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--- SHARK <news wrote:

> Fri, 17 May 2002 07:26:02 -0700 (PDT)

> SHARK <news

> SHARK <news

> [sharkonline] Media heroes and villains


> Dear Friends,


> When it comes to animal protection, the media can be

> a nonhuman's best

> friend, or its worst betrayer. Today I bring you

> the stories of two very

> different media entities. One, the Chicago

> Sun-Times newspaper, demonstrates

> a rare and refreshing degree of ethics and

> responsibility. The other, CBS

> News, demonstrates a shocking degree of arrogance

> and complete disregard for

> facts, and the worst violation of journalistic

> ethics I have ever witnessed.


> First, here is the good news. On May 12, 2002, the

> Chicago Sun-Times

> included a picture of a small child falling off a

> sheep at a rodeo. The

> caption of the picture read as follows:


> " OOOPS! Five-year-old Anthony Grego of

> Independence, Mo., falls as he comes

> out of the gate in the mutton bustin' competition at

> the Children's Rodeo in

> South Kansas City, Mo. Children from Kansas City

> rare schools competed in

> the kids events, which kicks off this weekend's Twin

> City Rider's Rodeo. "


> Obviously, this is not the good news part. In fact,

> this was a terribly

> fluffy representation of what is in fact cruelty to

> animals and a danger to

> children. Ironically, Sun-Times columnist Richard

> Roeper wrote a column

> decrying " mutton busting " only about a year ago,

> based on the child

> endangerment.


> SHARK volunteer Karen Rappaport saw the May 12

> picture and caption, and was

> incensed. Karen wrote to the Sun-Times and set them

> straight. She also

> contacted Mr. Roeper, who likely took some

> additional action. Here is the

> good news part -- the Sun-Times' response

> demonstrated journalistic

> integrity, and a desire to do the right thing!


> The Sun-Times reprinted the picture of the boy

> falling off the sheep, with

> the following caption:


> " Anthony Grego, 5, of Independence, Mo., falls out

> of the gate in a mutton

> bustin' competition in South Kansas City last week.

> Luckily, these

> competitions are discouraged at rodeos in Illinois. "


> Beneath the caption is Karen Rappaport's letter,

> decrying the cruelty and

> danger of mutton busting. What an incredible

> turnaround! The Sun-Times was

> willing to take another look at the issue, and then

> took appropriate action.


> You can thank the Sun-Times for its responsible

> behavior at

> letters.



> Now, we must look at the opposite of journalistic

> integrity - Dan Rather, CBS

> News, and its president, Andrew Heyward. December

> 28, 2001, the CBS News

> program 48 Hours and its host Rathers did an

> absolutely one-sided fluff piece

> on rodeos. For an entire hour, rodeos were

> glamorized across North America,

> and the animal abuse and corruption of the Rodeo

> Mafia was completely ignored.


> This was not a case of an ignorant CBS News team.

> On the contrary, SHARK and

> other organizations supplied CBS News with reams of

> documentation, including

> graphic video footage. The network also received

> information from

> veterinarian and former rodeo rider Peggy Larson.

> CBS News interviewed me at

> my home. Before, during and after the interview, I

> made repeated attempts to

> persuade CBS News to attend rodeos undercover to see

> what really happens. I

> offered to take them to some rodeos undercover if

> needed, to point out what

> really goes on.


> In the end, CBS News went ahead with what it

> obviously intended to do all

> along, which was to simply glorify rodeos. I

> subsequently contacted CBS News

> president Andrew Heyward, in an attempt to obtain a

> public retraction and

> apology. Heyward's response was that the CBS people

> were " not convinced " by

> our documentation.


> Not convinced? The documentation included video of

> horrendous violence

> against rodeo animals, injured and maimed victims,

> and clear violations of

> rodeo's own supposed humane rules.


> Again I wrote to Mr. Heyward, this time asking for a

> meeting between he and

> his staff, and rodeo investigators from around the

> country, that we might

> review the evidence. I wanted Mr. Heyward to point

> out just what parts of

> our documentation left him " not convinced. "


> Incredibly, Mr. Heyward's assistant now says he

> considers the matter closed,

> and he will not comment on it further. How the

> president of CBS News could

> allow such a completely one-sided, false story to

> come out on his watch was

> tough enough to understand. His claim that the

> enormous amount of evidence

> we supplied was unconvincing left us shaking our

> heads in amazement.

> Heyward's attempt to now hide under his desk in

> order to escape

> responsibility is simply mind-boggling. What is

> this guy getting paid for?


> This is not the first time CBS News has produced a

> story glorifying animal

> abuse while completely disregarding the facts. In

> the late 1990s, the CBS

> News program 60 Minutes aired a fluff piece on

> bullfighting. As with the 48

> Hours segment glamorizing rodeos, the 60 Minutes

> fluff piece on bullfighting

> was also devoid of any integrity whatsoever.


> However, the utter nonsense of the 60 Minutes piece

> was a key ingredient that

> prompted SHARK to go to Mexico posing as journalists

> to film the horrible

> truth of bullfighting. We did the job that CBS News

> " journalists " obviously

> could not / would not. As many of you know, our

> footage uncovered the

> involvement of soft drink giant Pepsi Cola as a

> bullring sponsor. Our

> subsequent campaign led to first Pepsi, and then its

> competitor Coca-Cola to

> end their longstanding sponsorships of bullrings,

> along with a number of

> other companies.


> Now CBS News is on the hot seat, and it will stay

> there until it acts

> appropriately. SHARK will expose CBS on as wide a

> scale as possible, for as

> long as needed. Their initial rodeo story was

> indefensible. The reaction of

> the president of CBS News only made things worse,

> and now Heyward's intent to

> slink away from the truth demonstrates not only a

> lack of ethics, but also

> cowardice.


> I hope that all animal protectors will recognize CBS

> for what it is. CBS has

> destroyed its credibility, and it should not be

> treated with anything but

> disdain until such time as it sets things right.

> CBS News has betrayed not

> only nonhuman rodeo victims, but also the very

> concept of journalistic

> integrity, and that betrayal includes the very top

> of the CBS News chain of

> command.


> SHARK has never been one to shy away from a

> significant challenge, and CBS

> News will prove no exception. Feel free to let CBS

> News know what you think:


> Mr. Andrew Heyward, President

> CBS News

> 524 West 57th Street

> New York, NY 10019-2985

> Phone: 212-975-7825 (direct line)

> Fax: 212-975-1893


> You can E-mail by logging on to:





> As always, and especially now, please let us know

> whatever CBS News has to

> say. Until it does the right thing, anything CBS

> News says can and will be

> used against it.


> Kindest regards,


> Steve Hindi







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