at all.

In fact, the feedback I recieved was

that most people were offended by the article just based on the title and chose

not to read it at all.


Later, I recall a member of the vegetarian community, wrote a letter to VegNews

letting them know that she felt that

the letter was inappropriate. I know this person and they very much embrace the

idea of a vegan diet. So evidentally

it didn't sit well with her either.


I believe what the problem was that it pointed a finger at well-meaning parents

and made them feel guilty for the way

they are raising their children. As was mentioned in one of the e-mails, people

are concerned for their children

often more than they are concerned for their own health. And of course they want

to think that they are doing the

right thing. I don't know about you, but nearly everytime I've stepped in to

offer advice to a parent, I've gotten a

very defensive response. I also find for me personally, making me feel guilty

about anything makes me less inclined

to listen or adhere to what's being asked of me.


Based on my own experience, I would have to say that I feel the most persuasive

person in the vegetarian community is

John Robbins, author of the best selling book, " Diet for a New America " (I'm

sure you know who he is) His approach is

easy to listen to because he doesn't blame the individual, he blames

corporations and the institutions. This allows

people to listen without feeling guilty and they can then make choices based on

what they've learned. And they've

learned because they actually stuck around to hear it. It also gets them a

little fired up so they can get passionate

about changing certain issues.


Anyway, there's my two cents and I don't have time to respond further.


Good luck to you and peace to all,


Syndee Collison


P.S. I love the comment about the elephant and the embryo. What a good reminder!


Jack Norris wrote:


> Jay,


> > Bet you think soft drinks etc. in schools are a good idea.


> I wouldn't say that kids should never be allowed to drink a soft drink, but

> I don't think they are healthy food choices.


> > Where were you when Big Tobacco needed you with all their " experts " &

> > " facts " .


> I'm not so concerned what a particular group of experts has to say as much

> as determining facts in a logical manner. I would say the best way is by

> making a hypothesis and then testing it. If we don't do this, we just have

> everyone saying various things that they happen to think at a given time.

> How could we agree on anything?


> Of course, we should be concerned about the people testing the hypotheses

> and how they are doing it. But I don't think it's reasonable to reject all

> scientific information on the basis of a few bad apples. There are a lot of

> people already working on, and testing many of the claims about dairy and

> disease. For example, you can go to:


> http://www4.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi


> and paste in:


> (dairy OR milk) AND asthma


> and see many of the studies on this subject. Or paste in:


> (dairy OR milk) AND (prostate cancer)


> and browse down those results.


> I'm sorry about your father passing away.


> Jack


> > The loss of a parent: Be it from tobacco or Bic Mac is a child abuse at any

> > age.

> >

> > Dairy + Doctors ignorance " Education " + Prednisone did my dad in = stroke at

> > 70

> > after suffering his whole life & letting Prednisone push him down the

> > slippery slope the last 10 yrs.

> >

> > If not for dairy I know he would be alive & well today. (8 yrs later and all

> > 6 of his grandsons would

> > had the deep joy of knowing Ja Ja.) who was their best playmate.

> >

> >

> >

> > Jack Norris [jacknorris]

> > Tuesday, April 23, 2002 5:46 PM

> >

> > Re: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children

> >

> >

> > Jay,

> >

> >> I do not have an allergy to milk!

> >

> > Sorry. I should have read your post more carefully. While you did mention

> > allergies and what are traditionally thought of as allergy-related symptoms,

> > you also included a host of other things that have little to do with

> > allergies.

> >

> >> Milk by compromising my (and most peoples) immune system makes me allergic

> >> to almost everything!

> >

> > In terms of appealing to public sympathy via calling dairy products 'child

> > abuse,' the only point that seems to be unquestionable in your claims about

> > dairy is that it causes people allergies. But so do other foods and we

> > wouldn't agree to banning them or calling them child abuse on the basis that

> > some people have bad reactions to them.

> >

> > There is also a fairly well-supported argument that high amounts of dairy

> > increases prostate cancer and possibly ovarian cancer. But it may protect

> > against colon cancer.

> >

> > My main point is that if we are going to go after dairy as 'child abuse' we

> > will need some pretty good evidence that it is really harming children more

> > than your average food.

> >

> > Jack

> >

> >

> >

> >> Nice of you to think your collective mindlessness is an excuse.. one sick

> >> very child is too many.

> >

> >> You have no idea how many children and adults are sick because of milk..

> > The

> >> only way to find the acute problems asthma, bedwetting, ear infections,

> > hay

> >> fever, colic etc.is to go off of dairy absolutely for a week.

> >>

> >> But this will not show the other effects caused by childhood and lifelong

> >> use of dairy:

> >>

> >> SIDs, Type 1 diabetes, leukemia, arthritis, etc.

> >>

> >> Milk does not belong in 1st grade any more than caffeine or cocaine!

> >>

> >> I know of a woman who ran a dairy free preschool.. none of the usual runny

> >> noses etc.

> >>

> >> Just through parent education (to exclude dairy) & herd immunity.

> >>

> >>

> >> Jack Norris [jacknorris]

> >> Tuesday, April 23, 2002 4:15 PM

> >>

> >> Re: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children

> >>

> >>

> >> Because one (or many) people have serious allergies to milk doesn't mean

> >> that feeding kids milk, in general, is abuse. The same could be said about

> >> soy foods, nuts, citrus fruits, and many other foods.

> >>

> >> Would we want a campaign saying that feeding kids, in general, wheat,

> >> barley, and rye is child abuse based on the fact that a few kids have

> > celiac

> >> disease and get violently ill when eating such products?

> >>

> >> Jack

> >>

> >>> " Jay Gleason " <jay.gleason

> >>> Tue, 23 Apr 2002 16:05:51 -0700

> >>>

> >>> RE: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children

> >>>

> >>> If inflicting life threatening/or ending asthma (suffocation), allergies

> >>> insistent burning red eyes (torture) bedwetting, ear infections, runny

> >>> noses,

> >>> and the myriad of other problems (cancers) caused by a compromised immune

> >>> system..

> >>> all caused by milk is not crime.

> >>>

> >>> What is..

> >>>

> >>> I suffered and several times almost died from this chronic

> >>> torture for thirty years as a child and adult.

> >>>

> >>> Ignorance is no excuse.. Stop this violence now..

> >>>

> >>> The churches etc. should be the first to step out!

> >>>

> >>> When stopping milk ends the torture of a child:

> >>>

> >>> There is no question who the criminal is/was!

> >>>

> >>> Good PR, complicity and denial by the milk industry does not make them

> > any

> >>> less criminals

> >>>

> >>> than any rapist.

> >>>

> >>> If you do not think so fill your lungs with fluid so you cannot breath

> > for

> >>> weeks

> >>>

> >>> time and again. .. enjoy

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> Cyndi Norman [cyndi]

> >>> Tuesday, April 23, 2002 3:12 PM

> >>> plcohon

> >>> Cc: ; cyndi

> >>> Re: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> " Mr. Pete " <plcohon

> >>> Tue, 23 Apr 2002 14:48:30 -0700

> >>>

> >>> All the news about child abuse in the Church has started me thinking; (a

> >>> dangerous turn of affairs). While the world examines child abuse by

> >>> priests, which affects relatively few children, it ignores a greater

> >>> daily threat to millions of kids world-wide. Of course, I'm talking

> >>> about the child abuse inherent in feeding kids a meat-centered,

> >>> fast-food diet.

> >>>

> >>> Please tell me this is an ill-thought-out, off-the-cuff idea that you

> >> never

> >>> really gave any serious consideration to. That is the only explanation

> >>> that will make me not lose my lunch.

> >>>

> >>> You can not compare rape to eating meat. You just can't. You might be

> >>> able to make a case for the suffering of the animals being on the same

> >>> level but that's not what you're doing. You're trying to say that a

> > human

> >>> being eating meat is suffering just as badly as a human being who is

> >>> beaten, tortured, raped, violated, and spiritually destroyed.

> >>>

> >>> If you still think these are equivelent then don't bother responding.

> > You

> >>> aren't someone I want contact with. Ever. You haven't a clue what

> > you're

> >>> talking about.

> >>>

> >>> This is too upseting...I'm stopping my post here.

> >>>

> >>> Cyndi

> >>>

> >>> --

> >>>

> >>

> > __________________________

> >>> ___

> >>> " There's nothing wrong with me. Maybe there's Cyndi

> >>> Norman

> >>> something wrong with the universe. " (ST:TNG)

> >>> cyndi

> >>>

> >>> http://www.tikvah.com/

> >>> _________________ Owner of the Immune Website & Lists

> >>> http://www.immuneweb.org/

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> *Tell your friends to Be-A-Veg with SFBAVeg! To , send an

> > e-mail

> >>> to: -

> >>> *To share a message with the group:

> >>> *Manage your SFBAVeg list subscription:

> >>> -Switch to no-mail: -nomail

> >>> -Switch to daily digest: -digest

> >>> -Switch to individual messages: -normal

> >>> -Leave the group: -

> >>> *If you have questions about the list, please contact Tammy & Chris, list

> >>> admins, at -owner

> >>> *

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

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Guest guest

>My main point is that if we are going to go after dairy >as 'child abuse' we

>will need some pretty good evidence that it is really >harming children more

>than your average food.


I know now that dairy has an adverse effect in the diet, whether it is due to a

direct allergic reaction or the obvious chronic maladies.

But the population at large will only respond favorably to tried and true

scientific evidence. Statement echoed in/from a crowd are as a clanging symbol,

irritating only, and causing one to cover their ears.

I say, Show me the science. Even better, show them.





" Jack Norris " <jacknorris


Tue Apr 23 17:46:11 PDT 2002

Re: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children




>> I do not have an allergy to milk!


>Sorry. I should have read your post more carefully. While you did mention

>allergies and what are traditionally thought of as allergy-related symptoms,

>you also included a host of other things that have little to do with



>> Milk by compromising my (and most peoples) immune system makes me allergic

>> to almost everything!


>In terms of appealing to public sympathy via calling dairy products 'child

>abuse,' the only point that seems to be unquestionable in your claims about

>dairy is that it causes people allergies. But so do other foods and we

>wouldn't agree to banning them or calling them child abuse on the basis that

>some people have bad reactions to them.


>There is also a fairly well-supported argument that high amounts of dairy

>increases prostate cancer and possibly ovarian cancer. But it may protect

>against colon cancer.


>My main point is that if we are going to go after dairy as 'child abuse' we

>will need some pretty good evidence that it is really harming children more

>than your average food.






>> Nice of you to think your collective mindlessness is an excuse.. one sick

>> very child is too many.


>> You have no idea how many children and adults are sick because of milk.. The

>> only way to find the acute problems asthma, bedwetting, ear infections, hay

>> fever, colic etc.is to go off of dairy absolutely for a week.


>> But this will not show the other effects caused by childhood and lifelong

>> use of dairy:


>> SIDs, Type 1 diabetes, leukemia, arthritis, etc.


>> Milk does not belong in 1st grade any more than caffeine or cocaine!


>> I know of a woman who ran a dairy free preschool.. none of the usual runny

>> noses etc.


>> Just through parent education (to exclude dairy) & herd immunity.



>> Jack Norris [jacknorris]

>> Tuesday, April 23, 2002 4:15 PM


>> Re: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children



>> Because one (or many) people have serious allergies to milk doesn't mean

>> that feeding kids milk, in general, is abuse. The same could be said about

>> soy foods, nuts, citrus fruits, and many other foods.


>> Would we want a campaign saying that feeding kids, in general, wheat,

>> barley, and rye is child abuse based on the fact that a few kids have celiac

>> disease and get violently ill when eating such products?


>> Jack


>>> " Jay Gleason " <jay.gleason

>>> Tue, 23 Apr 2002 16:05:51 -0700


>>> RE: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children


>>> If inflicting life threatening/or ending asthma (suffocation), allergies

>>> insistent burning red eyes (torture) bedwetting, ear infections, runny

>>> noses,

>>> and the myriad of other problems (cancers) caused by a compromised immune

>>> system..

>>> all caused by milk is not crime.


>>> What is..


>>> I suffered and several times almost died from this chronic

>>> torture for thirty years as a child and adult.


>>> Ignorance is no excuse.. Stop this violence now..


>>> The churches etc. should be the first to step out!


>>> When stopping milk ends the torture of a child:


>>> There is no question who the criminal is/was!


>>> Good PR, complicity and denial by the milk industry does not make them any

>>> less criminals


>>> than any rapist.


>>> If you do not think so fill your lungs with fluid so you cannot breath for

>>> weeks


>>> time and again. .. enjoy



>>> Cyndi Norman [cyndi]

>>> Tuesday, April 23, 2002 3:12 PM

>>> plcohon

>>> Cc: ; cyndi

>>> Re: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children



>>> " Mr. Pete " <plcohon

>>> Tue, 23 Apr 2002 14:48:30 -0700


>>> All the news about child abuse in the Church has started me thinking; (a

>>> dangerous turn of affairs). While the world examines child abuse by

>>> priests, which affects relatively few children, it ignores a greater

>>> daily threat to millions of kids world-wide. Of course, I'm talking

>>> about the child abuse inherent in feeding kids a meat-centered,

>>> fast-food diet.


>>> Please tell me this is an ill-thought-out, off-the-cuff idea that you

>> never

>>> really gave any serious consideration to. That is the only explanation

>>> that will make me not lose my lunch.


>>> You can not compare rape to eating meat. You just can't. You might be

>>> able to make a case for the suffering of the animals being on the same

>>> level but that's not what you're doing. You're trying to say that a human

>>> being eating meat is suffering just as badly as a human being who is

>>> beaten, tortured, raped, violated, and spiritually destroyed.


>>> If you still think these are equivelent then don't bother responding. You

>>> aren't someone I want contact with. Ever. You haven't a clue what you're

>>> talking about.


>>> This is too upseting...I'm stopping my post here.


>>> Cyndi


>>> --


>> __________________________

>>> ___

>>> " There's nothing wrong with me. Maybe there's Cyndi

>>> Norman

>>> something wrong with the universe. " (ST:TNG)

>>> cyndi


>>> http://www.tikvah.com/

>>> _________________ Owner of the Immune Website & Lists

>>> http://www.immuneweb.org/



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But the population at large will only respond favorably to tried and true

scientific evidence. Statement echoed in/from a crowd are as a clanging

symbol, irritating only, and causing one to cover their ears.


I say, Show me the science. Even better, show them.


PCRM (The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) has sponsored and

showcased numerous studies (scientific, documented, etc.) that prove meat,

eggs and dairy products - in large and small amounts - are harmful to

infants, toddlers and children.


They have access to hundreds of published medical studies, population

studies, etc. that show a strong link between animal products and poor

health in children. The problem is that the mainstream media and even many

alternative publications choose not to highlight these studies.


PCRM regularly sends out press releases and holds press-conferences when new

studies are released, yet they rarely garner the gaze of the almighty

" popular " eye.


The news applauds innovative medical breakthroughs in detection and

treatment, yet prevention is a quick side-note shuffled to the periphery -

if mentioned at all.


Pediatricians (I recently attended the American Academy of Pediatrics

conference in San Francisco) are inundated and wooed by pharmaceutical

companies who preach " management. " As immoral and selfish as it may be,

these companies make more profit and the doctors make more money if our

children remain ill.


Nutrition courses are rare and almost never required in medical school, so

to make matters worse most doctors know very little about the role of diet

in preventative medicine. So when I take my toddler to her pediatrician, I

am not surprised to find posters selling asthma drugs, diabetes drugs and

tubes or surgical procedures for reoccurring ear infections - and that her

doctor knows very little about how completely removing dairy from a child's

diet can alleviate the symptoms and often eliminate these very diseases and



One of the most predominate ailments affecting our children today is the

painful ear infection. It occurs in almost every dairy-consuming infant and

toddler in America. Strict vegetarian or vegan infants and children do not

get ear infections. It's very simple, they just don't. There are quite a

few published studies that describe in detail the role of dairy in promoting

fluid build up, inflammation, infection, etc.


The corporations who supply the antibiotics that fight ear infections spend

billions of dollars each year just to advertise their products. Their

profit is undeniably linked to the suffering of our children.


The number one way to prevent ear infections is to raise infants on human

breast milk and to avoid all dairy products. Most incongruous, many

pediatricians prescribe antibiotics for ear infections while their office

walls are adorned with posters sponsored by the National Fluid Milk

Processor Promotion Board.


I don't believe parents are " abusing " their children by preparing and

purchasing unhealthy foods (foods high in saturated fat, cholesterol, devoid

of fiber, high in sugar, highly processed, etc.) - but just as doctors used

to appear in advertisements promoting cigarettes, animal products have been

improperly promoted and grossly misrepresented in popular culture as well as

in the doctor's office.


For access to scientific studies documenting the ill effects of animal

products in relation to infants, children as well as adults, check out:










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I say science ..smiance

People are tired of he says she says..

Some will listen to your science

Most will listen to their MDs who will listen to someone else's science..


Suggest people try something for a short time if you know it have a high


of making them or their child feel a lot better quickly.


If they do and it does you have a convert.. and personal creditability.


If you make yourself an example of perfect health many will listen to you..

because they will want to be like you. ( You must be doing something

right? )


If you look average or worse you will have much less of a chance.


But most will listen to their MDs & get whatever drug..is hot and being


Diet will never be mentioned.. or incorrect information will be given.

MDs will continue to have diets (and exercise habits) as bad or worse than



The worst diet with proper exercise is usually better than the best diet



It might be noted 12 years ago (before the Zone fad) most of the outstanding


triathletes were vegan or near vegan.



simone spearman [pohevol]

Wednesday, April 24, 2002 4:24 PM


RE: [sFBAVeg] The other threat to children



But the population at large will only respond favorably to tried and true

scientific evidence. Statement echoed in/from a crowd are as a clanging

symbol, irritating only, and causing one to cover their ears.


I say, Show me the science. Even better, show them.

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