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Spend 5 to 10 minutes from your armchair to make a difference for animals!

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Dear Friends,


I'm forwarding the note below from Colleen Patrick, founder & president of

the Oakland chapter of the Unitarian Universalists for the Ethical Treatment

of Animals. Colleen's summary makes it very easy for you to call your

representatives, and indicate which parts of the Farm Bill you would like

them to support or oppose. Working together, if votes on these amendments go

our way, we will see a significant reduction in animal suffering.


Please, it will only take between 5 and 10 minutes.


Best regards,




(PLEASE read this message if you are interested in spending 5 or 10 minutes

today calling some senators/representatives to urge them to support 4

amendments and oppose 1 amendment to the Farm Bill, which is currently in

conference committee. These amendments would have a HUGE impact on animals.

Whether or not you consider yourself an " animal advocate, " PLEASE consider

making a few calls. These amendments are no-brainers.)

**NOTE**: The conference is going on as you read this, so PLEASE call this

week! (And, yes! Pass On This Email! If we flood D.C. with calls, we can

really make a HUGE difference for these animals who are suffering



The U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives have each passed their

own version of the Farm Bill (S.1731 and H.R. 2646). Now, conferees from the

Senate and House Agriculture Committees are meeting to iron out differences

between the two bills before presenting it to the President for his

signature. Those who profit from animal exploitation are working hard to

ensure that the animal protection amendments are weakened or removed, and

that any amendments harming animals remain intact. It is vital that the

animal protection community speak out on the following amendments.

Please contact the Senators and Representatives below (as many as you can)

to express your views about the following amendments. See below for a sample

script you can use:

-SUPPORT the Animal Fighting amendments to the Farm Bill. Language has been

attached to the farm bill that would ban interstate shipment of birds raised

for cockfighting, ban foreign export of animals raised for fighting

purposes, and increase the penalties for those convicted of violating

federal animal fighting laws.

-SUPPORT the Puppy Protection amendment to the Farm Bill. This legislation

strengthens the regulation of " Puppy Mills, " dog-breeding facilities

notorious for their inhumane conditions, relentless over-breeding, and lack

of socialization of dogs.

-SUPPORT the Bear Protection Act amendment to the Farm Bill that bans

interstate shipment of bear parts such as gall bladders and other viscera

(internal organs). There is a growing trade in bear viscera that has led to

an increase in poaching, threatening bear populations.

-SUPPORT the Downed Animal provision to the Farm Bill that mandates humane

euthanasia of animals too weak from sickness or injury to stand or walk at

stockyards, auctions, and other intermediate livestock markets.

-OPPOSE the amendment introduced by Sen. Jesse Helms (R-NC) to bar the USDA

from including mice, rats, and birds under the Animal Welfare Act, reversing

a recent federal court settlement compelling the agency to begin the

rulemaking process regarding their inclusion under the umbrella of AWA

protections. Birds, rats, and mice comprise 95% of all animals used in



1) Please, IMMEDIATELY call the following Senators and Representatives on

the Farm Bill Conference Committee to express your views. (See above for a

" script " you can follow):

Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN) 202-224-2035

Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) 202-224-2035

Rep. Larry Combest (R-TX) 202-225-2171

Rep. Charles Stenholm (D-TX) 202-225-0317

2) If you are able to make additional calls, the following legislators are

also on the Farm Bill conference committee which will decide these issues.

Sen. Tom Daschle (D-SD) 202-224-2321

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) 202-224-4242

Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND) 202-224-2043

Sen. Jesse Helms (R-NC) 202-224-6342

Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS) 202-224-5054

Rep. John A. Boehner (R-OH) 202-225-6205

Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) 202-225-5431

Rep. Richard Pombo (R-CA) 202-225-1947

Rep. Terry Everett (R-AL) 202-225-2901

Rep. Frank Lucas (R-OK) 202-225-5565

Rep. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) 202-225-6531

Rep. Jerry Moran (R-KS) 202-225-2715

Rep. Gary Condit (D-CA) 202-225-6131

Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN) 202-225-2165

Rep. Calvin Dooley (D-CA) 202-225-3341

Rep. Eva M. Clayton (D-NC) 202-225-3101

Rep. Tim Holden (D-PA) 202-225-5546

SAMPLE SCRIPT: " Hi I'm calling Senator _____/Representative ______ to

express my views about some amendments to the Farm Bill. Although I am not a

constituent of his/hers, this is an urgent situation since it is currently

in conference. PLEASE URGE Senator_____/Representative ______ to.... " (and

fill in the following lines in bold. For instance " Please urge Senator Lugar

to support the Animal Fighting amendments, to support the puppy protection

amendment, to .... "

The staffer that takes the call will most likely ask you your name and

state, and that's it. It takes about 1 minute per call! And remember, it's

Eastern Standard Time.

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